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Welcome to GFFT
------- -- ----
This is the general readme file, which contains background
information about the GFFT program and directions to the other
documentation files included with GFFT.
Before running GFFT on your Amiga system, read the file named
INSTALLATION. If you experience problems while running GFFT, see
the file named Bugs. If you would like to read about how to use
GFFT, you can read the file named GFFT.HELP, which is also used by
GFFT to display help messages. After installing GFFT according to
the instructions, you can get help while running GFFT either from
the Workbench or from the CLI.
If you want further information about the GNU General Public
License which applies to GFFT and the specific rights it gives you
to modify and distribute GFFT, or the no-warranty disclaimer which
applies to it, refer to the file named COPYING.
Though GFFT is copyrighted under a General Public License and
the author respects and agrees with the ideas of the Free Software
Foundation, GFFT is not currently part of project GNU. So please
direct any inquiries about the program itself to the author, and
not the Free Software Foundation.
The most important files in this archive are provided with
icons so you can use them from the Workbench. Two files not
provided with icons are the the Product-Info and History files.
1. What is GFFT?
2. Who wrote GFFT?
3. Where do I report bugs or make suggestions?
4. How can I support the development of GFFT?
5. How can I contribute code, beta-testing, and/or usage stories?
6. What is the 'Share the Wealth' program?
7. What if I want a specific enhancement now?
8. What is a 'Contingent Donation'?
9. What are my rights to use, modify, and distribute GFFT?
10. The trademark and copyright statement
1. What is GFFT?
GFFT is an FFT-based spectrum analysis program with many
features. By operating from stored sample data files, it offers
higher resolution and/or accuracy than real-time analyzers. It
accepts 8, 12, or 16-bit data in in IFF 8SVX, AIFF, and AVR
formats, or in unformatted files, and can accept data points
entered through a console in floating point.
GFFT can be operated from either a Workbench GUI or from a CLI
in interactive or batch modes. It has built-in help facilities for
all operating modes with a 170+ Kb help file.
GFFT can produce high quality spectrum plots on screen,
plotter, or printer, or save to Postscript or TeX files, or output
spectral data in text form to a console or file. (GNUPLOT, a
separate program by other authors, is required for plotting
features. GFFT is designed to invoke and control GNUPLOT
automatically.) It can plot in 2D (Amplitude vs Frequency), or 3D
(Amplitude vs Frequency vs Time). It allows the selection of
logarithmic X and/or Y axes, the dB scaling of X, and arbitrary 3D
rotation. GFFT can show multiple spectra in the same plot, or
append spectral data bands from earlier sessions.
GFFT provides 8 selectable FFT window types, including
Blackman-Harris 92 dB. It can apply a special weighting for pink
noise testing. Smoothing, calibration, ranging, and quantization
are also available. There are no arbitrary limits to the number of
frequency bins or smoothing points, or to the length of data which
can be analyzed.
GFFT is intended to be fairly universal in nature.
Furthermore, since it is provided under a GNU General Public
License and distributed with source code, a user with an
understanding of programming can adapt it to more specialized
requirements. (I may also be able to help; see below.)
Note that I am neither a mathematician nor a numerical analyst,
and while I have attempted to use well proven techniques when they
are known to me, some aspects of GFFT have been developed in an
ad-hoc fashion. Thus, GFFT (and all the code provided with GFFT)
is not intended for use in applications such as engineering or
national defense or any application where inaccuracy could endanger
life or property. There is ABSOLUTELY NO WARRANTY, express or
implied, concerning the performance or accuracy of GFFT. The
general no-warranty disclaimer is given in the file named COPYING
which should be included with this distribution.
2. Who wrote GFFT?
GFFT was written by Charles P. Peterson. (This is the first
released version for which there were no other contributors.) The
sources of the ideas and algorithms in GFFT are too numerous to
mention here; some are mentioned in the code itself, some are in
the GFFT.HELP file and may be displayed using the help facilities
of GFFT.
3. Where do I report bugs or make suggestions?
Please report bugs, enhancement requests, etc., to me,
Charles P. Peterson, 4007 Enchanted Sun, San Antonio, Texas
78244-1254. My current e-mail address is:
Please include a description of how you use GFFT or would like
to use it.
If you cannot contact me at the above address(es), a more
recent address might be available in a later distribution available
through Fish, AMINET, etc.
If you would like information from me by mail concerning the
development status of GFFT, please use e-mail or include a SASE or
include sufficient funds to reimburse me for replying by mail.
4. How can I support the development of GFFT?
Please make a financial or material donation. Cash donations
in any amount are always acceptable, and will help to support the
development of this software.
You may also help by purchasing various services from me (as
permitted under the terms of the GNU General Public License and the
copyrights of software listed included):
Copy of latest GFFT 1.x 'Deluxe Distribution'* (with notes and
extras).......................................$15 ($20)
Copy of latest GFFT 1.x 'Expanded Deluxe Distribution'* (with
Gnuplot, POST, notes & more--see below)........$25 ($40)
Early subscription to Deluxe GFFT 2.0 distribution (includes
everything in 1.x Deluxe, plus more notes, samples, graphs,
etc., with projected release 1st quarter '95)...$30 ($40)
Early subscription to Expanded Deluxe GFFT 2.0 distribution
................................................$35 ($50)
Additional support and/or enhancements.............$15/hour.
See also below under 'Contingent Donations.'
(*These are described below. Please read on.)
Purchasing any of the above distributions or making an
equivalent donation will also entitle you for a limited amount (up
to one hour total) of support for up to one year from the date of
purchase by telephone, e-mail, or regular mail. (You will be
responsible for long distance charges and/or return postage if
applicable.) If you do not purchase a distribution or direct
support or make an equivalent donation, I may or may not answer
questions posed to me by e-mail (only).
Listed prices are minimum suggested donations for software
services payable in US dollars only, and are valid through December
31, 1994. These are to defray the costs and time of production and
shipping and to help support the further development of GFFT, and
NOT for any license to use or warranty, or support of products by
other authors. Prices in parentheses are for delivery outside of
US (where feasible and not taxed or prohibited by law).
Methods of payment (may) include (depending on local regulations)
cash (US currency only), check drawn on a US bank (sometimes
available outside US at major banks), or a (US or Canadian) postal
money order in US funds. Orders will be shipped within 6 weeks (or
earlier) of receipt (if applicable).
*The expanded deluxe distributions may include additional usage
notes and screen shots, at least one hardcopy example of a plot
made with GFFT, alternatively compiled versions (e.g., the IEEE
version which gives greater accuracy than the normal FFP version
for those without a floating point unit), addition