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Document ManageCDPics
ManageCDPics - © 1994 by Markus Hillenbrand
ManageCDPics (short: MCDP) is a program to create some kind of picture
database. You can easily have a look at pictures stored in several
databases. The program was written to be mainly used for compact disks.
1. Requirements
You need: - intuition.library v37
- gadtools.library v37
- graphics.library v37
- dos.library v37
- exec.library v37
- utility.library v37
- icon.library v37
- datatypes.library v39 (only for the slideshow)
You should also have enough datatypes installed on your system, if you
want to use the slideshow.
2. Configuration
The program can be configured by editing the tooltypes of the program´s
icon. Currently the following tooltypes are supported:
JPG=... enter the name of the viewer for JPGs
GIF=... enter the name of the viewer for GIFs
OTHER=... enter the name for any other format
These tooltypes can be overridden by ENV: variabled:
MCDPics_G = the same as GIF in tooltypes
MCDPics_J = the same as JPG in tooltypes
MCDPics_O = the same as OTHER in tooltypes
This is useful for users who start it from a write protected disk
(i.e. a compact disk).
The tooltypes SM_xxx_xxx and SM_HIGHER can be edited, too. But it is
recommended to change them by using the program´s built in menu entry
'save prefs'.
The following tooltypes do only affect the slideshow part of the program:
IGNOREERRORS delete the brackets '(' and ')' if you do not
want the program to stop a slideshow when an
error occurs. An error can be low memory or
a deletet file, that cannot be loaded.
add bracket '(' and ')' if you want to stop
a slideshow when an error occurs.
DEBUG if this is enabled (i.e. no brackets, see above)
the program will open a window where detailed
error messaged will be printed if an error occurs.
OWNSCREENMODES if this is enabled, the gadget 'define own screen-
modes' will be enabled by default.
3. The Program
If you start the program, you can see three listviews and several gadgets.
In the left listview you can select the database you want to have a look
at. The middle one represents the categories in this database. Third there
are the entries in these categories: the pictures.
The text gadget in the middle of the window is used to show some text
related to the picture which is active.
Underneath the first listview there is a string gadgets that contains the
calls of the external viewers for the pictures. The contents of this gadgets
depends on the suffix of the picture: if the suffix is '.gif' the call
defined via the tooltype GIF=... will be shown, if the suffix is '.JPG' the
call for JPGs will be inserted, otherwise there will appear the entry for
OTHERS=... You can change the entries everytime; but don´t forget the '%s':
it will be replaced by the name of the picture. Any change of the entry will
remain until you end the program. You can save your entries by using the menu
'save prefs'.
Next there is a cycle gadget. You can specify 'CD', 'Category' and 'Picture'.
If you select category, all pictures that follow the active one in the third
listview (including the actual) will be affected by your further actions.
If you select CD the whole database will be affected, if you select picture,
only the actual picture is beeing affected.
The last gadget is a button. If you click here the picture(s) will be shown
using the external viewer(s).
4. The Menus
The are two menus attached to the window. The 'Program' and the 'Special' menu.
In the 'Program' menu you can save the prefs, see an about requester or quit
the program.
The 'Special' menu lets you enter the slideshow part of the program.
5. The Slideshow
A new window pops up containing several gadgets:
Define Own Screenmodes: If active, the program forces the pictures
into a specified screenmode (see below).
This is especially useful for graphic cards.
If you check this gadget, you can specify
your screenmodes in the list above.
Every picture with a resolution smaller or
equal the dimensions printed in front of the
text gadgets will be forced to use a screen
with the new screenmode.
Loop: If this is active, the program won't stop if
the end of the category or database is reached,
it will start from the beginning.
Time Delay: 0 = wait for mousebutton to show next picture
3-300 = wait n seconds until showing next picture
Start Sildeshow: well, it's obvious!
Once you've started the slide show you can stop it
by pressing the button in the window that appears
or by sending a CTRL_C to the program's task.
This slideshow will use the datatypes.library for
decoding pictures. You will have to install the
right classes for the pictures you want to slide.
6. The Database Format
- All data files must be located in a subdirectory called 'CDS'.
- First you have to give the root of your path:
Note: Before CD0: you must enter a TAB, no space.
- Then you define the categories:
Note: Before xx you must enter a TAB, no space.
- Then you must define the directory names belonging to every category:
Note: Before xx-dir you must enter a TAB, no space.
- Now you define the pictures for every category:
Note: Before pic.. you must enter a TAB, no space.
You need not enter END here.
Just have a look at the files in CDS, and you will understand how it
7. The Script MakeNewDataBase
This tool allows you to easily create a new database for the program.
You can scan directories which must be organized this way:
- All pictures must be placed in subdirectories.
- only one depth of subdirs is allowed, a subdir of a subdir
won´t cause trouble, but no pics will be recognized.
- All files must be pictures, other files are added too.
Anyway you can try out the script; it will create something useful, or
you may throw it away and create your database by hand.
CAUTION: If the script doesn´t work, please have a look at the protection
bits of the file 'script.2'; there must appear an 's'. If there
is no 's', just type in your shell: 'protect script.2 s add',
and everything should work fine.
8. The Program DTShow
This program uses datatypes.library to view pictures. You'll need OS3.0
and the monitor drivers 'SUPER72' and 'EURO72' and 'MULTISCAN' installed.
Special Feature: Small pics will be shown in the middle of a screen!!!
9. The Author
Here is my address (bug-report, suggestions or something like that, and the
Markus Hillenbrand
Weserstraße 9
36124 Eichenzell-Löschenrod
Tel.: 06659/3176 or 0631/99698
e-mail: m_hillen@informatik.uni-kl.de
10. Copyright
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