Text File
153 lines
Revision 2.2 3/12/84
Original 2/82 by Tony Ribeiro
Revised 2/83 by Bruce Ratoff for MODEM79x
Revised 5/83 by Dave Holmes to work with MDM707
Revised 5/83 by Mark Pulver added LIBLEN Equate
Revised 6/83 by Mark Pulver added real case conversion
Revised 7/83 by Dennis Recla for Automatic Space Testing
Revised 8/83 by Mark Pulver file cleanup, modifiable search ranges
Revised 2/84 by Robert Moroney allow 36 entries in number list
Revised 2/84 by Charlie Polete allow 26 or 36 entries in list
Revised 2/84 by Dennis Recla... Fully automatic universal version
Revised 3/84 by Sigi Kluger.. Fixed POP bug with a patch
Revised 3/84 by Dennis Recla.. Fixed POP and setup single input file
The purpose of CHGLIB is to make insertions and deletions to
the dial library of MODEM7 without having to reassemble the
entire file.
The program uses and changes the COM file and does not touch
or use the ASM file at all.
NOTE: This program will function properly only if the dial
library is faithfully constructed as spelled out in the MODEM7
documentation. It will search for the first character A and then
do a test for spacings of 30-40, (See below for more on this),
between the letters A, B, and C of the Number library. These
spacing values will meet most of the various MODEM7 programs that
have been written to now and including MDM724. The newer versions
of MDM7xx since MDM722 have larger number lists which include the
numbers 0 to 9 to add an additional 10 phone numbers available.
This revised version will check to see if it is an OLD version of
Modem7 or one of the newest versions of MDM7xx and only allow the
proper entry of alphabetic characters and or numbers.
This program will also replace M7LIB.COM as was found with later
versions of MDM7xx. It is universal in that it works with both the
earlier versions and the more recent versions of MDM7xx or MODEM7.
Note: When the directory of numbers appears on the screen it may
vary from what appears when you use the CAL or NUM command when in
MDM7xx. The later versions of MDM7xx added a subroutine to organize
the numbers on the screen in order from A to 9 going in a top to
bottom sequence replacing the original left to right sequence of
phone numbers. This utility program was not modified, since it is
only used when it is necessary to modify the phone number listing.
CHGLIB operates by loading the present COM version of MODEM7
into ram,allows you to make your changes to the library, and then
saves the new COM file on disk. It does not delete your orig
MODEM7 COM file. For example...
Note that two(2) arguments can be used when invoking
CHGLIB. The first is the current file name, the second is the
file name you assign to the new version. As for the second
argument CHGLIB will not accept any file name that is currently
active on that disk. If you wish to keep the same file name, you
must delete the old version and then 'REN' the new version after
using CHGLIB.
This new version as of Ver. 2.2 now only requires a single
input file be named. It will take the input file as the file
to bring into memory for changes and before it writes the modified
file to the disk it will rename the original file that exists on
the disk to a .BAK extension. This will improve the ease that the
program can be used. If you require the newfile to be on a different
drive then use the original method of entry.
CHGLIB will do an automatic test to find the proper spacing
search for the start of the dial library.NOTE--CHGLIB searches
only the first 4K bytes of the MODEM7 file as this is where the
library is generally located. When CHGLIB beleives that it has
found the library it will display the start address and the
library on the console. It will then ask you if the library looks
ok(in other words,has CHGLIB found the correct start).If you
answer no,then the program will continue the search. If you
answer 'Y',CHGLIB will keep track of the address and jmp to the
command function.After the start address has been established you
will then get a command prompt. The COMMANDS are as follows.
NOTE: * denotes a valid char A-Z
1)^C Exit to CP/M, (with file change checking).
2)D* Delete one phone number line
3)I* Insert one phone number line
4)P Prints dial library on list device
5)R Rereads source file(current changes are lost)
6)V* View one line
7)V? View entire library
8)W Write new file to disk
NOTE: User can leave INSERT mode without changes if a CR is
typed with no characters entered on command line. For example,if
user has started to type in chars and decides not to make any
changes, just delete chars typed in and hit a CR. If user enters
'I' but has not typed in any chars,then just hit a CR.The program
will return to the command mode. Follow the the format shown on
the INSERT mode command line. You must enter exactly 30
chars.Align your input with the guide chars located above the
cursor. I have been using this program for awhile and find it
very satisfactory. It makes changes to the library very fast.
FEB 1982
And Others........
; Modification Note: ;
Starting with version 1.6 of this program, it is possible to
change the number library search ranges without having to re-
assemble the program. There are two bytes up front in the memory
image, the first occurs at address 0103H and holds the lower
limit, while the next byte, 0104H, holds the upper spacing limit.
You can use DDT to make the mods as in the following
example, ( lowercase text is what you type in )...
A>DDT CHGLIB.COM<cr> ; load CHGLIB into memory
DDT VERS 2.2 ; DDT signon
0C80 0100
-s103<cr> ; the lower limit is at 0103H
0103 1E xx<cr> ; 'xx' is the HEX value for the
; lower limit
0104 28 xx<cr> ; 'xx' is the HEX value for the
; upper limit
0105 31 .<cr> ; a '.' will get you out of set mode
-^C ; a control C will put you at CP/M
A>save 12 chglib.com<cr> ; and save the file to disk
The program will now search, in 1 byte increments, the range
that you have specified.