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Graph menu
The REGULAR selection will graph the data with the labels you have
entered in the data entry area along the "X" axis. The type of
graph will depend on the selections you have made in the "styles"
area. Up to 12 variables may be chosen. You may plot some against
the left axis and some against the right axis.
-HORIZONTAL graphs put the labels on the "Y" axis and the
values along the "X". You can not have a right side axis for this
type of graph.
-"XY" graphs allow up to 12 pairs of variables to be used. You must
select your data a pair at a time. The first one chosen of each
pair will be the "X" value of the point and the second will be the
"Y". You may repeat the same selection between pairs so that you
can have several variables graphed against the same "X". There are
no XY bar graphs. You can not have a right side axis.
-Histogram. Allows for up to 12 variables although usually used with
just one. This graph type is like an XY in terms of look. The
variable chosen sets the limits for the "X" axix. The Y axis is
the count of values in each range. You establish the ranges by
telling the program how many bars which you wish to see. The
program then divides the X axis into that many ranges and counts
the number of points in each variable in that range. These totals
are then displayed as bar charts. You are limited to 100 bars on
screen. If you select 2 variables then you are asked if the
second variable is a count variable. This allows you to have
partially grouped data.
-HI LO graphs are stock market graphs. The first 3 variables chosen
will be displayed as a high low close type of graph. The remainder
of the 12 possible graphs will be shown as selected on the styles
section. You can use right side axis which allows you to graph
volume on the same graph as stock prices. You can have a hi low
graph with only 2 variables. In this case the data represents
simply a high and low but no close.
-PIE CHARTS. You may have up to 4 pies on the screen. Simply
specify the correct number of variables. A special case exists for
2 pie charts if you have selected "component pies" from the
features menu. In this case the second variable will be assumed to
be an explosion of the first pie segment.
-3D PIE CHARTS are the same as regular pie charts except for the 3D
-BUBBLE GRAPHS require 3 or more variables to be chosen.
The first specifies the "X" value of the point. The second
specifies the "Y" value of the point and the third specifies
the relative area of the bubble. If more than 3 variables are
chosen the remaining variables are used to create a pie chart
inside the bubble.
-OPPOSED BARS require 2 variables which must be positive. If
logs are on they are ignored. Opposed bars are good for comparing
similar data against one another. an example might be the
population of the U.S.A. by age group where one variable
represents males and another females. The key feature of
opposed bars is that there is no offset between the variables.
One peculiarity of the implementation comes up in rescaling.
The second variable is treated as being negative by the
program. Thus the minimum value is shown as a negative. This
is a requirement so ensure that you enter a negative for the
minimum, even though it will be printed as a positive.
-FLOATING BARS require 2 variables for each bar plotted. The
first represents the minimum of the floating bar and the second the
top. Like XY graphs you will continue to be prompted for input
until you fail to enter 2 variables.
This is not an XY graph however. The X-axis is scaled by the
labels just as for a regular graph.
-HORIZONTAL FLOATING BARS are the same as regular floating bars
except that the graph is done horizontally.
-POLAR PLOTS are a variation on XY graphs. Selection procedures are
the same. The difference is that the variables chosen give the
angle in radians and distance of the point rather than "X" and "Y"
-3D BAR/LINE allow for up to 40 points in each factor. The data is
displayed with a three dimensional aspect. The variables are
displayed behind one another with the first variable chosen being
the front variable. In some cases data points will not be seen
since the column will be entirely hidden. No right side scaling
may be used. Lines will be shown as ribbon graphs unless "filled"
has been chosen. In this case a 3D area graph is drawn. Point
graphs are ignored.
These procedures are particular graph types used for analysis.
-A STAR GRAPH produces a chart describing the physical values of
several variables at each of several points. There should be no
negative values. For each point a series of lines are drawn
starting at 3 O'clock and then working counter clock wise around
the point. The length of the lines represents how high the value
of the variable is for that point. The minimum value of the line
is set to 20 percent of the maximum.
-A SUN RAY GRAPH is similar in concept. In this case each line is
the same length but the line is cut at a value indicating relative
length. If the line is cut exactly in the middle then the point has
a value for that variable which is at the mean for all points.
-A BOX WHISKER GRAPH requires the selection of a variable and a
category variable. The box and whisker are then drawn for values
from the first variable where the categorical variable is at a
certain level. The box and whisker is a regular style graph. The
box has it's top value at the 3rd quartile point and its bottom at
the first quartile. The box is bisected by a line at the median.
Extending out from the box at top and bottom are the whiskers.
These reach out to the highest and lowest point in the data
variable for a given level of the categorical variable.
-The NOTCHED BOX WHISKER is the same except that there is an
additional piece of information given. There is a notch in the box
which covers a 95 percent confidence limit on the median. The depth
of the notch is proportional to the number of elements in the
variable with that value of the categorical variable.
-An INTERACTION GRAPH is used in 2 way Analysis of Variance.
Three variables must be chosen. The first contains observed
values. The second contains levels of the first factor in the
analysis and the third contains levels of the second factor. The
levels must start at 0 and be integer. If there are 16 or fewer
levels of the first factor then you will be asked to type in
labels for them. These will appear as the borrom axis labels. The
program will plot the means for each combination of factor
levels. The lines will be done for each factor level of the
second factor. If the resulting lines are parallel to one another
then there is no interaction. If they are not then there is some.
If confidence limits are turned on then the confidence bounds for
each mean are calculated.
-XYZ graphs are similar to XY graphs. The main difference is that
there are three coordinate axes, and you must pick the variables
in threes. Another change is the lack of a legend. No legend is
put on the right of the graph to allow for the extra width
taken by the three dimensional graph. For labelling you will
need to use the custom labelling feature. For XYZ graphs you may
select point, line and bar options. The bar option does not
actually produce bars in this situation. Instead, a
perpendicular is dropped to the XY plain. This gives a better
indicator of the height of the point.
-Z function plots are three dimensional graphs of a function of
the form Z=f(X,Y). You will be asked to specify the graphing
limits for X,Y and Z. You will then be asked to specify the
equation and then the number of steps to make in each of the X
and Y directions. The greater the number of steps, the finer
the graph but also the slower the graph. With 50 steps in each
direction there are 5000 calls to the parser and this can be a
slow process. After setting the parameters you will be asked
whether you want hidden lines or not. The default is for no
hidden lines (ie a wire frame). If hidden lines are chosen
there is one more option asked. You are asked if you want the graph
textured. If yes the graph will use the colors and pie settings for
pie chart fills to color the graph depending on the maximum height
in each quadrilateral.
You will be asked if you want thick or thin outlines for the
quadrilaterals. Use thin unless your intent is to print using
GDOS to a high res printer such as a laser. On a 640 by 480
screen the X axis is about 400 points wide. Since a wide line is
3 pixels wide a thick outline leaves little room for fills. On a
laser printed horizontally the X axis is about 5 times as wide in
pixels and the line is still only 3 pixels wide.
You will be asked to specify the break points for each color.
-The next option is a combination of the previous 2. The main use
for this option is to examine actual points from a regression
against the 3D regression surface provided by the computer.
-The Z Data plot assumes that all of the data in the editor
represents Z values for particular combinations of X and Y which
are uniformly spaced. It does not know what the minimum and
maximum X and Y values are. You will be asked to specify the
maximum and minimum for X,Y, and Z just as for a function plot.
You will not need to specify the number of steps since that
is determined by the amount of data available. As an example
consider a select mortality table as used by an insurance
company. There would be rates of mortality for each issue age
and for each of the first 15 durations since the policy was
issued. If we were to examine mortality rates for ages 15 to 75
and for durations 1 to 15 the data would be set up as follows.
There would be 15 columns in use. Each row in the column would
represent the mortality level at a given age for that
duration. There would be 61 rows to handle the various ages. The
number of steps would internally be set to 60 and 14 with this
For all of the XYZ graph types the "right side" title is used
to label the "Y" axis.
-Y function graphs are those of the form Y=f(X). the use is very
similar to Z function graphs. You can combine Y function graphs
with XY graphs.
-Histogram plus Y function graphs. This can be a most interesting
combination. It is generally used to examine fit of a distribution
to the data/
-Histogram plus Normal. Because the nomal distribution is the most
common it is set up as a special instance of the previous graph
-Q-Q Graphs. You simply pick the variables to graph from 1 to 12.
The graph uses an XY plot with the X axis being determined by the
normal quantiles of the ordered data. the graph type is used to
examine normality and to pick out points which are out of place.
-Text only Graphs. This simply produces a screen with titles
only. You may then use custom labels to ad points of interest.
used only for preparing transparencies for a presentation.
The settings menu allows you to define how the graph will look.
-The palette setting allows you to set the palette for the graph.
There are 16 colors possible with B/STAT. 8 are set on each of 2
pages. The settings for Red, Green and Blue are set in units from
0 to 1000. The right mouse button causes the values to decrease.
The left causes them to increase. The speed is graduated depending
on how long the mouse button is held.
-User Fill allows you to define up to 6 fill patterns for use
by the program. These may be saved and reloaded for the next use
of B/STAT. They are not compatible with fill files from DEGAS.
-Styles allows setting the line style fill pattern and point style.
It also allows you to turn on lines bars or points. All 3 can be
on for any given variable. The line style allows for regular lines
and step lines.
-Pie Style allows you to set colors and fill styles for pies as well
as whether a slice is exploded.
-Background allows for setting a background fill pattern over which
the graph is drawn. There are two types of fills. These are
gradient fills and regular fills.
There are two types of regular fill, Full and Partial.
For Full the entire graph area is filled in. For Partial only the
part of the graph between the axis lines is filled in. The
selection of fill style is the same as for pie or bar styles.
Gradient fills are more spectacular. In a gradient fill the
background color is blended smoothly between two colors which you
specify. For example you might grade between a yellow and an
aquamarine color, going through green on the way. This sort of
fill can be most spectacular in presentations. To see this type
of fill on screen requires a screen which can display 256 colors.
However one does not need this to use the feature. Meta files
support 256 colors even if done from a monochrome screen. B/STAT
also allows TIFF files and BMP files to be created with a
gradient fill even if the screen can only display 16 colors.
When you select a gradient fill you are asked to set the red,
green and blue levels for the start color and the end color.
These levels run from 0 to 1000. You will not be able to see the
colors on screen so you will have to use trial and error. As well
you must set a speed for the transition. One is a linear grade.
Values above 1 make the change happen faster. those below 1 do
the reverse. Values may be from .1 to 10.
Once the color gradation is chosen you must select the style of
gradient. There are three. linear which grades from the top to
the bottom is the most commonly used. Radial is a fill which
works in circles from a central point. Box is similar to radial
except that squares are used for the color changes. For both of
these two types you must then select the location where you want
the center of the fill to be. Thus you can have a center location
which is not at the center of the graph.
In order to create a TIFF or BMP file with a gradient fill and a
display capable of only 16 colors the following procedure must be
1. Select a full regular background fill. Ensure that it is a
solid fill in color 15.
2. Select a gradient fill in the style which you desire.
3. Produce the graph on screen. What you will get is a graph with
a regular background fill.
4. Save the graph as a TIFF file.
5. relax this is a slow process
The program in sending the file out to disk will convert each
pixel that is in color 15 into the color it would have been had
the screen been 256 colors. This is slow.
When doing this make sure that no graph elements other than the
background are in color 15.
-Axes allows turning scaling or axes on and off as well as selecting
the color to be used. Tic marks may be turned on or set to go in
or out.
-Titles allows you to enter the titles to be used on the graph.
-Title Fonts allows you to select the color and style of the titles
and scales used in the graph. There are settings for most possible
text uses.
-Title Boxes allow you to place filled boxes (regular or rounded)
behind the each of the titles. The titles will then take up more
room and the graph will be consequently smaller. These can be
quite effective for presentation purposes.
-Tic size allows the setting of major and minor tic lengths.
-Overlap allows you to select the percentage overlap on bar charts.
The default is -33 which gives white space of one third the width
of a bar.
-Boxed means that for regular and horizontal graphs a line will be
drawn to close in the graph.
-Rt side axis will allow a right side axis on regular graphs. This
is a three way toggle. The first setting is off. The next is for
regular right axis scaling. Variables may be graphed against the
scaling of the right axis which is independent of the left axis.
The last setting is for split screen graphs. This is similar to
regular right axis scaling in that some variables may be plotted
against this second axis. The difference is that in this case the
screen is split 2/3 1/3 with the second scale being a separate
graph drawn in the lower third of the screen. This approach is
often used for stock market graphs where volume of sales is shown
in the lower graph.
Both of these options are available only on high low graphs and
regular graphs.
-Stacked will give stacked bar graphs and area graphs for line
-Filled will cause the area between lines to be filled in. It can
not be combined with stacked. If you choose filled with a two
factor line graph then you will be asked if you want a difference
graph. If yes then only the difference between the lines is
filled in and the shading is based upon the factor which is
higher at that given time.
-Vals above will cause the value of the point to be displayed above
it for regular and horizontal graphs. For Pie charts the values
will be printed below the pie label.
-Legend is a three way toggle. At the first level no legend is
displayed. At the secoond level (default) a legend is shown on
the right hand side of the graph. At the third level a horizontal
legend is placed at the bottom of the graph.
-Log X causes the X axis to be on a LOG basis.
-Log Y does the same for the Y axis.
-Log Z does the same for the z axis
-Proportional Pie means that if more than 1 pie is shown on the
screen at once there relative sizes will be determined by the total
of the values in each pie. This is quite useful when comparing 4
years of sales data.
-Component Pie. When 2 variables are selected for a pie graph this
option causes the second variable to be taken as a subset of the
first pie sector. The values in the second variable are displayed
as a stacked bar set to the right of the pie.
-Pie Percent will cause the percentage each pie slice
represents to be printed in the pie slice. The percent is
rounded to the nearest whole percentage.
-VECTOR XY(Z) when selected lines on XY and XYZ plots will not
join points but rather will be vectors from the origin to the
point. The most common use for such graphs is in factor analysis
for displaying the relationship of the factors one to another.
Toggle 2
-High Low ends. when selected causes high low lines to have a
horizontal line drawn at each end. This is useful for error bars.
-Outlined Bars. This option creates a special type of bar chart
where an overarching bar at the height of the sum of the
components is drawn under the regular bars. This has the advantage
of displaying two types of information on the same graph.
-Error Bars
when selected XY graphs are to be done with error bars.
4 variables must be chosen; the regular 2 and then the high and
low points for the Y value.
If this option is chosen and either a regular or horizontal graph
is selected then the interpretation is slightly different. Two
variables are chosen for each graph element. The first is the
regular "Y" value. The second is the distance for the error bars
to extend. This can be the standard error or the 95% confidence.
For bar graphs the error bar will only be drawn in the upwards
-Bezier. There are 3 selections here which come up in turn. These
are no Bezier, Bezier and Sorted Bezier. When selected a Bezier
curve is drawn on XY plots using the data as control points. When
the data is not sorted the Bezier curve follows the data as it is
entered. When sorted it follows the data in ascending order of the
X variable.
-B Spline. Identical to Bezier except that a B spline is used rather
than a Bezier curve.
-95% Conf Lim. When selected XY and regular graphs will be
interpreted to calculate the 95% confidence limits and display them
as error bars. You will be asked for a categorical variable. This
variable will consist of a class identifier for each point. The
program will actually graph values for the classes rather than
individual points. The program will calculate the mean and the 95%
confidence limits. These are then graphed as error bars. You can
select either to calculate 95% confidence limits for individual
points or for the mean itself. You may also choose to have simply
the standard deviation without conversion to the 95% confidence
-Pyramid 3D. When chosen, 3D bars will be pyramids not columns.
-Top Tics. When selected regular graphs will have a top axis with
tics at the same places as the bottom axis.
-Tics at ends. Tics normally are placed in the middle of an
interval (on axes with labels). This option places the tics at
the ends of the intervals. In some cases with clustered bar
charts this approach makes it easier to tell which bars naturally
go together. There are actually three settings on this switch.
The third setting alters labelling with tics at end. It is used
when you want to combine points and label them together. For
example you may have monthly sales data but want to label it by
quarter while still showing the monthly data. You specify the
number of points in a period. You then specify the labels for
each period. There can be no more than 16 periods.
-Contour is a three way toggle. The default is that no contours
will be drawn. This function is only applicable to Z function and
Z data graphs. A contour plot gives the projections on the XY
plane of constant Z values. It is most familiar on topographical
maps where the lines show the areas of constant altitude.
You will be asked to specify the number of labels. This is done by
selecting from none, medium and high. The actual number of labels
will vary depending on the number of contour lines and their
If selected then you must give the values for which the contours
will be drawn. There are a maximum of 14 levels you may select.
The 2 other options are contours with the regularily selected graph over
the top and contours with the regular graph suppressed.
In the case where you are drawing a z function and showing it
along with the contours you will be asked if you wish to double
the resolution of the contour lines. If so then the number of
steps in each direction will be doubled in determining the
contours. They will remain as chosen for the graph itself.
-Kep scale. When chosen the previously used settings for maximum
and minimum etc will be used for the next graph. This saves work
if you are graphing a set of variables and do not want them to
have different ranges.
-Value table. If selected then below the graph will be drawn a
table showing the values in the data.
-Histogram fix. If selected, you will be asked for the mean and
standard deviation of the normal to fit to a histogram. If not set
the values are determined from the histogram.
-Label stack. If chosen then the X axis labels are offset into two
separate rows to allow for more labels.
-Equal Scales. If chosen then the spacing in millimeters for a
unit in the X direction will be the same as for a unit in the Y
direction on XY graphs and similarily for XYZ graphs. As a result
the graph will not take up the full graphing space. The
difference will be slight where the nominal scaling would be
close in any event. Where the range of values is significantly
different between the axes then it is unlikely that this option
should be used. It will likely be necessary to rescale the short
axis since the tics and label settings are not adjusted.
-Output Background. You can set the color for "color 0" which is
the basic screen color. This option allows you to output the
screen color to either a printer or a meta file. You can do the
same thing by setting a full background fill. By using this
option you can combine a background color with a partial
background fill.
-Inverted scale. This option works only on regular graphs and
only for variables scaled against the left Y axis. When selected
these variables have the scale reversed. The largest value is at
the bottom of the graph and the smallest at the top.
-Show Top grids. Sometimes it is desirable to not place a grid
line at the top value on the graph. This can be because of the
style of axes lines or just that it crowds the top titles.
-Redraw will redraw the graph if the reset graph option is off.
-Imterpolate When selected this option causes missing data to be
interpolated for line graphs only. It does not function if there
are not at least 4 real data points. It also is turned off
whenever 95% confidence limits are set or if stacked lines are
being drawn. The purpose is usually in scientific graphs where a
point style will be combined and the point style will be shown
only at real data points so that the interpolated nature of the
line graph is evident. The option toggles between 4 settings. The
first is no interpolation. Next is cubic spline interpolation,
then comes linear interpolation and lastly is geometric
These options turn on horizontal and vertical grids and the Z
There is also a "zero line" option to ensure that a line is drawn
at the zero point even if no grids are displayed.
STYLES allows setting the type of grid. The color may be set to
color 0 which is usefull only with background fills.
-Save Set. This option saves the settings in use for the graph. It
saves titles, fill settings, fonts etc.
-Load set. Same as above but to bring it back in.
While a graph is on screen labels may be added by double clicking
where you want them to appear. You will be required to select the
font and size for the label just as for titles. You have the
option of adding an arrow.
Simply click where you want it to point. These labels may be
dragged on the screen. To remove a floating label, double click on
the label. You are now asked "What to Change?". This can be either
font, text, or arrow. You can remove the label by selecting text
and erasing the existing text. A label with no text is simply
removed from the list of labels. If you choose arrow you can either
add an arrow if one does not exist or move the anchor point for
an existing arrow, or remove the arrow. You may also re-size the
graph. This is done by placing the mouse in the lower right corner
of the graph and then dragging the mouse. The graph can be reduced
to 1/4 its original size. You may also reposition the smaller
graph by holding down the mouse button while the mouse is inside
the axes.
For most graph types pressing the "F1" key causes a two fold
magnification about the mouse location. Pressing "F2" does the
reverse. Pressing "ESC" brings you back to the original settings.
"F1" and "F2" may be pressed more than once.
The menu bar displayed while a graph is on screen allows you to
save or print the graph. The "Save" menu items allow five forms
of saving the screen image. The first is as a DEGAS compatible un-
compressed image. The second is as a ".IMG" file which can be used
by desktop publishing programs.
With a color system you will be asked if you want a color IMG
file. Many desk top publishing programs can not handle a color file
so you can put out a monochrome version of the screen.
The IMG files produced by B/STAT are compatible with IMG files
on MSDOS machines. They can therefore be used with Wordperfect
version 5.0 on these machines. Note that IMG files are bit image
files. The quality of reproduction is not as good as using a GDOS
print to the same physical size area.
The third choice is a TIFF file. TIFF Files are a standard set up
by ALDUS corporation and Microsoft. B/STAT supports several
variants for color TIFF files. Note that the TIFF files produced
by B/STAT are uncompressed. This should not pose a space problem
as B/STAT files are not large in any event.
The fourth choice is as a BMP file. A BMP file is the standard
bit map format for Microsoft Windows 3.x. BMP files are
uncompressed. Color files are all outputted as 16 color images
even if fewer than 16 colors exist.
The fifth choice is as a metafile. Metafiles can be read by
programs such as Easy Draw and many desktop publishing programs
such as Pagestream, Calamus and the Timeworks Desktop Publisher
(TWDTP). To read the files into TWDTP you will need to select the
"GEM DRAW" option in TWDTP.
When printing you have three options. First you can print the
screen using the built in Atari screen dump utility or one which
you have loaded yourself. The second option is useful only for
9 pin Epson printers. This option uses the Epson plotter mode to
ensure properly scaled pictures.
A similar feature is available for EPSON LQ 24 pin printers.
The Hewlett Packard option does a screen dump to the HP laserjet
family in the same manner.
The third choice uses GDOS if you have it to plot to the printer.
The text on the graph will not usually look quite the same as on
the screen since many GDOS fonts are proportional and the default
screen fonts are not. Also some of the printer fonts are not quite
the same size as the screen fonts.
The remaining choices are to adjust GDOS printing. The GDOS
settings item allows you to decide on the width and height of the
graph on the paper. Various GDOS drivers as well as printers will
start graphs in different places. Thus setting the starting
position offset to be zero may not put the graph at exactly the
edge of the paper. Many Epson clones start graphics 1/4 of an inch
from the edge. You should therefore do a GDOS print of a graph
with the standard settings. Before doing the print turn on "GDOS
box". This will result in a box being drawn around the edges of
the graphing area. You can then use the resulting positions to
establish a vertical and horizontal offset for your particular
printer. The "GDOS Device" Selection allows you to set the device
ID that the program uses to that which you have set in your
ASSIGN.SYS file. Most users will never have to use this setting.
The default in B/STAT is device 21 which is the usual standard.
This choice is for those lucky individuals who have more than one
printer in use or who have a plotter which is supported by GDOS.
"GDOS Rotate" allows you to print the graph in landscape mode as
opposed to the normal portrait orientation.
The second last choice sets the number of copies for any printout.
The last option is selected only if your printer can use the HP
Laser option to specify the number of copies. This allows faster
printing of multiple copies since the printer stores the complete
page in memory and copies it.
The miscellaneous menu contains several unusual features. The
"Keep Labels" option when chosen (the default) ensures that the
custom labels will be kept when you return to the graph selection
screen. To get rid of them all, simply deselect the option.
Also on the miscellaneous menu is the selection for "Legend Box".
When this is selected the legend may be dragged around on the
graph until you release the button. If the option has already been
selected then reselecting it will result in returning to the
default setting. When selected you may further move the legend by
selecting "Move Legend".
"Values" causes the display of the value where the mouse is to be
continuously displayed in the lower left corner of the screen.
This option does not work for 3D graphs or pies, sun rays, star or
box whisker graphs.
Draw Menu
This selection moves you to the draw menu which is used for
drawing filled boxes, lines, circles, and ellipses