CD-ROM Aktief 1995 #6
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UUXFER ver 2.0 Documentation
UUXFER ver 2.0 copyright (C) 1990 by David M. Read
UUXFER is shareware!! Please read the registration information at
the end of this file!
UUXFER allows you to encode and decode files for mailing via
electronic mail. During the ENcoding process, binary files
are transformed into (larger) plain-text ASCII text files so
that the network's mail programs can handle them. During the
DEcoding process, the files are converted back into binary
For most cases, you can just use UUXFER's default settings,
which will encode or decode any size file with the standard
format. Some mail systems, however, cannot handle files
larger than some maximum size (usually around 32 kilobytes).
For the case of posting especially large files, you can change
UUXFER's settings to accomodate this.
If you select option 'A' (Split) then UUXFER will split the output
data into sections no larger than the size indicated by option 'S'.
The actualy file size will be a little larger because of some extra
data written to the file. Further, each output file will have
"---cut here---" lines added before and after the data in order
to facilitate posting to the net.
There are other options available from the menu. If you choose
the "Merge" option ('M'), UUXFER will search for all files which
have sequenced extensions with the same filename...that is to say,
if you have 3 files that belong together, named FILE.1 FILE.2 and
FILE.3, and you choose the "Merge..." option, UUXFER will decode
each one, appending the data to the output file as it goes. The
numbers must be in the correct order for UUXFER to assemble them
properly! Additionally, UUXFER will attempt to skip over all
headers and trailers, but will inform you if it is not able
to distiguish normal text from UUENCODED data, in which case
you will have to trim this text out yourself. It is possible (though
unlikely) that some normal text might fool UUXFER into thinking that
it has encountered uuencoded data...if you encounter such cases, please
notify the author at readdm@dopey.cc.utexas.edu, and include a sample
of the text which caused the problem.
You may change the number of 4-byte cells of output data with
option 'C' (Cells), although this is not recommended. Under normal
circumstances, the default setting of 15 will produce lines of
data which almost any mail system will be able to handle. Under no
circumstances should you raise this number above 19; in fact, UUXFER
will not allow you to do so. Again, changing this setting, as they
say in the army, is contra-indicated.
UUXFER also supports another common form of data encoding, namely
the XX-encode standard, which is used primarily to avoid problems
associated with transferring files between IBM mainframes and the
rest of the world. If you encounter an XX-encoded file you wish
to decode, no special steps are necessary; UUXFER will recognize
these files and decode them automatically. If you wish to ENcode
a file with the XX character set, you may select option 'X' from
the main menu to toggle the XX character set on & off.
Sometimes encoders use nonstandard character sets, for reasons I
don't understand. Usually they will place a 'table' line before
the data starts in order to provide other decoders with a list of
the characters used in the encoding process. Again, if you only
wish to DEcode files with these tables, no extra steps are needed.
If you wish to write one of these tables at the head of your data,
you may choose option 'T' from the menu. Alternatively, if you
wish to do something to confuse everybody, you may design your
own bizarre character set and place it in a file called TABLE.UUX,
and then select option 'R' (Ext. set) to have UUXFER read this table
and use it in the encoding process. Selecting this option will also
automatically activate the "Write table" option, but you may toggle
the latter option off if you desire (this is useful *only* if you wish
to write encoded data which no one in the world can decode without
lots of grief).
If UUXFER finds that a target file already exists, it will warn you
about the problem, unless you specify option 'O' (Overwrite), in which
case UUXFER will be silent. In the command-line mode (see below), UUXFER
will warn you and abort the process (again, specifying the -o option will
Finally, you can run UUXFER in a command-line mode, which is handy
if you wish to run it from batch files. All parameters are accessible
via command-line switches. Below is a list of command-line arguments,
which are as close to the menu-option choices as is practical.
The only option which differs from the menu-options is M, which in the
command-line mode turns on both the 'Split' and 'Merge' options globally.
Usage: uuxfer [params]
Params: -Efilename Encode <filename>
-Dfilename Decode <filename>
-M Sets UUXFER in "multiple" mode, where encoded output
are split, and input files to be decoded are merged.
-Sn Sets maximum file size for split-up output files to n
bytes. Default value: 32 KBytes/file (n = 32767)
-Cn Sets maximum number of 4-byte cells to n cells per
output line. Default value: 15 cells/line.
-I Displays registrastion information, ignoring all other
command-line parameters and exiting afterwards.
-X Select the XX character set.
-R Read an external character set from TABLE.UUX
-T Write a Table before the data.
-O Overwrite pre-existing files.
You may not specify an output file name; UUXFER will choose an
appropriate one for you. If in ENcoding mode, it will make
the output file name the same as the input filename, with the
extension changed to .UUE for single output files (.XXE if you
are XX-encoding the files, or sequential numbers for multiple files.
For the DEcoding process, UUXFER will use the output filename
specified in the encoded data as the default. For merging multiple
files, UUXFER will ignore any extension you specify and replace it
with sequential numbers. If you do not specify an action
(-e or -d parameters) then UUXFER will enter menu-driven mode,
with parameters set to whatever was specified on the command line.
Examples of command-line usage:
uuxfer -emyfile.exe
will cause UUXFER to encode file myfile.exe into the output
file myfile.uue
uuxfer -dmyfile.uue -o
decodes file myfile.uue into whatever the uuencoded data specifies
as the output file name, overwriting any pre-existing copies
of that file.
uuxfer -m -emyfile1.exe -dmyfile2
encodes myfile1.exe, splitting the file at the default maximum
file size (32767 bytes/file); decodes files myfile2.1 through
myfile2.x where x is the highest numbered extension.
uuxfer -c12 -s2000
sets cells-per-line to 12 and maximum file size to 2000 bytes/file
and then enters menu-driven mode
uuxfer -t -x -emyfile.exe
Encodes myfile.exe with the XX character set, using myfile.xxe as
the output file name. Writes a character table before the data
uuxfer -r -emyfile.exe
Encodes myfile.exe using the character set specified in TABLE.UUX.
The operation will abort if problems are encountered while reading
TABLE.UUX. UUXFER will also write a copy of this table before the
encoded data starts.
Compiling UUXFER
UUXFER should compile as presented with a simple 'cc uuxfer.c' command on
almost any system. There are some enhancements targeted at particular
environments, however. If you are compiling UUXFER under an ANSI compliant
C compiler, you should #define ANSI_C (see the initial screenful of code,
remove the comment identifiers where necessary). Under MS-DOS, you should
#define MS_DOS via similar procedure. A #define UNIX line is available for
the UNIX environment (actually, this one is needed because certain header
files must be included for proper compiling in UNIX boxes).
Three display options are supported; There is a TURBO_C mode which utilizes
certain standard library functions under TURBO-C. UUXFER supports the
System V 'Curses' library if you #define CURSES. Finally, UUXFER defaults
to the DUMB_IO mode, where everything is simple and stupid. This mode is
not visually appealing, but it should work on *any* compiler.
Note for lawyers: MS-DOS is a registered trademark of Microsoft, Inc.
`System V' and `Curses' are registered trademarks of AT&T, Inc.
REGISTRATION information
UUXFER v 2.0 is shareware, which means that you are free to distribute it
to anyone, as long as you distribute all associated files (namely uuxfer20.c
and uuxfer20.doc). Further, you are free to use UUXFER without payment
for a period of up to thirty (30) days, after which you must register it
if you are to continue using it.
Registered users will receive updates of UUXFER as they are written;
updates will be sent free of charge via electronic mail, or on diskette
(if available for user's computer) for a nominal fee.
To register your copy of UUXFER, simply fill out the form below (or
just write the requested information down on a piece of paper),
and send it with a check or money order for $10 (made payable to David
Read) to:
Blade Technologies
Attn: David Read
6101 Balcones Dr. Suite 300
Austin, TX 78731
Registration form for UUXFER ver. 2.0:
Your name:________________________________________
Your address:________________________________________
How did you obtain your copy of UUXFER v. 2.0?
[ ] From an anonymous ftp archive
[ ] From UseNet (NetNews)
[ ] From a bulletin board
[ ] From a friend
[ ] Other (please specify: __________________________________________)