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- ******************************************************************
- Using Adobe Type with Professional Page
- ******************************************************************
- Introduction
- Welcome to salvation for you type-hungry Pro-Page users. This is the first
- package of its kind for the Amiga, and it's all shareware!
- I'm sure Gold Disk, inc. won't be too impressed when people stop buying their
- pre-made .metric files, but they really won't mind because you dumb people
- will be buying Compugraphic outline screen fonts from them. Don't worry,
- though. I'll get to that little problem soon enough.
- Put it this way: Compugraphic doesn't have the selection that Adobe has.
- You'll never find Adobe Garamond or Utopia (The Adobe Originals), or their
- expert collections in CG format. You'll never find a wider selection of
- service bureaus than those who support PostScript output. They all have
- modems. They all have either a LaserWriter at 300 DPI with every Adobe
- typeface that exists, or a 2400 DPI typesetter with all of the above, all at
- your fingertips.
- Problem is, you need screen fonts and metric files to access that vast
- library of Adobe, or other PostScript type. And you had to be a Macintosh
- user to get those... until now!
- With this package you can download or file transfer Macintosh screen fonts,
- Mac or IBM format .AFM metric files, and from them create Amiga screen fonts
- and PPage .metric files. And give yourself an open door to the library of
- Adobe and PostScript type!
- Here's what you'll find here:
- 1) ConvertAFM: This wonder creates .metric files from Adobe (or other) .AFM
- files. Any commercial or PD Macintosh PostScript typeface uses .AFMs.
- Also, kerning information is recorded (Tested with Adobe Garamond which uses
- over 600 (!) kerning pairs) and is made available by selecting 'Kerning'
- from PPage's Type menu. Written in the fastest language next to C or
- Assembler: HiSoft BASIC. Watch this thing fly!
- 2) Rico Mariani's MacFont Package: This package converts Macintosh FONT or
- NFNT resources to Amiga screen fonts. Macintosh screen fonts provide the
- best possible screen display without going to outline fonts, therefore
- saving precious memory. PPage 1.3 and 1.31 scale down large point sizes, so
- on a 24-pin or HP printer you'll still get great proofs, and at 200%
- magnification you can actually read 4 point text!
- 3) UnStuffIt, or UnSIT. This will unarchive Macintosh .SIT files allowing
- the Amiga user easy access to a service bureau's screen fonts by downloading
- .SIT files. Current version doesn't support 'RLE' compression, so make sure
- your service bureau disables 'RLE' compression, or if this isn't possible,
- to disable compression all together.
- 4) ISOLatin1: New keymap for users of Mac screen fonts. Uses CTRL key in
- combination with ALT and SHIFT-ALT to simulate the Macintosh keymap. Great
- for font-specific encoded typefaces whose characters aren't accessable by
- the Amiga usa1 keymap, yet allows full compatibility with the usa1 keymap,
- including the extra keypad keys on the A500 and A2000.
- This package is shareware. If anyone knows Rico Mariani's address, please
- send him $20.00 US for the MacFont package. Please send whoever wrote
- UnStuffIt $20.00 US as well. Without him, I'd still be trying to find a way
- to get Mac screen fonts on the Amiga. Please send me $30.00 US or $40.00
- Canadian for ConvertAFM (The toughest program I've written yet, simply
- because Gold Disk has no documentation on their .metric file format, and I
- spent most of Christmas '89 cracking it) and for the ISOLatin1 keymap. Send
- my Shareware fees to:
- Gordon Fecyk
- PPage Adobe Font Access Package
- 296 Cheriton Avenue
- Winnipeg, Manitoba
- R2G 0E7, Canada
- If you do, I'll send upgrades of ConvertAFM, and a disk with Adobe Packages
- 1 to 13 screen fonts (Including Optima, ITC Machine, and Helvetica Light
- /Black for use with PPage or any Amiga program that uses screen fonts.
- Please note that screen fonts may be given away (According to Adobe Systems)
- on condition that the user uses the services of the service bureau that gave
- him the screen fonts in the first place. Call Adobe Systems(1-800-83-FONTS)
- for more details. You can also order Adobe screen fonts from the same
- number.
- Copyright notices: Adobe, PostScript, The Adobe Originals, and any font
- names I speak of in this documentation, are trademarks of Adobe Systems,
- inc. Professional Page is a product of Gold Disk, inc. and the .metric
- file format is property of Gold Disk. Because of this, I can't give source
- code for ConvertAFM. NFNT format, FONT format, Apple, Macintosh, and
- LaseWriter are copywritten by Apple Computer, inc. (Go ahead... sue me!)
- MacFont is the creation of Rico Mariani. Amiga is a trademark of
- Commodore-Amiga limited (But what limit is there to the Amiga, eh?)
- Have fun, and welcome to a new world of type!