Chaos Computer Club 1997 February
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105 lines
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elP1por I ~ el~c rol~tiClsc t~`c ak~ ~»OO~t
_ _ _ _ _─ ~0 ~ q \/o Its(~3d*eri)
1-How cen I get araund paying a $50
installation deposit?
2-How cen an extra line be installed?
3-Is it easy to get electrocuted if
you have a phone in the bethtub and it
falls in?
4-Credit card #'s of environment-destroy-
ing companies(oil, chemical).
You can on~y get a free extra line if
you know someone in your local exchange
who can pull ~t off. If you~re daring,
extend your neighbor's wires from where
they connect into his house. If you are
living in a college dorm or apt., a~k a
friend if you can use his/her line, &
run a 2-conductor wire to your conference
switch(issue no. 1). If you dontt hsve
any friends where you live, and you nead
an extra outgoing line, the Junction
box is a good access paint to other lines.
Usually, the lines all connect from out-
side to the individual rooms in this
box or mini-closet. The lines connect
via 4-condu~.tor cable, 2 conductors of
which are used. the remaining two are
cut off or wrapped around the cable in
the hox, and are present in the wall
box in your room. Connect your spare
pair to some strai~ht's line, and in
Your room connect to a conference
~─ O
switch. When he goes to sleep at 11
on the dot, you're free to call o',t
on his number. Don't leave the box
connected up that way all the time or
someone might spot it on a check.
We doubt a phone cen electrocute you
in a bathtub, but since they're not al-
~owea ro ~nstatt a movable phone in a
bathroom, take a tip and monnt your
phone somehow.
When some readers send us a few tested
numbers, we~ll print them. And if any-
cne knows how to get away without psying
the deposit, wTite us.
YIPL TIP- Go into a big pig hotel sometime if
you need a phone. They have them in lobbies for
calling within the bnilding. If they're in a bad
location, go up a few flights. They probably'll
have them in the hall near the elevator. Bring
a knife or scissors, and a shopp~ng bag.
Although there are some cool phone repairmen
around, many are to be feared. If you hsve a
repair or installation visit, don't leave dope'
nan-Bell phones, or subversive literature Just
lying araund, or he m~y report you~to his super-
vinor for ~uspicion. That may result in a bust,
through cooperation wich the local preeinet, or
a tsp on your line. This ian't paranoia, it's
fucking good sense.