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- $~ ,~6 R ~ D BO X
- W)~C
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- The largest units in the .ed box are the telephone earpiece and battery. Since
- the unit works on ~V and has no coils, lOV parts can be used. The }»sh b~ttons
- are high qual~ty units tbat won't bonnce on you and fire the bo~c twice. Grayhil1
- makes some good ones. Snap action are the best, but they make nolse when you
- hold the box up to the phone.
- Different earpieces or speaXers will produce different volumes. If a low im-
- pedance (8-320hrns) speaker is used, less volume and more battery drain will
- result. Increase the velue of the 10 mid. output capacitor with low 1mpedance
- speakers, and increcse 22K gain resistor if necessary.
- Remember, with a red box you are going to play [t for an operator who vrill
- easily recognise a faul~ tone pulse. So make your solder connectlons ffght &
- use good svritches. Cover the spaaker holes wlth a small patch of ~in fo~m
- to prevent gook from ~y~ng into the magnet.
- The red box consists of four sections, the oscillator, the f~p~]lop, ~e
- timer and the amplifier. To understand how these prodoce the necessary tones
- we'H take for example a dime sound. A dime is two pulses of2200 cycles, eech
- being 60 m;lleseconds long, wifh a 60 ms. space between then. When you press
- the 10╜ botton, the Oip-i~p starts turning on and off, on for 60 ms. and off for
- 60 ms., continnausly. This in turn shor~ out the oscillator, producing on and
- o~ pulses to be fed to the amplifier and speaker. How do we get only 2 beeps7
- Well, when you press the button, the t~mer starts. After 180 ms. it turns ofE
- the ~ip~flop, thus stopping the tones. Other sonnds are produced by changing
- the speed of the Di~flop and the delay of the timer. Also, the two RC pairs of
- 1M and . 047 pulse the timer and the shorting transistor, to start the timer and
- flip~Ilop at the same time . Current drain is approx. 7 ma, so don't worry
- about t~e battery. You wil1 hear some leakage after the tone sounds if you keep
- holding the button down, but this is alright if it's ~int or if you let go.
- First, ad~ust the 30K osc~ll~tor trimmer to produce a beep wLen a button
- is ~shed. Ihen, simply call a friend at a pay phone and ha~re him deposit money.
- I~ne the oscillator to the same pitch as the beeps you hear. If the oscill~tor is
- too high, raise the . 0033 cap to . 0047. If ~e range of t}ie trimmer is too small,
- add a 30K series resistor.
- Now, you should get one, two, and 5 beep~ for 5,10, and 25, If not, youtll
- need to adjust a bit. If you get only 4 beeps for 25, raise the 620K resistor.
- This may, however, change $he 5 and 10 beeps. l:he 680K resistor is the number
- of beeps for the dime, and the 120K is for the 5 button.
- The 150K resistor controls the speed of the ~lip-Eop for 25. If you get 5 beeps,
- but they're too slow compared to the phone your friend is at, you can speed
- them up by lowering it. This will give you more beeps, however, in the sarne
- period of time that used to give you 5 beeps. So then you should lower the 620K
- untI1 you get 5 beeps aguin, and then check for proper beeps on the other buttons.
- Al~.~ays adjust 25 £irst, ~en do 5 and 10
- 5; = 60 on
- 10~ 60 on, 60 o~, 60 on
- 25~ 35 on, 35 off(5 times)
- Go to a psy phone, dial your number direct(after depositing a dime)(or 20╜}
- and when the operator comes on she'll ask for more money, and possibly even
- return your dime. Now, very slowly and quietly put the red box up to the mouth-
- piece and press one button per coin, ~nd be sure to pause several seconds in
- between each ccin, just as if you were reaching for the money in your pocket
- and fumbling to put in the coins. If the operator gets suspicious lt could be for
- two reasons; first, you may be off tune or off sp~d. In that case tune lt. Sec-
- ond, the operator may be suspicious because in some areas a vlsual indicat-
- ion of insertion of coins is provided for the operator., So the ~perator rnay say
- something like ''I'm sorrv, str; but tbat didn't registern. Just mosey along to
- ar~other phone ~oth. Youell find the red bo~ is ~e safest box to use and easy
- and fun to use, too. Even the operator will thank you'
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- ~.~5!411l,1~
- . . about the enciosed 1973
- telephone credit card.
- To make certain no unauthorized
- person ;s using your card. the tele-
- phone operators who handle credit
- card calls may ask you a question or
- two whenever you place such a call
- They're the type ol question that
- can be answered easi~y and quickly
- by a person having a credit card, but
- shouid discourage an unauthorized
- user Irom trying to complete the calt.
- We hope you~ll understand tbat our
- operators will be doing lhis for your
- protection and ours
- As an added precaution we urge
- you to treat this card as you do your
- other credit cards.
- · Notify your Business Off;ce
- representative at once if it is lost or
- stolen.
- · Do not give the card or number
- to anyone else to use
- Thank you for your ccoperalion.
- (3) New Yo~l~lephone
- Since credit card owners are receiving
- these notices witb their new credit cards
- we can expect to play some games with
- the operators this year. Doolt sweat, the
- questions are only designed to scare you
- and make you han; up, thus giving it away.
- hongh you might get a few questions like
- the name of the company, cit,r or area
- code of the credit card number, you'l}
- ha~re no problem if you keep cool. Ihe
- operator knows at most the name of the
- city and area code ~ not the company's
- name. So have your number memori~ed,
- and if you need the code numbers for
- certain cities, get YIPL #8, and be sure
- to read our reprint on.making credit card
- calls. Also write in and tell us what kind
- of questions operators are aslär~g in your
- nart of the countrv.
- 1 2 ~g