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Documentation for iff.library
Software written and distributed by:
Robert W. Albrecht Jr.
1457 Zion Way
Ventura, CA 93003
iff.library Version 1.3 (public domain)
This is crippled version of "iff.library" that can be used by your
C program to load IFF images. If you want the full featured version of
iff.library send $20 to the above address with your name and address.
This software is in the public domain and may not be sold or distributed
with commercial software. Version 2 of iff.library may be distributed with
commercial software with no royalties for the $20 license fee.
Two Example Programs Included
Both of the programs have the same command syntax and they must
be executed from the CLI:
??? <IFF file name>
ShoPict displays almost any IFF image on a custom screen by loading the
IFF image directly into the BitMap of the custom screen. ShoPict will
now print the currently loaded picture if you press the 'P' key.
ShoPict was modified to handle over scan pictures.
ShoImg allocates and loads an Image structure from an IFF file and
displays it on the screen. Iff.library does the memory managment.
Setting up to use iff.library
Iff.library is accessed through a set of assembly language connection
routines. The assembly source to these routines is provided in the
file "iff.asm". You will need to assemble iff.asm unless you have
Aztec C 3.6A (or compatable) for which there is a ".o" file. Once
iff.asm is assembled you will have to link it with your program. You
will also have to copy iff.library to the libs: directory on your system
disk. There is now an Amiga.lib compatable iff.o called iff.ami.
In your program you will have to:
1) Include the proper header file.
#include "ifflib.h"
2) Declare a global library base pointer;
void *IFFBase;
3) Open iff.library.
if( !(IFFBase = OpenLibrary(IFFNAME,1L)) )
/* abort */
Now you are ready to call the functions in iff.library.
Description of Functions
name: IFFalloc
synopsis: void *IFFalloc(size,type)
long size;
unsigned short type;
function: Allocates and clears a block of memory using the Amiga
AllocMem function. The size of the block is saved so your
program doesn't have to remember it.
arguments: size - The requested size of the block of memory, four
extra bytes will be added to store the size of the block.
type - The type of Amiga memory you want to allocate;
CHIP for "CHIP" memory, FAST for "FAST" memory, and
DONTCARE if you don't care what type you allocate.
Note: Graphic images need to be in CHIP memory.
return: NULL (0L) is returned if the block can't be allocated,
otherwise a pointer to the allocated block is returned.
see also: IFFfree
name: IFFfree
synopsis: void IFFfree(ptr)
function: Frees memory allocated by IFFalloc.
argument: ptr - a pointer to a block of memory obtained from IFFalloc.
return: None
note: IFFfree is used to free the colors obtained from GetIFF_image
or GetIFF_bitmap.
see also: IFFalloc
name: GetIFF_bitmap
synopsis: short GetIFF_bitmap(name,bmap,colors,ncolors,allocate)
char *name;
struct BitMap **bmap;
unsigned short **colors;
unsigned short *ncolors;
unsigned short allocate;
function: To load and optionally allocate a BitMap and colors from
an IFF file.
arguments: name - A null terminated string containing the name of the
iff IFF file to load.
bmap - A pointer to a pointer to a BitMap structure. If
you decide let this function allocate the structure the
pointer will be set to the newly allocated BitMap.
colors - A pointer to an array of color values, one for each
color. The colors are organized in the native Amiga
format (RGB 4 bits per gun right justified). If you
decide to let this function allocate the colors
the pointer will be set to the newly allocated block.
ncolors - A pointer to a variable that will be set to the
number of colors in the IFF file.
allocate - Set to ALLOC if you want the colors and BitMap
allocated by this function. Otherwise set to NOALLOC.
return: Zero is returned if the operation was successful, otherwise
one of the error codes in ifflib.h is returned.
see also: RlsBitMap IFFfree
note: The BitMap structure is defined in graphics/gfx.h
name: GetIFF_image
synopsis: short GetIFF_image(name,image,colors,ncolors,allocate)
char *name;
struct Image **image;
unsigned short **colors;
unsigned short *ncolors;
unsigned short allocate;
function: To load and optionally allocate a Image and colors from
an IFF file.
arguments: name - A null terminated string containing the name of the
iff IFF file to load.
image - A pointer to a pointer to an Image structure. If
you decide let this function allocate the structure the
pointer will be set to the newly allocated Image.
colors - A pointer to an array of color values, one for each
color. The colors are organized in the native Amiga
format (RGB 4 bits per gun right justified). If you
decide to let this function allocate the colors
the pointer will be set to the newly allocated block.
ncolors - A pointer to a variable that will be set to the
number of colors in the IFF file.
allocate - Set to ALLOC if you want the colors and Image
allocated by this function. Otherwise set to NOALLOC.
return: Zero is returned if the operation was successful, otherwise
one of the error codes in ifflib.h is returned.
see also: RlsImage IFFfree
note: The Image structure is defined in intuition/intuition.h
name: QueryIFF
synopsis: short QueryIFF(name,bmHdr)
char *name;
BitMapHeader *bmHdr;
function: To retrieve information about a image in a IFF file.
arguments: name - A null terminated string containing the name of
an IFF file.
bmHdr - A pointer to a BitMapHeader structure. When this
function returns the BitMapHeader will be filled with the
information about the image in the IFF file. In order to
get the original screen ViewModes from the IFF file, if
this information is there in the form of a CAMG chunk,
you must set the bmHdr.viewmodes = GETVIEWMODES. If
bmHdr.viewmodes field is changed after the call then
the ViewModes were obtained from the IFF file. You should
never assume that the ViewModes can be obtained from the
file because this feature was not supported prior to V1.3
of IFF.library. Also most IFF files don't contain this
return: Zero is returned if the operation was successful, otherwise
one of the error codes in ifflib.h is returned.
note: The BitMapHeader structure is defined in ifflib.h
name: RlsBitMap
synopsis: void RlsBitMap(bmap)
struct BitMap *bmap;
function: Frees the memory allocated for a BitMap structure by
GetIFF_bitmap. The BitMap structure is allocated in two
parts, one for the structure itself and one for the bit-
argument: bmap - A pointer to a BitMap structure obtained from
return: None
see also: GetIFF_bitmap
name: RlsImage
synopsis: void RlsImage(image)
struct Image *image;
function: Frees the memory allocated for a Image structure by
GetIFF_image. The Image structure is allocated in two
parts, one for the structure itself and one for the bit-
argument: image - A pointer to a Image structure obtained from
return: None
see also: GetIFF_image
Revision history:
1.0 Initial Revision
1.1 Fixed bug in library Expunge routine and added the
picture printing program. Added a object module that
is compatable with Alink.
1.2 Made de-compression routine much faster by coding it
in assembly language. Also reduced size. (4044 to 3776)
1.3 Modified iff.library such that the original screen ViewModes
will be saved into the BitMapHeader structure if they are
present in the form of a CAMG chunk. Eliminated the PrntPict
program and allowed the picture to be printed from ShoPict
if the 'P' key is pressed. Added support for over scan pictures
in ShoPict.