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22RSX: a Resident System Extension facility for CP/M 2.x
Copyright (C) 1984 by James H. Whorton
All rights reserved
* This documentation and all files included in this system *
* (see list in Introduction) may be freely exchanged provided *
* that such exchange is non-commercial and that the copyright *
* notice is wholly retained. No commercial use of this *
* document or any of the files listed is permitted without *
* the express written permission of the author. *
* Anyone wishing to modify this system for re-release should *
* contact the author before doing so. *
The author may be contacted by one of the following methods...
Mail: James H. Whorton
PSC #1 Box 36
Offutt AFB, NE 68113
Modem: OBBS Remote CP/M Facility
(402) 346-4206
Leave message or comment to SYSOP.
QX-10 Remote System
(402) 393-5246
Leave message addressed to James Whorton
1. Introduction
22RSX is a facility to allow the installation and removal of
Resident System Extensions. Briefly, an extension is an addition
to BDOS that can monitor, trap, alter or process any BDOS call
made from an applications program. This came about after I had
worked a bit with CP/M 3.0. It's RSX facility impressed me with
the fact that it made it relatively easy to 'patch' the operating
system to add things such as remote consoles, print spoolers,
etc. Since I had some experience with CP/M, I decided to write a
similar system for CP/M 2.2.
Note: I realize that there is an RSX manager written by Jim
Lopushinsky for CP/M 2.2. I have never used it, but from what I
have seen and read, it seems to require a fair amount of work
with DDT, M80, etc. This system, on the other hand, takes care of
all installation. All you have to do is write a module, insert it
in the driver, assemble, load and run! And your finished product
will, assuming that it uses standard CP/M calls and procedures,
run on any other CP/M system without modification.
This system, as distributed, consists of the following files:
22RSX.OBJ -------> The RSX manager module.
22INSTA.ASM -------> The main driver file.
22INSTB.ASM -------> The second driver file.
22REMOVE.OBJ -------> The module removal program.
22RSX.DOC -------> Documentation.
LASM.OBJ -------> Linking assembler needed by system.
EXPTABS.ASM -------> A demonstration module.
CONSOLE.ASM -------> Another demonstration module.
CONSTAT.ASM -------> The companion access program for CONSOLE.ASM.
MAKE.SUB -------> Submit file for assembling RSX modules.
22RSX.NOT -------> Short version of this file list.
2. Theory of operation
When 22RSX is run, assuming that it has not been previously
installed, it loads itself into high memory, storing some
addresses and pacthing itself in. The manager remains resident
for as long as any RSX modules are present, intercepting warm
boots and doing other housekeeping chores. More on it's functions
Let's say that you have assembled an RSX module following the
directions given in section 4. You now run the assembled file.
The driver code checks to see if the manager is present. If so,
it proceeds to add the RSX to the environment. First the module
is relocated to a point just underneath the last module or
manager. This is done a byte at a time. When the code is moved, a
second routine goes through it and checks for addresses. Each
address that falls within the module code is adjusted to
compensate for the relocation. Once that is done, there are
several addresses that must be patched. First the PREV field of
the module last installed (before this one) is loaded with the
address of our new module. Then the NEXT field of the current
module is loaded with the address of the next module. Now the
BDOS vector at location 0005 is patched with the new module
address, making it the first in line. WMLOC, the address in the
warm boot routine that we found earlier, is patched with the new
module address to our new BDOS vector from being overwritten by
the next warm boot. Now that the patches are finished, a brief
summary of what has occured is printed, then the program returns
to CP/M.
Modules may be removed by using the 22REMOVE program, or by
utilizing the manager call (see section 3 for details.)
The 22REMOVE program may selectively remove modules one at a
time, or it may remove the manager and all modules, restoring the
system to the condition that we found it in. When it removes one
module, if the module was the last to be installed (first in
line) then when the BDOS and WMLOC addresses are patched the
portion of the TPA previously used by the now deleted module will
be freed up for user programs. The BDOS vector is simply changed
to the address of the NEXT module and everything is fine.
If the module is inside the chain (not top or bottom) then the
previous module NEXT field is loaded with the current module NEXT
address and the next module PREV field is loaded with the current
module PREV address. The module is now effectively deleted from
the chain. Note that the TPA used by the module is not reclaimed
until all modules preceeding it have also been removed, or the
entire environment (manager and modules) have been deleted.
3. RSX modules
This section deals with how to write an RSX module for use with
this system. A section on using Manager calls follows the RSX
formulation discussion. An RSX must follow a specified format in
order to work properly. Each RSX consists of two(2) major parts.
This system accepts RSX's written in the standard DRI format,
which includes the prefix. This header MUST preface every RSX
module. The format is as follows:
serial: db 0,0,0,0,0,0 ;Space for CP/M 3.0 serial # (not
;used by this system.)
start: jmp rsxstrt ;This is the jump to the beginning
;of the module itself (skips past
;the rest of the prefix.
next: jmp $-$ ;This address is patched by the
;loader and points to another RSX
;or the BDOS jump table.
prev: dw 0 ;The loader will patch in the address
;of the previous module or BDOS.
remove: db 0 ;Remove flag (0=remain resident,
;0FFh=remove at next warm boot.)
nonbank: db 0 ;Flag for CP/M 3.0 (not used).
name: db 'RSXNAME ' ;This is the name of the RSX
;module. It MUST be 8 characters in
;length. Pad with spaces as needed.
loader: db 0 ;Flag for CP/M 3.0 (not used).
db 0,0 ;Reserved for system use.
The module code comes next. At present the loader routine will
only recognize 8080 instructions, so your module must be
written in 8080 code. Generally the first thing you will want
to do on entry is to check <c> for whatever function(s) you
wish to work with. If the function being called is not one you
are interested in, you can simply pass the call along with a
If you didn't pass out of the routine then the function must be
one you're looking for. Before doing any processing it is a
good idea to save the stack pointer and registers <bc> and
<de>. A illustration of this is shown below.
lxi h,0
dad sp
shld userstk ;save stack pointer
push d ;save regs.
push b
Now do whatever processing you wish to. The most important
thing to remember is to use NEXT to access BDOS calls from
inside the module. Example (outputs char to the console):
mvi e,'X' ;load regs
mvi c,02
call next
If you call location 05 (the BDOS vector) instead of calling
NEXT your call will be intercepted again and...
There are several ways to exit a module. If you wish the
trapped function call to execute, then restore the stack
pointer, <bc> and <de> and do a JMP NEXT. Example:
lhld userstk ;restore stack
pop b ;resore regs
pop d
jmp next ;continue with the call
If you have provided alternate processing in place of the
function and wish to return directly to where you came from,
restore the stack and regs as above, set the result regs as
desired and do a RET instead of a JMP NEXT.
Still not sure about something? Check out the two sample
modules included with this package. They should provide some
helpful ideas.
Manager Calls
Version 2.0 offers four(4) manager functions that may be called
from an application or RSX module. To use the calls, load <c>
with 59, Call RSX Manager, then load <de> according to the
following specifications:
-->>DE=0 Remove inactive RSX's, that is, those whose
REMOVE flags have been set to 0FFh. See next
function description to see how to do this. (This
functions the same as CP/M 3.0. It is called
automatically called on every warm boot.)
-->>DE=1 This request causes the manager to place WMLOC
in DE and return it to the user. (The install-
ation driver uses this.) This function should be
used to check to see if the manager is resident.
-->>DE=(address) Set the remove flag of the RSX whose name is
pointed to by DE. DE must be an 8-byte block
corresponding to the NAME field of the RSX mod-
ule. If found, the remove flag will be set to
0FFh causing the RSX to be removed at the next
warm boot. (Note: 22RSX, which is the name
reserved for the RSX manager, may not be used.)
-->>DE=0FFFFh This signals the manager to remove itself and
any RSX's installed, restoring the system to
the condition it was found in.
Now execute a normal CALL BDOS(0005). On entry, <a> should be
set to zero. The result code for the called function is then
returned in <a>. A value of 0FFh signals a successful
operation, while a value of 00h indicates an error has occurred
or that the manager has not been installed.
4. Implementation
Software needed:
-> A text editor.
-> LASM.COM (supplied)
-> MAKE.SUB (supplied)
-> 22INSTA.ASM, 22INSTB.ASM (supplied)
-> An RSX source code module.
The procedure to implement a properly written module is fairly
a. Using an editor, such as WORDSTAR, call up the RSX module
file. Go to the end of the file. Now type in a line that
This line MUST be the last line in the module file. Ensure
that there is not an END statement there. If so, delete it or
comment(;) it out. Now save the file and exit.
b. Ensure that the .SUB file and all source files are on the
proper drive. (The .SUB file as configured specifies A. This
may be adjusted as desired.) Now run the MAKE.SUB file, which
will automate the process somewhat. The syntax is...
SUBMIT MAKE module-name
You should now have a .COM file ready to run.
c. First run 22RSX to install the RSX manager, then run the
file. It will anounce itself, install the RSX into the system
and present a few vital statistics. The RSX is now part of
the system environment and will remain so until removed.
And that's all there is to it, folks. You don't have to know a
thing about your particular CP/M setup (CCPLOC, BDOS vector,
size) unless you want to do something in the module that requires
a certain parameter.
5. Thoughts
For those of you who are unfamiliar with the RSX concept and want
to learn more, I recommend the following articles:
"Resident System Extensions Under CP/M Plus"
Gary M. Silvey
Dr. Dobbs Journal #93 July '84
"Resident System Extensions (RSX)"
Ronald G. Fowler
Microsystems Vol. 5/# 2 February '84
Please direct any bug reports to me via one of the methods
mentioned on the title page. And if you write any modules and
release them I'd appreciate it if you could upload a copy. That
way I can keep an up-to-date library for downloading.
I hope that you enjoy using this system. I feel that it is useful
and should provide a conveinent way to add utilities and features
to any CP/M system.
James H. Whorton
October 13, 1984