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I will describe the various routines in sections, but first a few
points about the whole set. None of the files have carriage control, so
if you want to copy them to the printer, you should specify @-CC on
*PRINT*. All of the files (except this one) are Draco source files. None
of you will be too familiar with the language, but it's sufficiently
like C and Pascal that you shouldn't have trouble with it. Data types
'ushort', 'word', 'short' and 'int' can all be thought of as Pascal
integers (the distinction between 8 bit and 16 bit and between signed
and unsigned is useful on micros which don't support that stuff very
efficiently, but is not relevant on the Amdahl). The 'nonrec' in the
procedure headers can be ignored - it's like a compiler directive. The
enumeration types 'enum' are like the same things in C and Pascal. The
'union' types are C-style unions, which are like Pascal's variant
records except that the choice of which is present is made externally.
The most difficult conversion problem will be that of handling global
variables - each of the 3 library source files has it's own internal
global variables which are not meant to be visible by anyone else (much
like modules and packages). Pascal has no such feature, so the globals
will have to be combined into one big batch. Perhaps the cleanest way is
to have one file of all global declarations which can be $CONTINUEd with
to sort of fudge 'include'ing them. I've kept all externally visible
library routine names to 8 characters or less, but some internal
routines have longer names which will have to be shrunk for MTS. Also, I
don't think I've relied on upper/lower case distinction anywhere. Draco
strings are like C strings - they consist of a bunch of characters with
a special marker ('\e' in Draco) at the end. Things in double quotes
(e.g. "hello") are that kind of string. Their data type is '*char' which
is pointer to character. The '&' operator in Draco takes the address of
whatever it is applied to. Thus if 'buffer' is an array of 10 characters
(type '[10]char'), then '&buffer[0]' is the address of the first
character in the array and is of type '*char'.
QCRT.DRC - CRT routines.
These routines handle a 24 line by 80 column screen in the manner
which we discussed earlier. Even though the sizes are parameterized as
constants (NLINES and NCOLUMNS), it is not likely that the code would
work properly with a different size screen. All routines whose names
begin with 'CRT_' are in my terminal independent CRT library, which
allows programs which use it to be user configured for most terminal
types. The routines used are:
CRT_ClearScreen() - clear the screen & leave cursor at (0, 0)
CRT_Move(ushort line, column) - move the cursor to the indicated
(0-origin) line and column on the screen
CRT_EnterHighLight() - output after this will be highlighted, e.g.
in reverse video
CRT_ExitHighLight() - output after this will be normal
CRT_ClearTail() - the current line from the cursor to the last
column is cleared - the cursor is not moved
CRT_ClearToEnd(ushort line) - the cursor is moved to the beginning
of the given line and the screen is cleared from there on down
CRT_PutChars(*char string) - the given string is output to the
screen at the current cursor position
CRT_PutChar(char ch) - the character is output to the screen
CRT_GetChar()char - a character is read from the terminal. This
routine returns '\e' until a key is pressed
CRT_GetLine(*char buffer; ushort length) - this routine reads an
input line of the given maximum length into the buffer. Input
line editing (backspace, line delete) is enabled.
The upper left-hand corner of the screen, 11 lines by 38 columns, is
used to display an 11 line by 19 column region of a "scenery map" which
is a sort of bird's eye view of the region around the player character
(PC) or group. Each 'cell' in the map is represented by two characters,
side by side. The CRT routines maintain this view by calling a user-
supplied scenery generator, which, given the line and column
co-ordinate, returns the pair of characters to display for that position.
Also maintained is a list of 'movable objects' which are not considered
part of the scenery. Each has a pair of characters to display. They are
displayed 'over top of' the scenery, and the last such specified at a
given position is the one displayed. Each has an identifier by which the
user programmer can refer to it. The one with identifier = 0 is assumed
to be the PC or group, and if it is moved to or off of the edge of the
viewing area, then the entire map view is windowed (which will entail a
number of calls to the user-supplied scenery generator).
The upper right-hand corner of the screen, 11 lines by 40 columns,
is used to display various status indicators needed by the scenario.
There are three kinds of status indicators: numeric, string and string-
list. These are set up by calling the appropriate routine with the
header for the item, it's position in the status area (line, column of
the first character of the header), and the item's size. These routines
are also passed the address of the actual variable which records the
current value, so that a simple call to 'scUpdate' can update the status
display directly. All routines return an identifier by which the status
indicator can be referred. String-list items are used for things such as
the list of things the PC is carrying - the update routine handles
correct formatting for multi-line display with separating commas.
Instead of being given the address of the list header, the 'scMult'
routine is passed a procedure which it is to call to get successive
strings to display.
The bottom 12 lines of the screen are used for text input/output as
occurs in most Adventure style games. When the bottom of the screen is
reached, the area is cleared and I/O continues on the first line of the
region. If the bottom is reached during output, then the output pauses
until the end-user types a key to continue (my version displays 'MORE'
in reverse video down the right-hand edge of the region). The output
routine handles one character at a time. This allows me to use it as a
Draco text output channel through which I can 'write' or 'writeln'
whatever I need to output. This can't be done in Pascal, but so far the
only things I've needed to output are character strings. Output in this
way will automatically do word breaks at the correct place. (This means
that, unless special output formats are needed, text can be output in
one big continuous stream, and will be automagically broken on word
All CRT routines have names beginning with 'sc'. They are:
scInit() - this must be called once before any other calls.
Map area routines:
scNewMap(proc(int line, column)[2]char scenery; word oldObj)word - this
fancy header indicates that 'scNewMap' has 2 parameters and returns
a result. The first parameter is a procedure which takes two integer
parameters and returns an array of 2 characters - this is the
scenery generator mentioned above. The second parameter is the list
of "movable objects" associated with the map. This is usually just
0, but is used when a scenario involves more than one map (it
preserves the "movable objects" between uses of the map). The value
returned is the "movable objects" list that used to be active. This
routine must be called before the map area is used for anything.
scWindow(int line, column) - forces the map area to be redrawn, centered
on the given co-ordinates.
scNew(int id, line, column; [2]char chars) - this routine is used to
create a new "movable object". The id is used to refer to the entry
when moving or deleting it. The line and column are where the object
is now, and the two characters are what to display for it.
scMove(int id, line, column) - the specified "movable object" is moved
to the given location and redisplayed (if within the window).
scDelete(int id) - the specified "movable object" is removed and can no
longer be referenced.
Status area routines:
scNumber(*char name; ushort line, column, length; *int ptr)int - this
routine is used to create a numeric status display. 'name' is the
string to use for a header, 'line' and 'column' specify where in the
status area to display the item, 'length' is the number of spaces to
use for the numeric display (format is 'HEADER: xxxx'), and ptr is
the address of the variable which is being displayed. (This address
is saved away so that calls to 'scUpdate' can cause a re-display
without having to pass in the new value.) The returned value is an
identifier by which the status item can be referred.
scString(*char name; ushort line, column, length; **char ptr)int - this
routine is used to create a string status display. 'length' is the
length of the string to be used (it will be padded on the right or
truncated as needed). 'ptr' points to the string variable.
scMult(*char name; ushort line, column, lines;
proc(bool first)*char gen)int - this routine is used to create a
string-list status display. 'lines' is the number of lines reserved
for this item (successive lines start in the 3rd column of the
status display area). 'gen' is a procedure to call to get the items
to be displayed in the list. It has a parameter telling it to start
over since, if the items won't fit in the available space, the
display process will prematurely stop calling it. If the items won't
fit in the available lines, the last one is followed by '..' to
indicate that there were more items.
scUpdate(int id) - the specified status item is re-displayed. Once the
display items are set up, this is the only display item routine that
will be needed.
***NOTE*** In going over this stuff, I've notice that I'm quite
inconsistent about who generates id's and when they are used. The status
area routines (and the grammar rules) should be GIVEN id's by the user
program. Then an 'scRemove(int id)' can be easily added.
Later note: this HAS been done, but I'm too lazy to change this writeup.
Text I/O routines:
scPut(char ch) - this routine is called to output a character in the
text area. Word break and pagination is handled as discussed above.
The characters '\r' and '\n' (Carriage return and linefeed) are used
to signal the need for a forced newline.
scPrompt(*char prompt) - this routine is called to specify the prompt to
use on input.
scRead(*char buffer) - an input line is read into the passed buffer. If
any text was left to be output (it is buffered up to allow for the
word-break processing) it is output first and a new line started.
Any prompt is output before the read is done.
QPARSE.DRC - the parser.
The parser is fairly simple but will handle a variety of input
styles, ranging from the simple 'get book' to the more complex 'Put the
magic sword into the glass trophy case.' No provisions are currently
present for having multiple commands on one line unless the grammar
specifies it directly (quite cumbersome). Prefixes, consisting of words
before an initial ':' can be picked off, but this facility will probably
not be used (see later). These routines handle the dictionary, which
contains words, along with their id (should be unique) and type (the
parser places no interpretation on types, but they are needed). The
words are stored directly as given (any characters can be used), but
when the parsing occurs, case will be ignored. Also, when parsing,
spaces are used as word separators, so having 'words' with spaces in
them will not work.
The grammar parsed consists of a number of sentence forms, each of
which is simply a list of elements. An element can be a specific word
which is required, a specific word-type which is required, an optional
specific word, an optional word-type or a sequence of words of a given
type. For example, the grammar sentence
could be used to handle the verb 'give'. Input sentences like
Give the big red rose to the ugly dwarf.
give sword to troll
would be accepted (provided the words were in the dictionary and had
been flagged with the appropriate types). The various sentence forms are
tried one at a time to match the input commands, thus the ones given
first will take precedence over later ones in case of ambiguity.
All parser routine names start with 'ps'. They are:
psInit(bool prefixEnabled) - must be called once before any other parser
routines are used. If 'prefixEnabled' is true, then prefixes ending
with ':' will be picked off of input sentences, otherwise they are
handled as part of the input sentence. Even when such prefixes are
used (e.g. to talk to NPC's), it is probably better to have separate
grammar rules for the things that can be said to NPC's, instead of
having these things mixed in with the rules for direct commands. The
whole area needs more thought, e.g. how do we send messages to other
psWord(*char txt; int id, typ) - the given word is added to the
dictionary with the given id and word-type. More than one entry with
the same id can be added - they are synonyms. Punctuation 'words'
are added in the same way.
psgBegin() - called to start the specification of a grammar rule.
psgWord(FORMTYPE form; int data) - called to add an element to a grammar
rule. FORMTYPE is an enumeration type with values REQID, REQTYPE,
OPTID, OPTTYPE and MULTIPLE which is included in Q.G. The five
element types were discussed above (required word of given id,
required word of given type, optional word of given id, optional
word of given type, multiple words of given type). The 'data'
parameter is either the id or word-type, as needed.
psgEnd() - called to signal the end of a grammar rule. Grammar rules can
be added at any time, as can dictionary entries; thus the language
can grow as the game progresses.
psFind(*char txt)int - looks a word up in the dictionary. Returns the id
of the word, or 0 if the word isn't found (thus id = 0 should not be
used for any word).
psGet(int id)*char - returns the text of the identified word
psType(int id)int - returns the word-type of the identified word
psParse(*char sentence)int - this routine parses the given input string
according to the currently existing dictionary and grammar rules. It
returns: -1 if some word in the input is unknown (call pspBad to get
the text of the word); 0 if all words were known but the input
didn't match any of the grammar rules; else the grammar rule number
of the matched rule (assigned starting at 1 and going up as the
rules are created using the 'psg' routines). For a successful match,
'pspWord' and 'pspPref' can be used to find more details.
pspBad()*char - called after pspParse has returned -1 to get the text of
the word which wasn't in the dictionary. (The parser stops as soon
as it finds one, so there will only be the one.)
pspWord(int pos)int - returns the id of the word(s) that matched the
'pos'th position in the successful grammar rule. For OPTional
elements, 0 is returned if no word was there. For MULTIPLE elements,
successive calls to 'pspWord' with the same 'pos' will return the
various words that matched. No more (or none at all) is signalled by
'pspWord' returning 0.
pspPref()int - After psParse when prefixes are enabled, successive calls
to this routine will return the id's of the words that were part of
the prefix (the stuff before the first ':'). To handle prefixes like
'Dan, Joe:', comma should be made a word and will be dutifully
returned by pspPref. (The ':' is thrown away.) pspPref returns 0
when there are no more prefix words (if there were any at all).
QLIST.DRC - list handling routines.
These routines are used for handling semantic information. They
care nothing about meanings - they are just general tools. If we come up
with better ways to handle general semantic information, I'm quite
willing to abandon the whole set. One set of routines (names start with
'l') simply handles lists of integers (adding, appending, deleting, etc.)
Another set handles properties (essentially arbitrary boolean
(true/false) flags) associated with identifiers. A third set handles
attribute-value pairs associated with identifiers (things like (size 2),
(weight 20), (color red), etc.). More complicated things are used in AI,
(e.g. (BROTHER-OF Sam Joe)), but we probably won't need them.
lInit() - this routine must be called before any others in this set.
getId()int - called to get a unique integer id. The values returned on
consecutive calls are just 1, 2, 3, etc. Note that this routine was
never used in the sample scenario program, since all id's were
needed to be known in several places.
Simple list handling routines.
Type INTLIST given in Q.G defines the elements of the lists. A list
variable is of type *INTLIST.
lAdd(**INTLIST pil; int n) - the value 'n' is added to the front of the
list. No check is made to see if it is already in the list.
lAppend(**INTLIST pil; int n) - the value 'n' is appended to the end of
the list. No check is made to see if it is already in the list.
lDelete(**INTLIST pil; int n) - the first occurrence (if any) of the
value 'n' is deleted from the list.
lGet(*INTLIST il; int n)int - the value of the nth element of the list
is returned (if any, else 0).
lIn(*INTLIST il; int n)bool - returns 'true' if the value 'n' is in the
list, else returns 'false'.
Property handling routines.
putProp(int id, prop) - associates property 'prop' with item 'id'.
getProp(int id, prop)bool - returns 'true' if property 'prop' is
associated with item 'id', else returns 'false'.
delProp(int id, prop) - ensures that property 'prop' is not associated
with item 'id'.
Attribute-value handling routines.
putAttr(int id, attr, val) - associates attribute 'attr' with value
'val' with item 'id'. Any previous association is replaced.
getAttr(int id, attr)int - returns the value for attribute 'attr'
associated with item 'id', else 0 if none.
delAttr(int id, attr) - dissassociates attribute 'attr' from item 'id'.