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│ Main Menu Help Screen │
1)Sysops System: Users with high enough access can use 1 to enter
the Sysops System.
A)rea Change: Used to jump to a different forum. Forums usually
deal with a certain topic, and includes its own
message base.
B)ulletins Menu: This option will display a listing of bulletins, which
can be displayed. You have the option to read one
or more bulletins by seleting the bulletin number,
re-listing the bulletins that are available for display,
or returning you to the MAIN menu.
C)lock: This option will display the time you called up, the
current time and date, the amount of time used on this
call, and the amount of time left for your call.
F)ile System: This will move you into the file system where program
uploads and downloads are available.
G)oodbye: Terminates the current connection and disconnects.
You will be asked if you are sure you want to logoff. If
Yes, you will be disconnected after the logoff screen
is shown. If No is entered, you will be returned to
the MAIN menu.
I)nitial Welcome: This will display the opening screens, which were displayed
to you as you logged on today. This lets you look at the
screens, without having to logoff and then call again.
L)ive Programs: This feature permits you to run an outside program, and
leave the main bbs temporarily. Live programs can
be almost anything from a database to a game. You will
be displayed a list of programs, and you must type
in the program # to run, or return to come back to the
MAIN menu.
M)essage System: This will move you into the message system, which
gives you the capabilities to Read, Download, Scan,
N)ews: This menu choice displays the contents of the current
Forum you are in.
P)age the SysOp: This selection allows you to page the system operator.
If the sysop's Pager is turned on, the computer will
try and call the SysOp by beeping. If the SysOp is
there, he will go into CHAT mode. You must first give
a reason for calling him.
Q)uestionnaire: You are presented with a menu screen containing numbered
listings of questionnaires available to be answered. Select
the number you wish to answer. You will then be followed
by questions, which are defined by the SysOp, to answer.
S)afe [Safe Time]: This option permits you to save up to a certain amount
of your time. It can be put in and taken out at any
time, and day.
U)pdate Settings: This gives you the ability to make changes to certain
information in your User database. You may change the
entries in some area, while others are not accessable.
This gives you the ability to set up color, hotkeys, etc.
V)iew Statistics: This displays information from your User Database. It
will display your file information, settings, etc.
X)pert Toggle: You have the option of two levels of menus: Expert And
Novice. In Novice mode full menu support is shown, while
in Expert mode the screens are by-passed.