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256 lines
JMON-monitor for banked BIOS
Vers 1.00 88Jan22 by Julian Loke
This is a simple Z80 breakpoint debugger which I use to
trace through my CP/M banked BIOS. During the bootstrap
procedure, as many as five bank swaps are made. This means
that I can't use a standard debugger or even my ROM monitor
since there is no fixed stack segment. This self-modifying
debugger code lives in common memory (in my system COLOUR
RAM at 0F800h).
The ZASM source code is supplied, and overlays for a
MicroBee 56 are included. These include keyboard scan code
and code for a hardware scroll VDU driver using the 6545.
As is, the code can be shoehorned into just under 4k.
After I piggy-backed the second 56k bank of RAM on my
Z80 MicroBee computer, I felt it was rather a waste to use
it all as a RAM disk. I had a terrible sinking feeling in
the pit of my stomach when I realized I would write a banked
memory BIOS. I didn't feel any better when I had to debug
the beast.
This is one of the more useful tools I developed to
help me trace through my XBIOS, which sits in a different
bank from the TPA.
The design criteria were simple:
Z80 breakpoint debugger with multiple breakpoints
Memory monitor
Port monitor
Keyboard and VDU routines independent of ROM
MUST fit in common memory (2k)
Transparent to XBIOS (i.e. no shared memory)
The Monitor
Those of you familiar with DDT will feel right at home.
Single letter commands are typed on a short command line.
Parameters follow, and are separated by commas. There is NO
help facility.
Being only a tiny monitor, JMON does not allow
disassembly. You will need to manually trace through your
code, armed with a list of Z80 opcodes and mnemonics, and
with a printed listing of your .PRN file.
I found this quite adequate for my purposes. Of
course, if you insist on being able to disassemble and
trace, I'd be very grateful if you could add the code to do
Assembling JMON
This program is NOT an example of elegant assembly
language programming. As is, it is intended for use with
ZASM and LOAD via a .HEX file. It produces a file for use
with a MicroBee.
The keyboard and VDU I/O routines (see below) for the
MicroBee are rather large. Consequently, there was not much
left for a decent monitor unless I used self-modifying code.
A major stumbling block (which still remains) is the
lack of a PHASE directive in ZASM. Being an ASM user from
way back, I used offsets at EVERY ABSOLUTE address. So,
instead of:
ld sp,stk ;new stack
ld a,(lbl5) ;absolute address
jr nz,lbl1 ;relative address
I have to put
ld sp,stk+poff ;new stack + offset
ld a,(lbl5+poff) ;absolute address + offset
jr nz,lbl1 ;relative address
where poff is defined earlier in the program. Look through
the source code for more examples.
If your assembler has a PHASE directive, put that into
the file, and EQUate poff to zero.
poff equ 0 ;offset for patch
I/O interfacing
To assemble JMON for a non-MicroBee system, you MUST to
provide TWO include files:
file entry point function
JVDU.Z80 wr$a write ASCII char in register A
to VDU. Preserves all other
JKBDST.Z80 kbdst Keyboard status/input routine.
Return ASCII key in register A,
and NZ flag. If no keys are
pressed, return A=0, Z status.
Beware! See the section above on producing PHASE code
with an assembler without a PHASE directive. You MUST get
this correct, or you will wind up in terrible trouble!
Using JMON
There is a small loader supplied with JMON.Z80 for
loading the program into the correct address. I put a
couple of options for my system, but this may or may not be
suitable for you.
A>JMON load and install JMON in the COLOUR RAM
at 0F800h. Return to CP/M, ready for
JUMP 0F800 from ZCPR, or following DDT.
A>JMON X load, install, then run JMON
A>JMON X.1 as above, but stores JMON in the PCG RAM
instead of the colour RAM.
Command Short Description
B display all breakpoints
Bxxxx toggle breakpoint at xxxx
C clear all breakpoints
D dump 128 bytes from current pointer
Dxxxx dump 128 bytes from xxxx
Dxxxx,yyyy dump from xxxx to yyyy
D,yyyy dump from last addr to yyyy
Fxxxx,yyyy fill from xxxx to yyyy with 00
Fxxxx,yyyy,nn fill from xxxx to yyyy with nn
G go to PC
Gxxxx go to xxxx
Gxxxx,yyyy go to PC, temporary breakpoint at yyyy
Hxxxx,yyyy display sum and difference (hexadecimal)
Inn input from port nn
Inn,oo input from port nn, put oo on A8..A15
Mxxxx,yyyy,zzzz move memory from xxxx..yyyy to zzzz
Onn,oo output value oo to port nn
Q quit to ROM monitor
Qxxxx quit to address xxxx
R display registers
Rrxxxx set register r to xxxxx, r in [ABDHXYSPZ]
RFfff set flag(s) in flag register, f in [SZHPNC]
S substitute memory contents from last address
Sxxxx substitute memory contents at xxxx
Z display current PAGE register
Zxxxx set PAGE register to xxxx
Notes on commands
field description example notes
nn hex number I0 input from port 00h
xxxx hex number G,0DF3 go with temp brkpt at 0DF3h
or PC spec D. dump from PC onwards
or PC relative B.r brkpt assuming PC at JR
or PC absolute B.a brkpt e.g. with PC at CALL
rr register name RA38 set A to 38h
RH1234 set HL to 1234h
ffff flag name RFZPS set FLAGS Z P and S
The S command allows you to put several bytes in
sequence (separated by commas) on the same line. If you
start with a comma, the rest of the line is stored as an
ASCII string verbatim.
How I use JMON
Let's say I am debugging the SELECT DISK XBIOS CODE.
This lives in a bank separate from the TPA, which can only
be accessed when the stack has been set to common memory.
I have a printed listing of the region of code under
test, and select a suitable location for a breakpoint.
Using JMON, I can change banks using the Z command, and
examine memory with the D dump command. I usually change
some memory with the S command, then issue a GO command with
temporary breakpoint. The registers are displayed, and may
be redisplayed and modified with the R command.
In this way I can successfully trace through my XBIOS.
Many a bug, hidden stealthily in obscure source code has
been revealed to me by this method.
Sample JMON run with comments
A>JMON X invoke jmon
JMON v1.00 by J.Loke 88Jan22
$z1 select XBIOS bank
$dc84e dump memory in bank 1,C84E
01:C84E 7A 2E...
01:C85E 5F 73...
$bc84e set a permanent breakpoint
$b display all breakpoints
$z2 select TPA bank
$g0 start, breakpoints active
A>dir b: invoke test function
... XBIOS breakpoint reached
registers are displayed
c clear all breakpoints
$d. dump at PC
$g,c854 go with temporary brkpnt
... breakpoint reached
registers are displayed
$rfz set ZERO flag
$ra0 set accumulator zero
$h.,5 display PC+5,PC-5
$g,.r trace past relative jump
$d. dump instruction LD HL,LBL
$d.a dump LBL
EUREKA I found the error!
$z2 select TPA bank
$q0 quit with a warm boot
Any more?
JMON is not a fully featured monitor. It is not even
the debugger I use within CP/M. I only use JMON because
there is nothing else that could handle the banked memory in
my computer.
Think of it as a kludge, and you won't be disappointed.
You might even be pleasantly surprised how useful JMON can
For more extensive documentation, or to return comments
or criticisms, please get in contact with me on EASTWOOD
R/ZSYS (03) 870 4623, or after your International access
code, 61-3-870-4623. V22 or Bell 212.
Released to the public domain to be freely distributed.
May not be sold or included in a package which is sold.
Julian Loke
Melbourne, Australia.
1988 Jan 22