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│ Message Menu Help Screen │
A)rea Change: Used to jump to a different forum. Forums usually
deal with a certain topic, and includes its own
message base.
D)ownload Mail: Executes a mail scan in which unread messages in the forums
you select are placed into an Ascii file, Archived, and
prepared for download from the Files System. Will use your
'Forum Scan' default when the A)ll Forums selection
is used.
E)nter a Message: This message entry command has a number of features.
First you must select who to address the message to. If
return is selected, it will be addressed to ALL. You
are then asked for the Topic of the message. The final
prompt prior to message entry is whether to make the
message private. Private mail is seen only by the sender,
recipient, Sysops, and Sub-SysOp. If your computer permits
Ascii codes, a full screen editor will be used, with
numerous features.
F)ile System: This will move you into the file system where program
uploads and downloads are available.
G)oodbye: Terminates the current connection and disconnects.
You will be asked if you are sure you want to logoff. If
Yes, you will be disconnected after the logoff screen
is shown. If No is entered, you will be returned to
the MAIN menu.
L)astread Update: Allows you to reset your last message read pointers
(for the forums). Used for Downloading of Mail, and
for reading messages.
N)ews: This menu choice displays the contents of the current
Forum you are in.
Q)uit to Main: Returns you to the Main Menu Area.
R)ead Messages: Reading messages involves selection of the messages to
be read from a sub-menu. The choices within the READ
command are fully explained in a help file within
that area.
S)can Messages: Scanning messages is different from reading messages.
Only the header information is shown. It is used in
cases where a quick view of the messages is needed.
U)pdate Forum Info: This permits the user to change the forums he
wants to scan. The scanning is used for when Reading
Messages, and when downloading mail.
V)iew Forum Info: This prompt displays all the forums which you have access
to and all the forums which are set for scanning.
X)pert Toggle: You have the option of two levels of menus: Expert And
Novice. In Novice mode full menu support is shown, while
in Expert mode the screens are by-passed.