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Command: Edit/Tieup/Edit < ETE >
Purpose: Scrollable grid-based tieup editor
This presents a full-screen tieup editor window similar to
the smaller one available through Edit/Weaving. The pattern
draft is NOT shown, nor are the Light Weave menus available.
With Double-Wide mode OFF, all treadles are visible; with
Double-Wide mode ON the window is as large as possible--
showing up to 39 treadles.
Likewise, with VGA/EGA 50-43-line mode, all harnesses are
visible; without it, 22-24 harnesses are visible--depending
on Options/Data/Numbering.
The vertical size of the window is determined dynamically
upon each entry to the editor, based on the number of
harnesses in use. The window always shows the maximum
number of treadles possible.
Each time you exit the tieup editor, Patternland asks if you
want all rows to be rewoven using the new tieups. In
general, you DO want this done.
Several circumstances may NOT require reweaving rows:
If you wish to redo Magic Tieup-Treadling for the current
pattern; in this case you want the pattern to determine
the treadling, not be altered by the current one.
If you plan to Tromp-as-Writ, it is not necessary to
reweave since the weaving will be recreated anyway.
See Also: Edit/Weft
Options/Data/Numbering Tieup-Warp
Help key during editing
Command: Edit/Tieup/Change < ETC >
Purpose: Change tieup harnesses numerically.
The numeric prompt allows you to enter all tieups as
numbers. You can select the tieup to change with the Up/Dn
arrow keys.
Each time you exit the tieup editor, Patternland asks if you
want all rows to be rewoven using the new tieups. In
general, you DO want this done.
See Also: Edit/Tieup/Edit
Command: Edit/Tieup/Harness Limit < ETH >
Purpose: Change the number of allowed harnesses.
If you wish to Edit/Tieup/Change, you cannot increase
harnesses from there. Use Harness Limit to change available
harnesses before Changing the tieups, or other numeric
Patternland will not let you reduce the harness limit below
a currently used harness. You must edit the warp or weft or
tieup to remove any used harness above the new limit you
You can increase harnesses up to 32.
The grid editors dynamically increase and decrease the
various limits.
See Also: Edit/New Weaving
Command: Edit/Tieup/Magic < ETM >
Purpose: Create a tieup and treadling for the weaving
Patternland attempts to find up to 64 one-treadle tieups to
weave the current harness combinations. If your pattern
requires more than 64 treadles, no treadles will be
assigned to discrete harness combinations beyond 64.
Current harness combinations will always remain unchanged.
Use Magic Tieup if you have already treadled your
weaving by specifying individual harnesses and you now
want to use tieups. You may choose to clear the current
tieups first or just let Patternland add more as needed.
Options/Loom/Weave uses harness combinations, so failure of
Magic Tieup to complete the job does not affect the ability
to weave the weaving.
See Also: Edit/Tieup/Tromp
Command: Edit/Tieup/Reverse < ETR >
Purpose: Reverse the tieup and reweave the weft and draft
By reversing the tieup, each treadle lifts the opposite
group of harnesses and weaving forground and background are
All harness combinations are therefore reversed along with
the tieup. Patternland cautions you before completing the
This process can be reversed again, restoring the original
Prudence would, however, have you save your weaving first.
This feature can provide the correct harness combinations
for a countermarch loom after the weaving is designed.
See Also: Edit/Tieup/Magic
Command: Edit/Tieup/Show < ETS >
Purpose: Display the current tieup as a numerical table.
All harnesses for each treadle tieup are listed numerically
as harness numbers.
The table also provides a lexicon for the single-digit
alphanumerics used for treadles 1-64 on weaving displays and
printouts and in the editor when double-wide mode is OFF.
E.G., treadle 10 is represented by "A", treadle 40 by "a",
treadle 64, by "y".
See Also: Edit/Tieup/Print
Command: Edit/Tieup/Print < ETP >
Purpose: Print the current tieup as a numerical table.
All harnesses for each treadle tieup are listed numerically
as harness numbers.
You will need to adjust your printer for condensed print in
order to fit more than 17 simultaneous harnesses on narrow
paper. If necessary, use Print/Setup/Printer to condense
print, or use wide paper with a wide carriage printer.
The table also provides a lexicon for the single-digit
alphanumerics used for treadles 1-64 on weaving displays
and printouts and in the editor when double-wide mode
is OFF. E.G., treadle 10 is represented by "A", treadle 40
by "a", treadle 64, by "y".
Continuous form paper is best.
See Also: Edit/Tieup/Show
Command: Edit/Tieup/Tromp-as-Writ < ETT >
Purpose: Create new weft using current tieup and threading.
Tromp-as-Writ warns you before copying the current
range of warp to create a new treadling and
harness combinations.
You can choose to copy warp colors and symbols along with
the threading.
With a one-color, one-symbol warp, you will not be able to
observe any pattern if you copy colors and symbols.
Tromp was a "mode" in previous Patternland versions. Now it
happens immediately rather than through New Warp.
See Also: Edit/Tieup/Show
Command: Edit/Tieup/New Tieup < ETN >
Purpose: Specify a new tieup for the weaving.
The current tieup is erased. The current harness limit is
maintained. The Grid toggle determines if grid or numerical
input is used.
After the tieup is created, you determine whether to
immediately reweave all rows.
This is like Edit/Tieup/Edit or Edit/Tieup/Change depending
on Grid toggle.
See Also: Edit/Tieup/Edit