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│ File Menu Help Screen │
A)rea Change: Used to jump to a different forum. Forums usually
deal with a certain topic, and includes its own
message base.
D)ownload Files: This option allows transferring files from the BBS system
to your computer. If your ratio does not comply with the
system rules, you will be notified and returned to the
FILE menu. You can fix this by Uploading files, and/or
by leaving messages. To see what you have to do, use the
Y function to view your statistics.
If you have a set protocol, you will be prompted for the
name(s) of the files to download. If you do not have
a set protocol, you will have to enter a protocol.
You can transfer up to 50 Files using Batch mode. When
the BBS indicates 'ready to send' you should begin your
own local transfer procedures, using the same protocol
as you selected.
G)oodbye: Terminates the current connection and disconnects.
You will be asked if you are sure you want to logoff. If
Yes, you will be disconnected after the logoff screen
is shown. If No is entered, you will be returned to
the MAIN menu.
L)ist Files: This option views the available files for download
from the BBS. It presents a sub-prompt asking for
which file area to be displayed.
M)essage System: This will move you into the message system, which
gives you the capabilities to Read, Download, Scan,
N)ew Files: Displays a sub-prompt asking for the date to use as a
basis for the search. The default date is the last time
you used this option. The files which are that date
are newer will be displayed.
P)rotocol Option: This gives you the ability to change the default
protocol, which is used for transfers.
Q)uit to Main: Returns you to the Main Menu Area.
R)ead a Text File: A sub-prompt asks for the name of any ascii file listed
in the file database. The selected text file is
displayed with appropriate screen pauses. Only files
with .TXT are permitted.
S)earch File List: This option gives you the ability to search the files
listing for any series of characters. If the series
is found in the filename, or description, the file
will be shown.
T)est a File: This will test an ARCHIVE to see if it is a valid ARCHIVE.
U)pload a File: This option allows transferring of files from your computer
to the BBS. If no default protocol is set, you must
choice the file. You will then be prompted for the files,
and enter a description. If enter is hit alone, you
can upload the files and be asked for the descriptions
V)iew inside a ZIP: This selection is designed to allow viewing compressed
files, such as .ARC, .ZIP, .PAK, .ZOO, etc.
W)rite MARKED files:This permits you to update the information in the MARKED
files listing. This listing of files, is set to be
downloaded, when the D FILE MENU option is used.
X)pert Toggle: You have the option of two levels of menus: Expert And
Novice. In Novice mode full menu support is shown, while
in Expert mode the screens are by-passed.
Y)our Stats [Ratio]:This will display your current download/upload information,
your ratio, the lowest ratio available for download, and
if you have access to download. If you have a bad ratio
in either Downloading/Uploading or Messages Per Call, you
will be notified.