Text File
103 lines
SETD 2.2
A Library Date-Stamping Utility
Copyright 1988, Brent B. Powers
COPYRIGHT NOTICE: I have not released, nor do I intend to
release, this program to the public domain. However, you are
free to use this program in any way you deem, provided no fee is
attached to its distribution or transfer, and any such
distribution includes this documentation file in its entirety.
This explicitly bars selling this program on a disk, with or
without other programs on the disk, and charging for the disk,
nor may this program be downloaded from a BBS which charges for
access. Although purveyors of such services have every right to
operate in such a manner, I personally feel it is contrary to
the spirit which has allowed CP/M to survive for 9 years.
Furthermore, if anyone is going to make money from this modest
utility, it ought to be me.
That said, this program is actually intended as a companion
to Steven Greenberg's LDIR-B. It allows the individual members
of a library to be dated, separately or in common, in a manner
that LDIR-B can detect.
Usage is simple, and a short summary of usage can be
obtained by simply running the program with no parameters.
However, that will not give a full list of options.
The basic form of the command is
SETD LIBRARY[.EXT] [[A]MM/DD/YY|[E]DD/MM/YY] [member] [/[O|U]]
LIBRARY is required, and indicates the name of the library
to be updated. The extension is optional and of no consequence;
SETD assumes an extension of .LBR. Wildcards are not allowed.
The date may or may not be optional, depending on the
installation (which see). The program is distributed in
American date mode (i.e., MM/DD/YY), however, a one byte patch
to the program will result in a default of European date mode
(i.e., DD/MM/YY). If American dates are the default, a European
date may be entered by prefacing it with an E; similarly, if
European dates are the default, an American date may be entered
by prefacing it with an A.
The membername is optional, and specifies which members of
the library to update. Wildcards are permitted. No entry at all
is equivalent to *.*.
In the program's default distribution, it will only alter
library members which are not already dated. This may be
circumvented by giving the /O parameter (for Overwrite), which
will cause all matching members to be updated, whether or not
they have been previously dated. If patched so that /O is the
default, /U (Update) will cause only undated members to be
Those with an operating system that supports a re-execution
command (e.g. GO) will be pleased to know that SETD.COM may be
reexecuted at will.
INSTALLATION: If your computer does not have a clock, there
are only two patches which you need worry about. These are:
103H: EUROMODE: Zero (default) for American style
dates, 0FFH for European style dates.
104H: OVERWRMODE: Zero (default) for overwrite only by
/O, 0FFH for overwrite mode as
If your computer does have a clock, you may code a routine
to access the clock. If this is done, the date on the command
line becomes optional. If a date is entered, it will override
the system date. For details of where this routine should go,
and what it should do, please see SETDCPM3.ASM.
ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS: Irv Hoff asked me to do the original
version of this program, which was simply a translation of C.B.
Falconer's LSETDATE. We must always acknowledge Gary P.
Novosielski for originating the LBR structure. Finally, thanks
to Steven Greenberg for LDIR-B.
Brent B. Powers
10 Feb, 1988
Versions: Version 2.2 has additional bug fixes, thanks to
Steven Greenberg's assistance. Verson 2.1 had a problem with
the cpm3 overlay file fixed (actually, it just disappeared), and
also a problem with small libraries (less than 4 members).
Version 2.0 was the original assembly language version, recoded
from the TurboPascal version, in turn recoded from the
TurboModula-2 version, which was, finally, a translation of C.B.
Falconer's LSETDATE, with a slightly different date-parsing