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QView v1.1b 3 August 1989
CLI usage: [Run] QView [[path]filename]
This version of QView uses the ARP requestor and requires the ARP.library
in your "libs" directory.
Workbench usage:
1. Click the QView icon, and then shift-double-click (extended select) the
icon of the file to be read; or
2. Double click the QView icon.
3. Set the default tool for the file to be read to "QView" (sans quotes,
but with path, if necessary), and then double-click the icon.
QView will open its window on the front-most screen.
On startup, if the file is not found, if an error occurs while trying to
read the file, or if no filename is provided (e.g., just double-clicking
the QView icon, or just typing "Run QView"), you will be prompted for a
(new) filename with a string gadget provided at the bottom of the QView
window. To quit at this point, ensure the sting gadget is clear (use
Right-Amiga-X, if necessary), and hit Return.
All normal intuition string gadget key sequences will work in QView's
string gadget (which is used for filename and search string requests).
The proportional gadget on the right side of the QView window can be used
to scroll through the text.
The close gadget can be used to quit the program (as can the Escape key).
While iconified, clicking in the window (which contains a boolean gadget)
will restore normal QView operations; clicking the close gadget will quit
the program.
Keyboard control:
<ESC> Exit from QView. The close gadget does this as well.
<UP> Scroll up one line.
<Shift><UP> Page up one screen.
<Ctrl><UP> or <Alt><UP> Move to the top of the file.
<DOWN> Scroll down one line.
<Shift><DOWN> Page down one screen.
<Ctrl><DOWN> or <Alt><DOWN> Move to the bottom of the file.
<RIGHT> Scroll right 20 columns.
<LEFT> Scroll left 20 columns.
<Ctrl><LEFT> Scroll back to left margin.
<F> Find -- Case insensitive search for an ASCII string of characters.
QView will prompt for a string at the bottom of its window. To cancel the
search request, make sure the string gadget is empty, and hit Return.
QView will display the line containing the string at the top of the
display. Find doesn't work in hex mode.
<N> Find Next -- Continue searching for the ASCII string of characters.
"F" must have been used previously for the search string to have been
<H> Hex -- Toggle between hex and normal modes.
<O> Open file -- Read in a new file. Provide the (path and) name of the
file to be read in the requestor. To cancel the open file request, just hit
Return (with the string gadget empty). If the new file is not found, the
program continues with the existing file.
<I> Iconify -- Closes the QView window, and creates an "icon" window in
the lower right corner of the screen. The icon's close gadget quits the
program, and its window contains a boolean gadget that restores normal
QView opeation.
Other improvements/changes over version 1.1:
Closes the file (releases the DOS file lock) right after the file has been
read in, instead waiting until the program exits. (This prevents having to
reinsert the disk containing the file if it had been swapped out.)
Removed keypad support and CLI usage response (to "QView ?").