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20.00 DECISION PLUS(TM) 30/10/90
reelase.doc Page 1
"Decision Plus"(TM) is Copyright (c) by "Decision Tree (TM) Systems, Inc."
of Hamilton Ohio.
"Decision Plus" and Decision Tree" are trademarks of
"Decision Tree" (TM) Systems Inc.
"Amiga" and "AmigaDos" are trademarks of Commodore Business Machines Inc.
This software is released to the public as "TrialWare" for the purpose
of testing its acceptance and usefullness and therby its marketability
in the 'Amiga' (TM) environment. NO source code is provided for the
actual language itself or any included utilities.
Decision Tree(TM) Systems Inc. provides this licence for non-commercial
use on a single machine and a right to make up to two (2) backup copies.
Decision Tree(TM) Systems retains sole ownership of this software.
Descision Plus (TM) is a fourth genaration database language written in
'C' using 'B-tree' indexes for database files. It is NOT relational
but simple joins can be accomplished in the report generator via the
'!xfile filename' declaration where a key n the 'xfile' is equated to a
field from a file in a previous !file or !xfile) declaration.
The two interpretor modules 'Sage' and 'Sagerep' interpret 'pcode' files
generated by the two pcode compilers 'cf' (for sage,ie:screen programs)
and 'cr'(for sagerep,ie:report) programs.
It is VERY fast to the point where disk access is the limiting factor.
This language has been in use commercially for about 7 years in North
America and about 1 year longer in the U.K, where it originated.
It has been used to build discrete and integrated accounting, payroll,
and inventory control systems for the rolled steel, specialty steel, and
pulp and paper industries, not to mention tens of smaller one-off
applications. Both the U.S Air Force and the IRS have purchased a close
cousin for their own use in 'quick system' developement.
This native 'Alpha' release for the Commodore 'AMIGA' (tm), is provided
withouta any warranties either expressed or implied as to its fitness or
suitability for use. Decision Tree Systems will assume no liability
for damages or losses as a result of use ot this software.
20.00 DECISION PLUS(TM) 30/10/90
release.doc Page 2
Print out the file 'Syntax.doc' for a syntax summary with a brief
explanation. Use this in conjunction with the examples provided in
the 'Demos' directory to enhance your understanding.
New releases of the software and/or complete manual and other technical
support may be obtained by contacting:
Decision Tree(TM) Systems Inc.
P.O. Box 7128
Hamilton Ohio, 45013
Phone - 513-868-8866
For 'Amiga' specific support contact:
Tasman Productions (native Amiga port)
3569 hamilton-New London Rd.
Hamilton Ohio, 45013
Phone - 513-738-2875
Release Notes:
All of the most common commands of version 1.14.8 of "Decision Plus" are
supported in this native 'Amiga' (tm) release with the following
Chain :- works but limited nesting without losing the environment
Pause :- " " " " " "
Wakeup:- " " " " " "
Note that pure record or file locking is not implemented at this time,
as 'AmigaDos' version 1.2 & 1.3 do not support this feature.
This version has been briefly run on an Amiga (tm) 3000 as well and
extensively on models 500, 2000, 2000/030 with no apperent bugs other
then those noted below
Using the provided 'set' command from 'Manx' set the variable
"ETCSAGE" with the directory where you have your 'vdus' dir.,
(:bin/vdu is default vdu). Similarily set the "TERM" variable to
'amiga' for the console. The commands for this disk in df1 follow:
"set ETCSAGE=df1:vdus"
"set TERM=df1:vdus/amiga"
Note - that if you connect a crt to the serial port and startup a
"cli" session by entering the 'NEWCLI AUX: or ASHELL AUX:', you
may use 'Decsion Plus' on that port if your 'TERM" setup is set
to the appropriate crt type (AUX: must be in your mountlist and
mounted previous to all of this).
20.00 DECISION PLUS(TM) 30/10/90
release.doc Page 3
Utilities Included:
cr xx.r Compile a sagerep source to interpreter pseudo code (xx.q).
cf xx.f Compile a sage source to interpreter pseudo code (xx.g).
decprinter [>zz.s] zz Decode a "Decision Plus" printer codes file.
decvdu [>zz.s] zz Decode a "Decision Plus" crt codes file.
describe xx.d Edit a database file descriptor (add,change delete,list)
kfcheck xx.k Show validity of a database file's keyfile integrity.
kfdet xx.k Show values of a database file's length and keylength.
kfri xx.k Rebuild a database file's key file.
kfcopy xx yy Copy a database file and its keyfile to another name,
dropping any deleted record in the process.
menu mmm.m To Display and execute menu commands
newkf xx.d Create a new empty file and keyfile named xx.d
pause Prompts the user to press any key to execute the next event
reformat xx yy Like kfcopy but if yy.d is diffent from xx.d takes care of
modifying, adding , or dropping any fields dissimilar to xx.
sage xx <agrg1 arg2 ..... > Run a "Decision Plus" screen program.
sagerep xx <printer arg1 arg2 ....> Run a "Decision Plus" report program.
set variable=value To set a "Decision Plus" environmental variable.
setprinter [<zz.s] zz Encode a "Decision Plus" printer codes file.
setvdu [< zz.s] zz Encode a "Decision Plus" crt codes file.
File Extensions: (NOTE actual data files have no extension)
.d - database file descriptor (tetxt source) file created either by
1) the 'describe' process.
2) prgrammer used to the decriptor layout
.f - sage source file as created by 'sg' and or edited by programmer.
.g - sage pcode (compiled by cf) file.
.k - index (key)file created by 'newkf' in a 'described' file
.m - menu (text source ) file edited by programmer.
.q - sagerep pcode (compiled by cr) file.
.r - sagerep source file as created by 'rg' and or edited by programmer.
The menu processor does not corectly handle the misplaced output
redirection of AmigaDos. Sagerep uses the printer directive for
formating its output bases on the specs for that printer eg. double
width for headings if specified. the reports will print ok if you
use a cli command line such as :
sagerep >PRT: tel [printer]
When version 1.7 is released this problem will be eliminated.
Version 1.7 is expected to be ready shortly after release of
'Amigados' 2.0 : Always preceed menu commands with a minus('-')
so as to NOT invoke a new shell call else nothing will happen as
new shells are not implemented yet. ** Keyed files created with
this version (and their descriptor (.d) files with have to be
rebuilt with utilities provided in release 1.17 to work with version
1.17 and beyond.
Note - if you "cntrl-c" out of a sage or menu and your keyboard
appears dead you will need to issue a standard amigados command
such as 'list' preceded and ended by a 'cntrl-j' (linefeed)
to get 'echo' and 'cr/lf' processing turned on again,
(or optionally reload the sage program and then use its 'exit'
option again using the 'cntrl-j' syntax).
Good Luck and Enjoy !! Robert W. Crewson VE3BRZ/W8
Tasman Productions
-------------------------- the end -----------------------------------