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Directory Utility VI The last version from Greg Cunningham 05-May-87
don't be fooled by imitations with fancy graphics, tiny displays, and say
Directory table full, use massive amounts of memory, open RAM disk, etc.
Original Version by Chris Nicotra (CLImate...200 files max, eck).
Revisions/Enhancements/Fixes by Dave Jobusch,Rich Medved and Nathan Barber
CONFIG and Ram Display by Greg Cunningham.
NOTE: All action is relative to the last directory window which was 'HIT',
i.e. file selection, slide bar adjustment, title bar hit..
This gets easy quick!
The 'A' & 'B' in the directory string gadgets highlight to show which
directory is the current operating directory for all buttons which
means if 'B' is highlighted and you hit COPY, all the highlighted
files in the 'B' dir will go to the 'A' dir and vice versa..
working with one window will not unhighlight files in the other.
during multi-file operations, selecting a button aborts
further operation, leaving remaining files highlighted.
Below is a short description of all the commands.
Directory Buttons
DF0: When selecting these first hit the window
RAM: in which you want it displayed.
PARENT Directory containing current directory.
GET DIR When selecting a directory in either it will be displayed
in the same window. Or after selecting the dir, hit the
other window and it will be displayed there.
MAKEDIR Creates a directory in last dir hit, or give full path
DEL DIR Deletes selected directory.
Other commands
ALL Highlights all files in last window hit.
CLEAR Unhighlights all files in last window hit.
BYTE To add byte values of all selected files in a window.
FREE Shows bytes free of highlighted windows disk.
SHOW Calls the selected Show command to display all
selected picture file(s).
READ Reads selected files in ASCII or HEX format. with normal
files DU will automatically use what's needed (Exept Archives).
EDIT Calls the requested text editor to edit selected file(s)
PRINT Calls the requested Printer Utility to print selected files
DELETE Deletes all selected files in the last window hit.
RENAME editor for the name of all selected files in last window hit.
RUN Runs all selected files in last window hit, with
requested argument.
COMMENT An editor for the comment of all selected files in last
window hit, NOTE: this only works when this button is off.
When this button is on the comment of files upon selection
is displayed in the status area. (either window)
COPY Copies all selected files in last window hit to the
other window 'directory'
MOVE Renames or 'moves' all selected files in last window
hit to the other window, but only if the other is a
different directory on the same disk. This also moves
one selected directory to the other window.
COMMAND Executes the command entered upon request just as in CLI
LOCK Locks all selected files in last window hit to R-E-
UNLOCK Unlocks all selected files in last window hit to RWED
RWED stands for Read Write Execute Delete, A - means that's disabled
as seen with the DOS command 'List'
ARC Archives all selected files in last window hit to Archive
entered upon request.
(you can add or update files to an Archive also).
DE-ARC De-Archive all selected files w/.ARC (also requester for UnArc)
LISTARC List a selected Archive. (for LArc users, enter it upon request)
CONFIG Saves current configuration.
As you've seen, the buttons DE-ARC,LISTARC,COMMAND,SHOW
EDIT and PRINT call your desired program. To change one
without running it.. example: select a file, select DE-ARC,
backspace over 'Arc x' , enter 'UnArc'..now without hitting
return, hit the cancel button (the NO WAY! botton) then hit
the CONFIG button. the next time you run Directory Utility
this config file will be read.
NOTE: This file is written in your 'devs' directory and can
be copied to other WorkBenches or deleted.
Files to place in C Directory: Arc, the editor you wish to use,Show
or something like it,Print (Any print utility which uses 'Print <filename>'
LArc & UnUrc if used.
Many simple tricks are not documented.
Enjoy.. Greg Cunningham.
P.S. Please keep this file, the source, and executable in the archive.
If you change anything, make sure my name remains with my document.
And if you totaly mess it up, don't even mention my name!