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Command: Setup/Displays/0 TTL Mono < SD0 >
Purpose: Configure Patternland for a monochrome display
The Display number shown on Setup/View is changed to 0.
All colors are reset to the Black and White color set.
Graphics display modes are not available, however graphics
printing is still possible.
The program defaults to this display if no configuration
weaving is present.
Patternland is shipped configured for monochrome system.
See Also: Setup/Save
Command: Setup/Displays/1 16-Color CGA < SD1 >
Purpose: Configure Patternland for CGA color video
This configuration is for the original Color Graphics
Adapter (CGA) and unenhanced RGB digital color display.
Use EGA/Color for an EGA video card driving an unenhanced
See Also: Setup/Save
Command: Setup/Displays/2 8-Color CGA < SD2 >
Purpose: Configuration instructions for 8-color
A few early displays could only show eight colors. You must
choose Setup/Displays/1 and then adjust all colors to a
pleasing combination for your system.
Don't use colors 8-15 in your weavings.
See Also: Setup/Save
Command: Setup/Displays/3 Composite CGA < SD3 >
Purpose: Configure Patternland for a composite mono display
The Display number shown on Setup/View is changed to 3.
All colors are reset to the Black and White color set.
Some CGA cards have an RCA type plug for composite displays,
either monochrome or color. CGA Graphics display modes ARE
available with this configuration.
Use 16-color CGA with a Color composite display, since all
color CGA modes are available.
See Also: Setup/Save
Command: Setup/Displays/4 EGA-Color < SD4 >
Purpose: Configure an EGA card with unenhanced color display
With this equipment you can show 16 simultaneous colors in
the equivalent of lo-res and hi-res CGA graphics, by using
EGA low and medium res modes. However, you cannot adjust
the EGA palette or access the EGA hi-res mode.
The Display number shown on Setup/View is changed to 4.
All colors are reset to the default color set.
64K and 256K EGA cards yield the same result with the
unenhanced RGB display.
See Also: Setup/Save
Command: Setup/Displays/5 EGA-256K < SD5 >
Purpose: Configure a 256K EGA card with enhanced display
This is the full EGA configuration that allows hi-res
mode in 16 colors plus EGA palette adjustment.
The Display number shown on Setup/View is changed to 5.
All colors are reset to the default color set.
The EGA palette allows you to adjust any of the 16 colors to
EGA colors 0-63. Two EGA palettes are maintained--one for
menus and one for weavings. AVOID adjusting colors 16, 7,
and 15 since black, grey, and white are needed for some
features--like the palette adjuster itself--where the
weaving palette is used.
See Also: Setup/Save
Display/Modes/EGA/all options
Command: Setup/Displays/6 EGA-64K < SD6 >
Purpose: Configure a 64K EGA card with enhanced display
This is a limited EGA configuration that allows hi-res
mode in 16 colors but no EGA palette adjustment.
The Display number shown on Setup/View is changed to 6.
All colors are reset to the default color set.
The original IBM EGA card was shipped with 64K and can be
upgraded to 256K. All other EGA cards have 256K.
See Also: Setup/Save
Display/Modes/EGA/all options
Command: Setup/Displays/7 MCGA < SD7 >
Purpose: Configure an MCGA color or B&W system
MCGA allows adjusting the VGA palette of 262144 colors in a
low-res graphics mode and text mode.
A very hi-res monochrome mode is available.
If you have a monochrome MCGA system, you must choose
Setup/Colors/B&W Reset AFTER selecting this option. This
leaves the graphics modes available but changes program
colors to an appropriate B&W set.
EGA modes and VGA 16-color hi-res are not available.
The IBM Model 30 and Model 25 have MCGA-only systems. An
additional video card can upgrade those models to full VGA
The MCGA video is capable of 256 simultaneous colors,
however Patternland only allows 16 colors to maintain
compatibility between text and graphics modes.
See Also: Setup/Save
Display/Modes/VGA/Low and High
Command: Setup/Displays/8 VGA < SD8 >
Purpose: Configure a VGA color or B&W system
VGA supports all EGA and VGA modes plus the palette of
262144 colors available from the analog display.
The EGA palette adjuster is not available; the VGA palette
is presented instead.
When you change from EGA to VGA modes with this option, the
current EGA palette is converted to VGA values.
If you have a monochrome system, you must choose
Setup/Colors/B&W Reset AFTER selecting this option. This
leaves the graphics modes available but changes program
colors to an appropriate B&W set.
The IBM Model 30-286 and Model 50 and above have VGA
All PC systems can be upgraded to VGA with a new video card
and display.
The VGA video is capable of 256 simultaneous colors in low-
res, however Patternland only allows 16 colors to maintain
compatibility between text and graphics modes.
See Also: Setup/Save
Display/Modes/VGA/all options