#define MSG_ERROR_UNPATCH_STR "Warning: another application is still executing\nthe \"%s\" system function. I won't be able\nto fully quit until that application exits, but\nI won't bother you with any more requesters."
#define MSG_ERROR_NO_DISKFONT_STR "Error opening diskfont.library!\n\nFile and font requesters will be\nunavailable until diskfont.library\nis installed."
#define MSG_ERROR_NO_ASL_STR "Error opening asl.library!\n\nFile and font requesters will be\nunavailable until asl.library is\ninstalled."
#define MSG_CLI_USAGE_STR "%s. Monitors DOS and System activity.\nUsage: %s [SETTINGS=filename] [LANGUAGE=filename] [HELP] commands ...\n"
#define MSG_CLI_HELPBANNER_STR "SnoopDos understands the following commands. Those marked * need a parameter.\nMost other commands can be prefixed by the word NO to reverse their effect.\nFor additional AmigaGuide help on any command, type SNOOPDOS HELP <cmdname>.\n\n"
#define MSG_ERROR_AGUIDE_CANT_OPEN_STR "Can't open help file %s. If you\nwant online help to be available, copy that\nfile to the directory HELP:ENGLISH."
#define MSG_COMMODITY_DESC_STR "AmigaDOS and System monitor"
#define MSG_INVALID_HOTKEY_STR "invalid"
#define MSG_APPMENU_NAME_STR "Show SnoopDos"
#define MSG_ABOUT_SNOOPDOS_STR "%s\n\nAuthor: Eddy Carroll (ecarroll@maths.tcd.ie)\n\nARexx port name: %s\n\nThis release of SnoopDos may be freely distributed.\nIt may not be commercially distributed without the\nexplicit permission of the author. See the docs for\nmore details.\n\nFull source code is available from any Aminet site\nas /pub/aminet/util/moni/snoopdos30_src.lha."