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A data analysis suite,
incorporating the exponential fitting routine DELP.
DELP algorithm due to Dr J Martin, Dept Physics, Kings College, Strand,
LONDON WC2R 2LS, and implemented by DJ Maconochie, Washington University
BOX 8054, 660 S Euclid, St Louis MO 63110 (to whom correspondence may be
initially addressed.
E-mail DJM@morpheus.wustl.edu
Feel free to use this program, but please reference
Martin and Maconochie (1989) J Physiol 418:9P7 in any publications that
contain data analysed using DELP.
1) This software comes free, with no guarantees. Feel free to distribute
it in its entirety, with all the associated files.
2) System requirements:
a) Processor- Any IBM PC or compatible should be able to run this program,
but note that it is designed to operate on large data sets, and on a 8086
machine will run painfully slowly.
b) Maths co-processor- By default, the code is compiled for use with a
maths co-processor. There is no reason for this except that I have always
had one, and without one the program will be excruciatingly slow. For
exmaple, filtering the data digitally might take 4 seconds on a 33 MHz 486
machine, and 20 minutes on a 286 machine without a co-processor.
c) Screen- The suite was written with standard 16 colour VGA in mind. It
will run on any screen, but some of the boxes and colours in the menu tree
will be difficult to decipher, especially with mono- screens.
d) Printer- Hard copy was available originally on a dot matrix printer.
Most dot matrix printers should give something resembling a screen dump.
Fancy plots are supported on HP II and HP III. You are however limited to
the landscape fonts available (for example the HP II only has "line printer"
and "courier").
e) Data- The most important part. Any file is acceptable that contains a
(optional) header string, followed by a string of 2-byte integers. The
following extensions are reserved, and cause the program to try to read
a particular type of header from the start of the file: ".SVG", ".OLV",
".CX4" and "CX5".
3) Brief overview:
The program runs entirely in graphics mode. There is a central menu root,
from which branches extent vertically in levels. <Return> and <Esc> move
up and down the levels. Items may be selected in one of four ways:
a) items in the root may be selected from anywhere in the program by
typeing <Alt> plus the first letter.
b) from any other level by typing the first letter.
c) by moving the highlighted bar using the arrow keys, pressing <Return>.
d) By taking one of a number of shortcuts such as <Alt>+"R" to run DELP,
<Alt>+"L" to load a file, <Alt>+"X" to leave the program and <Alt>+"G"
to get the data display screen. The shortcuts are indicated to the right
of the item in the menu tree.
4) Getting started quickly:
It is assumed that
a) you have some data in a file called "filename.dat" or some equivalent.
b) the data is a string of 2 byte integers.
c) that you wish to fit a sum of exponentials to the data
i) from the DOS prompt, type "VIEWMENU" <Return>. If you are connected to
a laser printer, and you want hardcopy, then type "VIEW" <Return>.
ii) type <Return> twice. After the first, you enter the File menu. After
the second, you invoke the last data file that was used. The filename may
be edited. Then press <Return> again.
ii) hold the <Alt> key and press "G" (ie type <Alt>+"G"). You are now in the
display mode.
iii) press the <Home> key. This has the effect of displaying the data on
screen at minimum magnification. If the trace is an inconvenient size, then
read the following section to find out how to change the size of the diplayed
trace: section Graph-Display- below.
iv) press <Return>. Now you should see two cursors on screen. Position them
around the section of data to be fitted, using <Ctrl> and the arrow keys.
Press <Esc> when you are finished.
v) type <Alt>+"D". You are now in the fitting menu for DELP. Type "i" and
enter the number of exponentials to be fitted (Integration level). Type "p"
and enter the polynomial degree to be used. Ten is usually sufficient, but
experiment with more or less.
vi) If next to "Baseline" the word "SET" appears, then press "B". In this
mode the baseline or offset in your data is calculated.
vii) now press "R" to begin the fit. First a red line overlays the data.
This is a curve calculated from the polynomial coefficients used to represent
the data. Next the complete fit is drawn in yellow, and a box with the
caluculated coefficients appears. Each coefficient appears as a complex
number, for example "-0.5067 + 0.003j". If a pair of coefficients is
complex, then the data has been fitted with an oscillatory component (ie
not a simple decaying exponential).
viii) type <Alt>+"G" to return to the display mode, or <Alt>+"X" to exit
the program.
5) In the following sections, the functions available after
selecting the indicate item are given.
File-Load- re-load the last file you used by pressing <Return>,
or select a new one by typing the full path and name. When you load a file
successfully, if the file does not have a recognised header that gives the
digitisation frequeny etc, you will be asked "retain scale values? N". If
you answer "Y" (deleting the "N" first), the last values used will be
retained, otherwise default values will be set.
File-Pick- pick one of the last six that you used.
File-Change dir- type in a new directory to begin a search.
File-Directory- first add a file name template such as "*.*" or
"*.dat". To begin the search, type <Return>. A box with a list of file
names should appear. Directory names will be pre-fixed with "\". The
symbol "\.." in the top left corner indicates a route back towards the
root directory or drive. If in doubt, exit by typing <Esc>, and giving the
template "*.*", work your way out from the current directory (where the
program is, usually "C:\VIEW"). The operation of this item can be a little
confusing. Also note that I have experienced difficulty with networked
File-Quit- Exit the program, saving to disk all the parameters that have
been altered, so that when you restart the program everything is exactly
as you left it.
Graph-Display- from here, a special set of functions are available
for manipulating the data on screen, Briefly these are:
a) move the trace: arrows, and <Ctrl>+arrows.
b) resize it: arrows, <insert>, <delete>, <pageUp>, <pagedown>, <home>.
c) next sweep: <spacebar>, previous sweep <Tab>, jump by "j" followed
by number of sweeps by which to jump.
d) create a window in the display: "w", resize it with arrows and <Ctrl>
+arrows, <return> to fix it.
e) select a section of the data on screen: <Return> followed by arrows
and <Ctrl>+arrows to move the cursor, <Retu