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- Filσ WNDODEMO.CO═ i≤ ß shor⌠ demonstratioε prograφ fo≥ thσ Window≤ modulσ ì
- froφ E╟ Systems« I⌠ demonstrate≤ somσ oµ thσ feature≤ availablσ iε thi≤ ì
- module.
- T∩ usσ thσ dem∩ prograφ yo⌡ mus⌠ firs⌠ creatσ ß filσ containinτ certaiε ì
- contro∞ informatioε abou⌠ you≥ termina∞ screen« D∩ thi≤ b∙ executinτ filσ ì
- SCREEN.COM« SCREE╬ wil∞ leaΣ yo⌡ througΦ ß sequencσ tha⌠ wil∞ builΣ thσ ì
- file. Be prepared to input such things as:
- áááLead-iε sequence¼ middlσ anΣ terminatinτ sequence≤ fo≥ you≥ termina∞ iµ ì
- áááááany¼ addres≤ binary/ascii¼ row/co∞ offset¼ etc¼ fo≥ curso≥ addressinτ ì
- áááááoε you≥ terminal.
- áááááControl strings for hilite/normal video.
- áááááGraphic≤ contro∞ characters¼ iµ available¼ fo≥ drawinτ windo≈ boxes« ì
- áááááIµ thesσ feature≤ arσ no⌠ availablσ wσ sugges⌠ yo⌡ usσ "-ó fo≥ al∞ ì
- ááááácorners and horizontal bars and "|" for all vertical bars.
- Thσ filσ namσ fo≥ thσ outpu⌠ file« Fo≥ thσ demonstratioε prograφ thσ ì
- áááááfile name MUST be MYSCREEN.DFN.
- Wheε thi≤ i≤ completσ executσ WNDODEMO« WNDODEM╧ expect≤ t∩ finΣ ì
- MYSCREEN.DFN on the default directory.
- Thσ Window≤ modulσ b∙ E╟ System≤ wa≤ writteε anΣ debuggeΣ oε ß Z8░ micr∩ ì
- compute≥ compute≥ usinτ Turb∩ Modula2« I⌠ wil∞ ruε on an∙ Z8░ compatiblσ ì
- computer that will run Turbo Modula2 with a CP/M or ZPR3 operating system.ì
- Thσ Window≤ modulσ allow≤ thσ Modula▓ programme≥ t∩ maintaiε u≡ t∩ 1╢ ì
- logica∞ screens« Thσ firs⌠ screeε createΣ i≤ alway≤ designateΣ thσ maiε ì
- screen╗ al∞ othe≥ window≤ mus⌠ bσ withiε o≥ congruen⌠ witΦ it'≤ borders« ì
- Othe≥ thaε that¼ ß windo≈ caε bσ an∙ sizσ anΣ caε bσ locateΣ anywherσ oε thσ ì
- physica∞ termina∞ screen«
- Window≤ arσ assigneΣ t∩ ß "layer"« Thσ effec⌠ oµ thi≤ i≤ that¼ fo≥ example¼ ì
- ß windo≈ oε laye≥ │ ma∙ overla≡ anΣ cover¼ eithe≥ partiall∙ o≥ completely¼ ß ì
- windo≈ oε laye≥ │ openeΣ earlie≥ o≥ ß windo≈ oε laye≥ 2¼ ▒ o≥ 0.
- Wheε ß windo≈ i≤ closed¼ thσ tex⌠ tha⌠ shoulΣ appea≥ iε ß windo≈ behinΣ i⌠ ì
- (i.e« onσ oε ß lowe≥ layer⌐ wil∞ reappea≥ witΦ n∩ explici⌠ commanΣ b∙ thσ ì
- programmer.
- Thσ laye≥ o≥ locatioε oµ ß windo≈ caε bσ changeΣ dynamicall∙ whethe≥ thσ ì
- windo≈ i≤ opeε o≥ closed« Thi≤ i≤ donσ internall∙ b∙ closinτ thσ window¼ ì
- makinτ thσ specifieΣ changσ anΣ reopeninτ thσ windo≈ (iµ i⌠ wa≤ opeε t∩ ì
- begiε with).
- Thσ Window≤ modulσ operate≤ b∙ creatinτ ß tex⌠ buffe≥ fo≥ eacΦ windo≈ anΣ ß ì
- contro∞ tablσ fo≥ eacΦ characte≥ oε thσ screeε withiε thσ maiε window« Wheε ì
- an∙ procedure is executeΣ whicΦ wil∞ changσ thσ appearancσ oµ thσ termina∞ ì
- screeε withiε thσ maiε window¼ thσ contro∞ tablσ i≤ inspecteΣ anΣ thσ screeε ì
- display is updated accordingly.è
- Therσ arσ ß fe≈ restriction≤ t∩ observσ iε thσ usσ iµ thσ Window≤ module« ì
- Creating many large windows will quickly use up a lot of memory.
- Al∞ writinτ t∩ thσ screeε areß withiε thσ maiε windo≈ mus⌠ bσ donσ onl∙ ì
- áááááwith Windows procedures.
- áááááAn∙ inpu⌠ anΣ al∞ outpu⌠ t∩ area≤ outsidσ thσ maiε windo≈ areß mus⌠ usσ ì
- ááááácarσ no⌠ t∩ causσ thσ ASCI╔ termina∞ screeε t∩ scrol∞ upward« Wσ ì
- áááááadvise configuring your terminal to prevent this if possible.
- For further information contact EG Systems, 9010 Freeman, Gilroy, CA 95020.