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D O S + system documentation
by C.B. Falconer
DOS+ is a complete replacement system for CPM2.2 (Copyright Digital
Research). DOS+ provides many CPM3 features, and several unique
capabilities. It also supplies many ZCPR features, without requiring any
extra memory assignments. DOS+ operates on Z80 CPUs only.
associated documentation are Copyright (c) 1986 by:
C.B. Falconer, 680 Hartford Tpk, Hamden CT 06517,
Tel (203) 281-1438. all rights reserved.
They may be freely copied and distributed provided no charges are made, and
that they are not included with other items for sale. For commercial per-
mission contact C.B. Falconer.
Contributions are solicited. All contributions of $20 or over will receive
notices of available updates and/or revisions. $50 or over is considered
registration, and major revisions (on Kaypro 4 or IBMPC format disks, as
desired) will be made for 1 year, with source code.
Features Added over CPM2.2
1. DOS+ will process files of up to 262,143 records (like CPM3),
i.e. of over 3 megabytes.
2. DOS+ allows for time-stamping of all files, for creation, modify,
and access. Creation records only the date, others record both
date and time. DOS+ may be configured to NOT do access stamping,
thus allowing for the use of write-protected disks. Note that
the time stamps are NOT identical with CPM3 (DOS+ maintains three
values), but are compatible in that the file system will function
correctly under either CPM2 or CPM3. Time stamping occurs only
on drives with the correctly formatted directory (see INITDIR.COM
to initialize disks with/or without files already stored), when
the timer operation is enabled. If the file is marked read-only
no access time will be maintained. The FDATE utility acts much
like DIR (except that some file or drive specification must be
entered) to show the stored time stamps. Dates are shown in ISO
standard format (year/month/day).
3. DOS+ has compatible DCIO (function 6, direct console i/o) and
other console calls. DCIO can now return a null, by first
checking status (argument 0fdh in register e). Buffered input
characters will be available to the application with mixed calls.
DCIO with argument (in E register) 0fdh performs wait_for_console
input (as does CPM3), and with argument 0fch returns a look-ahead
console character, i.e. the value which will be accessed by the
next console input call (provided the console status is 'ready').
For this argument register H (and register B) returns the current
console column, as recorded by DOS+. In addition, if the bios
supports it, this call (function 6, argument less than 0fch for
direct console output) returns the current screen x-y position as
a value in hl. This is whatever value the bios returns in hl. As
a standard, this should be the line in h, and the column in l,
each with an offset of 020h added. i.e. 02020h is 0,0, top left.
4. DOS+ will always pause (on console output) when a CTL-S (DC3) is
entered, EXCEPT for DCIO calls. Thus an accidental keystroke
will no longer leave a program running indefinitely. However an
interrupt driven bios with its own buffer may delay the pause.
5. DOS+ can be interrupted at any BDOS call (if so configured). The
"break" key is configurable (default a NUL, i.e. CTL-@ on most
systems). If enabled, DCIO calls can be separately enabled or
disabled. When a "break" occurs the question "Resume (y/N)?" is
asked, and a "y" (or "Y") will resume the application program.
Any other key aborts to a warm boot. If breaks are disabled
the CTL-C character will not abort the application program. This
allows programs to ensure they retain control.
6. DOS+ errors show the calling function, and the file name (if a
file is involved). All such errors other than disk i/o errors,
exit to a warm boot when a <cr> is entered. For disk i/o errors
options to retry, ignore, or abort are available. Provisions are
made for application programs to intercept and handle any errors.
7. DOS+ implements the CPM3 calls 104 and 105 (set/get time), when a
suitable timer mechanism is configured. This mechanism may be
either a reserved memory area (5 bytes) to hold the time, or a
routine may be called (which should return such a pointer). The
DE register points to the application array (see definition below
of the array) which is filled (1st 4 bytes) on call 105 (seconds
are returned in the A register), or used to set (call 104), when
the system seconds value is forced to 0.
8. DOS+ setuser call (32 = 020h) echoes the user # set.
9. DOS+ implements a search path, stored in a configurable dedicated
memory area. TO USE the bios MUST initialize the path at power
on (cold-boot). A single 0 byte at the head of the path string
suffices. The path (like ZCPR) consists of byte pairs,
specifying drive and user, with '$' specifying the defaults.
Unlike ZCPR, the user value specifies under which user the drive
search will be made, and only the current user area is searched.
Thus "A$" causes the A drive to be searched on all user areas,
and "B3C2" causes the B drive search under user 3, C under user
2, etc. Thus the path string can be thought of as an intermixed
set of paths for the various user areas. The default drive will
not be searched twice. The path must be terminated with a zero
byte. The path applies only when a file is opened with a default
drive specification, and if a path entry is applied the callers
FCB is marked with the actual drive on which the file was found.
The current default drive is always searched first.
10. DOS+ makes all $SYS files, on user area 0, visible to all users
for read. They may not be written to, nor erased from other user
areas. Thus common utilities and files can be made public. All
$SYS files are treated as read-only, however they may be erased
from their "home" user area.
11. DOS+ maintains the $ARC bit, resetting it whenever a file is
modified. This can co-operate with archiving programs. This can
fail if a program performs random writes and fails to close the
12. DOS+ can maintain an exact byte count for a file, using the same
methods as CPM3. When a file is opened, if the current record
byte (offset 32 = 020h in the FCB) is set to 0ffh, the count of
unused bytes in the last record will be returned there. The
count may be set with function call 30 (set file attributes) by
setting the F6 (interface attribute) bit, and placing the count
in the current record byte. This count is normally zero
(indicating no unused bytes), and can range up to 07fh = 127. F6
interface bit will be reset when function 30 is complete.
13. DOS+ scans user area 0 for any file names beginning with '$' on
the disk reset call (not the current user, as in CPM2). This co-
operates with CCP+, JOB, and other utilities so that batch jobs
can switch user areas and continue functioning. It is only
compatible with SUBMIT and earlier versions of JOB, //IF, //SKIP,
ZCPR, etc. when the default user is 0.
14. Like CPM3, the F5 thru F8 attribute bits are reserved for
internal and interface use. F1 thru F4 are available.
15. DOS+ returns version number 2.5, thus avoiding confusion with
CPM3, and signalling compatibility with CPM2.2. Later releases
will return 2.6 up, but less than 3.0. The "compatibility bit"
(see below) can force a 2.2 return value.
16. DOS+ maintains the entry jump, and the error vectors, in the same
locations as CPM2.2, for compatibility with programs that
intercept errors or follow an RSX chain to find the BDOS module.
17. DOS+ call #210 (0d2h), with suitable arguments in the E register,
returns system information. For version 2.5, the arguments are:
0 Return base address for BDOS module.
Used for dynamic reconfiguration.
1 Return the current DMA setting.
2. Flush any console input pending, emptying
all buffers. Returns 0.
3. Returns list device status (ready/not ready)
4. Returns punch " " "
5 Returns reader " " "
Arguments 3 thru 5 represent ready as 0ffh, not ready as 0. If
no custom installation for punch/reader device status has been
made (see -INSTALL.DOC) their status is returned 0 (not ready).
Other arguments return 0.
18. DOS+ call #211 (0d3h) outputs the value in the DE register as an
unsigned 16 bit value, in decimal, to the console with leading
zero suppression.
19. DOS+ can be set in "compatibility" mode, which forces the version
number call (12 = 0ch) to return 2.2, and eliminates the 0fch and
0fdh arguments from the DCIO call (#6). This avoids most problems
with existing programs.
20. DOS+ maintains the "list echo" flag as the 1 (lsb) bit in the
option byte at offset 18h (from the start of BDOS). This allows
application programs to dynamically control such echos as well as
other features (such as breaks, access time stamping, etc). Call
#210 with a 0 argument (above) returns a pointer to this area.
C C P + system
CCP+ replaces the CPM2 CCP and ZCPR. It is designed for installation
without re-assembly, supports DU addressing, wheel byte, du restrictions,
and is generally suitable for both general use and RCPM use. CCP+ may be
used with standard CPM2.2 if desired. It is incorporated in the MOVDOS+
DOS+ installation program, with search options set for use of DOS+ paths.
For details on installation options, read -INSTALL.DOS.
The CPM "user" command is eliminated, in favor of DU addressing. To login
to drive b, user 3, enter "b3:" for example. To login to user area 2 on
the current drive, enter "2:", etc. ":" alone as a du specification stands
for all defaults.
1. DIR command accepts options "s" (for system files also) and "o"
(for only system files) following the file specification.
Multiple dir arguments may be entered, using the ";" to separate
the sections. "dir a:;b: o" shows a:, and system files on b:. DU
specification may be used. Areas visible may be different under
wheel and non-wheel states. The number of entries shown per line
can be configured at installation time.
2. The SAVE size argument may have a "+" appended, to save an extra
1/2 page (or single record). "SAVE 3 blah" keeps a 3 page = 6
record file, while "SAVE 3+ blah" keeps a 3 1/2 page = 7 record
file. 0+ saves 1 record only.
3. GO command re-executes whatever program is already loaded. Such
a program should be self-initializing.
4. KILL command halts any executing batch job (created by SUBMIT or
JOB). It is intended for conditional use in batch jobs, guarded
by //IF statements.
5. CAPS command is a toggle, and allows lower case command lines to
be passed to applications. When executed it reports the current
status. This is useful for command line driven programs that
need lower case arguments (such as Software Tools TRANSLIT).
6. Extra blanks are generally acceptable in command lines, but may
create problems when command lines are passed to applications.
Thus "dir a:" and "dir a:" are equivalent. This avoids
nuisance errors.
7. A configurable option allows the automatic search of A: whenever
the file for a transient (.COM) or TYPE command is not found. For
DOS+ this is normally disabled, and the path is used. For CPM2
this provides most of the abilities of a path.
8. Whenever a transient application is not found, the file CCPXTEND
(.SYS) is automatically loaded and passed the complete command
line. This implements further searches, in particular for a
component of COMMAND.LBR, and can continue to other systems when
failure occurs (such as RUNPCD for Pascal, or MBASIC for basic
programs, or JOB for automatic batch execution). See CCPXTEND
9. Drives accessible can be configured, with individual drive
selection, for both wheel and non-wheel status. This avoids
drive selection error aborts on typing errors. Similarly the
maximum user areas are configurable.
10. Individual commands may be disabled under non-wheel conditions.
Any such will attempt to access a transient. If prefixed by a DU
specification any built-in name may access a transient (i.e.
"a:dir" will attempt to run a:dir.com, while "dir" will execute
the built-in command).
11. The $$$.SUB file is always on drive A, user 0. A submit job may
include commands to change user areas and continue functioning.
The versions of JOB, //IF, //SKIP, XJOB included follow this con-
vention. The KILL command avoids creating long instructions to
abort jobs when an error is detected.
CCPXTEND.SYS usage (automatic)
This is intended to eliminate any syntactical difference between execution
of programs stored in libraries, and those that reside as files on disk.
The available program names will not appear in a DIR listing (but can be
shown by SD, a public domain program).
Use with CCP+ results in the following syntax at the CCP level.
B>name [command tail] executes name as a .COM on any
drive specified in the path, or
as a component of COMMAND.LBR
on any drive on the path.
B>-d: name [command tail] Executes name as a component
of d:COMMAND.LBR only.
B>-lbrname name [command tail] Executes name as a component of
lbrname.LBR on drives on the path.
B>-d:lbrname name [command tail] Executes name as a component of
d:lbrname.LBR only
B>-d:lbrname.ext name [command tail] Executes name as a component
of d:lbrname.ext only.
Overall, the search path for a command without disk spec. is:
1. default drive, current user (normal CPM stops here)
2. path drives, current user
3. default drive, current user, in COMMAND.LBR
4. path drives, current user, in COMMAND.LBR
5. Whatever final system is patched into CCPXTEND.SYS
(remembering that $SYS files on user area 0 are available at each step)
NOTE that if a file -nnn.COM exists it can be executed by CCP+ before this
CCPXTEND system is reached.
CAVEAT: the normal SYSGEN program expects to be loaded without disturbing
memory from 0900h up through about 237fh (varies with system). Even the
0900h may be invalid for some systems (this is where the bootstrap image
goes). To use SYSGEN from COMMAND.LBR without taking special precautions
(for altering systems, e.g. installing CCP+) this program must not disturb
this area. This version (LRUN 2.0.4 or CCPXTEND 1.4) does not disturb 0880h
up, except for the 128 bytes below the CCP.
My personal usage is to install virtually all utilities in COMMAND.LBR,
because my system uses a minimun disk allocation of 2k bytes. Thus, on the
average, each installed program saves 1k bytes of disk space, and small
programs even more. The following should NOT be installed in libraries:
WordStar because the "Run" command within WordStar
must be able to find the file to reload.
If you never use this command WordStar may
be installed in a library.
WSxxx.OVR WordStar cannot find its overlays in a
CCPXTEND.SYS This program itself MUST be directly
and, where my Pascal system is installed:
PASCALP.PCD needs to be available as a file for TUNE
to set it's code versus data space usage.
If you never compile large programs and
want to leave it at some setting, go ahead
and install it in PCDS.LBR. RUNPCD has a
build in library search.
In general it is useless to install a program that takes an exact multiple
of the disk allocation unit, except to conserve on directory entries.
Using these techniques my normal system disk (390k, with 64 max directory
entries) holds about 110 programs, and uses only about 20 directory
entries. LRUN is constructed as an "ALIAS" entry for CCPXTEND (or you may
consider it the reverse if you prefer). I have a compiler, 4 assemblers, 3
linkers, editor, BBS system, modem program, foreign disk drivers, spooler,
unspooler, PCD interpreter, batch system with conditionals, find and sort
utilities, library utilities, squeeze/unsqueezers, cross-referance for
Pascal, Zilog, Intel 8080, 8086 assemblers, and much more immediately
available. I virtually never have to change the system disk.
JOB (v. 1.5) Documentation
JOB is an improved submit facility for CP/m systems, evolved from public
domain SUPERSUB by Ron Fowler. JOB is copyright (c) 1983, 1984, 1986 by:
C.B. Falconer, 680 Hartford Tpk, Hamden, CT 06517. (203) 281-1438
JOB may be executed interactively (by "job /") or completely from the com-
mand line (by "job / instruction"). Entering "JOB" with no parameters will
give a short summary.
JOB allows parameters to be terminated by commas, thus a pair (i.e. ",,")
can specify a null parameter. In addition, parameters can be "quoted
strings", to allow any input whatsoever. In a quoted string a quote must be
represented by two quotes. JOB also accepts empty input lines (e.g. PIP
exit command).
JOB creates the $$$.SUB file on drive A, (user 0 as of JOB15) and thus can
be executed with any setting of the default drive. In addition JOB searches
both the default and A drives for the .JOB file when no drive is specified
in the command line, and (ver 1.4) if no .JOB file has yet been found
searches default and system disks for a component of JOBS.LBR file.
Thus a set of small .JOB files can be packed into JOBS.LBR and executed
directly. When many .JOB files are used this can significantly reduce disk
An initial line in the .JOB file beginning with ";;" (double semi-colon)
signifies that the line specifies a default set of parameters ($0 thru $9).
These are only used when the execution command line does not supply
JOB does not arbitrarily upshift anything, however an unmodified CCP will
probably upshift all input lines. CCP+ can be set to avoid this upshifting.
JOB will accept most files created for SUBMIT, unless supplied parameters
include commas and quotes. Since the reverse is not true JOB expects its'
input files to be of type .JOB.
JOB15 up is organized to co-operate with CCP+/DOS+ and execute jobs thru
changes in user number.
A test file to demonstrate JOB parameter handling appears below (note null
line, and use of initial ";" so that lines are comments to CCP+):
;;testingjob parm1, "parm2",, parm4 parm5, ," parm ""7"", "
; null defaults for parm3, parm6, parm8, parm9
;$0; <<end of test file>>
where testjob is the above file from the ";;"
This simply shows a set of comment commands on the console.
Conditional batch operations
These are handled by //IF and //SKIP programs, which are documented in
IFSKIP.DOC (.DZC) separate file. When combined with the facilities of JOB,
XJOB, CCP+, and DOS+ an extremely powerful batch capability results.
DDTZ debugger
DDTZ is documented in the separate file DDTZ.DOC (.DZC)
All utilities give a short synopsis of their commands when executed with no
parameters, or with '?' parameter. MOVDOS+, //IF and //SKIP are exceptions.
INITDIR allows re-organization of existing disks (or hard drives) for time
stamping. Files and directories are preserved. Directories are sorted.
FDATE allows examination of file time stamps, similar to DIR.
MOVDOS+ allows generation of various sized system images. See -INSTALL.DOS.
JOB, //IF, and //SKIP are discussed above. XJOB replaces XSUB and is docu-
mented in a separate file, and makes programmed console input feasible.
ENSPOOL (ENSPOL10) allows all lister output to be spooled to a specified
disk file. To initialize do "enspool filename.typ". Output echoed to the
list device (by CTL-P) will not be spooled, nor will output via direct bios
calls. ENSPOOL is removed by executing it again. Note that until this is
done the output file is open, and the appropriate disk must NOT be changed.
UNSPOOL (UNSPOL42) unspools a disk file to the list device. It is started
by "unspool filename.typ".
CCPXTEND.SYS is necessary for automatic access to files in COMMAND.LBR.
SETFLAGS allows dynamic re-configuration of some DOS+ parameters, in par-
ticular use of breaks, file access time stamping, and compatibility mode.
Executing SETFLAGS with no parameters shows the command syntax. When SET-
FLAGS completes it does not reboot, so that the altered configuration will
be in effect for the next program run. Unless RSX's are mounted (which
includes ENSPOOL and UNSPOOL) the next reboot will reset the configuration.
FCOPY copies files across user areas. Unlike PIP it purges the destination
file first, allowing copying to full disks. However disk failures can then
lose a file. The default destination name is the source name if on a diff-
erent drive or user (or both). -v flag causes verification.
FDIFF does a binary comparison between files. The default "destination" is
the "source" name, on a different drive or user (or both).
TIME allows setting and interrogation of the system time. Note that the
timer provisions are usable without any real-time-clock, by manual setting
of the timer. "time ?" gives help, "time" reports, "time yy/mm/dd hh-mm"
sets the system time. Note use of ISO standard date format, and that "hh"
is 24 hour (0..23) time. Punctuate as shown.
DOS+ builds heavily on the earlier P2DOS created by H.A.J. Ten Brugge,
Molenstraat 33, NL-7491 BD Delden, The Netherlands. Tel..31-5407-1980
Contributions by Gary Novasielski, Ron Fowler, and many others have been
shamelessly incorporated into the system.
The timer string and routine
The timer address should point to a byte array, where
byte 0 = low byte } of DR format date, an integer count of
byte 1 = high byte } days since 78/1/1 (78/1/1 = 1)
byte 2 = hour, 0..23 (in BCD)
byte 3 = minute, 0..59 (in BCD)
byte 4 = second, 0..59 (in BCD).
If the timer address is a routine it should return hl a pointer to the
above array. If the (bc) register is non zero on entry the time is to
be set, and the bc register points to the array to set (4 bytes only,
the seconds byte should be set to zero).