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573 lines
{* -------------------------------------------------------------------------
* M S - D O S F I L E S Y S T E M
* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *}
* The MS-DOS 'file system' contains the basic directory manipulations, that
* is searching through the directory, and the basic file manipulation, such
* as writing, reading and deleting an MS-DOS file.
function GetMsdosFileName : FullFileNames ;
* Build the file name with the '.' separator before the extension field.
GetMsdosFileName:= Copy( MsdosFcb^.FileName, 1, 8 ) + '.' +
Copy( MsdosFcb^.FileName, 9, 3 ) ;
end ; { of GetMsdosFileName }
procedure GetNextDirEntry( var Status: EntryTypes ) ;
* Locate the next file entry in the (sub)directory of an MS-DOS file
* system. The entry of the directory is made accessible via MsdosFcb.
* In case of an error, an EndOfDirectory status will be returned.
Status:= EndOfDirectory ; { Set default status }
if DirectorySearchPos=AfterLastEntry then Exit ;
* If at the beginning of a search through the (sub)directory, preset the
* variables such that the first sector of the (sub)directory will be read.
if DirectorySearchPos=BeforeFirstEntry then
DirectoryCluster:= DirectoryStartCls ;
if DirectoryStartCls=0 then { search the root directory }
DirectoryCluster := $FFF ; { For EndOfDirectory test }
DirectoryStartSct:= RootDirectoryStart ;
DirectorySize := RootDirectorySize ;
else { if not in root directory then }
DirectoryStartSct:= FirstDataSector +
(DirectoryCluster-2)*SectorsPerCluster ;
DirectorySize := SectorsPerCluster ;
end ; { of else }
DirectoryOrdinal := FcbsPerSector ;
DirectorySector := Pred( DirectoryStartSct ) ;
DirectorySearchPos:= InSubDirectory ;
end ; { of if }
* Fetch the next entry from the (sub) directory. First of all, determine
* the ordinal, the sector and the cluster of the next directory entry.
DirectoryOrdinal:= Succ( DirectoryOrdinal ) ;
if DirectoryOrdinal>=FcbsPerSector then
DirectorySector:= Succ( DirectorySector ) ;
if DirectorySector>=(DirectoryStartSct+DirectorySize) then
* The end of a set of directory sectors has been reached. If in the root
* directory, this means that the end of the (root)directory is reached.
* However, if in a subdirectory, there might be another cluster with
* directory information. The availability of additional information is
* set in variable DirectoryCluster.
if DirectoryStartCls<>0 then
DirectoryCluster:= GetFatEntry( DirectoryCluster ) ;
if DirectoryCluster>ClustersPerDisk then
DirectorySearchPos:= AfterLastEntry ;
Exit ;
else { there is another cluster in the subdirectory }
DirectoryStartSct:= FirstDataSector +
(DirectoryCluster-2)*SectorsPerCluster ;
DirectorySize := SectorsPerCluster ;
end ; { of else }
end ; { of if }
* The address of the next (sub)directory sector is determined. Go read it.
ReadSector( DirectorySector, Addr(DirBuffer) ) ;
if ErrorDetected then
BuildErrorTrace( 'GetNDE_' ) ;
Exit ;
end ; { of if }
DirectoryOrdinal:= 0 ;
end ; { of if }
* The sector with the next directory entry is in the directory buffer.
* Determine its address and its attributes (status).
MsdosFcb:= Ptr( Addr(DirBuffer) + BytesPerFcb*DirectoryOrdinal ) ;
case MsdosFcb^.FileName[1] of
#$00 : Status:= UnusedEntry ;
#$E5 ,
#$F6 : Status:= FreeEntry ;
Status:= FileNameEntry ;
if SubDirectory in MsdosFcb^.Attribute then
Status:= SubDirectoryNameEntry ;
if Volume in MsdosFcb^.Attribute then
Status:= VolumeNameEntry ;
end ; { of cases}
end ; { of GetNextDirEntry }
function LocateMsdosDirectory: Boolean ;
* Search the current MS-DOS (sub)directory for a subdirectory. The name of
* the subdirectory is supplied in the current file entry. If found,
* the returned value is True and the global variable MsdosFcb is set. In
* case of an error, a False value will be returned.
EntryType: EntryTypes ; { Type of located file-entry }
Found : Boolean ; { Result of this function so far }
DirectorySearchPos:= BeforeFirstEntry ;
Found:= False ; { Preset result of search }
GetNextDirEntry( EntryType ) ;
if EntryType=SubDirectoryNameEntry then
Found:= ( FileEntry^.Name = MsdosFcb^.FileName ) ;
until Found or (EntryType in [UnusedEntry,EndOfDirectory]) ;
if ErrorDetected then
BuildErrorTrace( 'LocMD_' ) ;
LocateMsdosDirectory:= Found ;
end ; { of LocateMsdosDirectory }
function LocateMsdosFile: Boolean ;
* Search the current MS-DOS (sub)directory for a file; The name of the
* file is supplied in the current file entry. If found,
* the returned value is True and the global variable MsdosFcb is set. In
* case of an error, a False value will be returned.
EntryType: EntryTypes ; { Type of located file-entry }
Found : Boolean ; { Result of this function so far }
DirectorySearchPos:= BeforeFirstEntry ;
Found:= False ; { Preset result of search }
GetNextDirEntry( EntryType ) ;
if EntryType=FileNameEntry then
Found:= ( FileEntry^.Name = MsdosFcb^.FileName ) ;
until Found or (EntryType in [UnusedEntry,EndOfDirectory]) ;
if ErrorDetected then
BuildErrorTrace( 'LocMF_' ) ;
LocateMsdosFile:= Found ;
end ; { of LocateMsdosFile }
procedure DeleteMsdosFile ;
* Delete the file, associated with the current filelist entry, from the
* MS-DOS directory. The directory and the FAT('s) on the disk are updated.
NextName : FileDescriptors ; { File name from directory entry }
ThisEntry: Integer ; { Ordinal of cluster to be released }
NextEntry: Integer ; { Ordinal of next cluster in chain }
SplitFileName( AMsdosFileName, GetFileEntryName ) ;
* Check the current MS-DOS file entry for a match. This could save some
* searching through the MS-DOS directory.
SplitFileName( NextName, GetMsdosFileName ) ;
if not SameName( NextName, AMsdosFileName, NE_Format ) then
* Search the current directory for the given file name. If it is not
* found, raise an error condition: according to the calling procedure
* it should be there!
if not LocateMsdosFile then
if ErrorDetected then
BuildErrorTrace( 'DelMF_' )
FlagError( 'DelMF: File not found : ' +
ExpandFileName(AMsdosFileName,NE_Format) ) ;
Exit ;
end ; { of if/if }
* Free the entry in the directory and rewrite the directory.
MsdosFcb^.FileName[1]:= #$E5 ; { Indicate deleted file }
* Free the clusters allocated to the deleted file.
ThisEntry:= MsdosFcb^.Cluster ; { First cluster allocated to deleted file }
while (ThisEntry>1) and (ThisEntry<=ClustersPerDisk) do
NextEntry:= GetFatEntry( ThisEntry ) ; { Next cluster in chain }
PutFatEntry( ThisEntry, 0 ) ; { Free cluster in FAT }
ThisEntry:= NextEntry ;
end ; { of while }
WriteSector( DirectorySector, Addr(DirBuffer) ) ;
if not ErrorDetected then
for ThisEntry:= 0 to Pred(FatsPerDisk) do
WriteFat( ThisEntry ) ;
if ErrorDetected then
BuildErrorTrace( 'DelMF_' ) ;
FlushCache ;
end ; { of DeleteMsdosFile }
function GetMsdosFileSize : Integer ;
* Return the length of an MS-DOS file, expressed as the number of CP/M
* records of 128 bytes. Note that the size of the CP/M record size is
* hardcoded into this function. Moreover, it is assumed (again) that
* the maximum file size is 4 Megabytes, giving a 15-bit result.
Result: Integer ; { Intermediate result of function }
with MsdosFcb^ do
Result:= (Size[0] shr 7) + (Size[1] shl 1) + ((Size[2] and $3F) shl 9) ;
if (Size[0] and $7F)>0 then
Result:= Succ( Result ) ;
end ; { of with }
GetMsdosFileSize:= Result ;
end ; { of GetMsdosFileSize }
procedure ReadMsdosFile ;
* Read the contents of the MS-DOS file associated with the current filelist
* entry and write it to a new CP/M file with the same name. The CP/M file
* will inherit the attributes READONLY and SYSTEM.
CurrentCluster: Integer ; { Cluster to be read }
RecordsToDo : Integer ; { Number of CP/M records (still) to copy }
FirstFreeByte : Integer ; { Ordinal of first unused byte in last recprd }
TransferCount : Integer ; { Number of records to write in BlockWrite }
RecordsWritten: Integer ; { Number of records written in BlockWrite }
PaddingChar : Byte ; { Padding character }
CpmFib: CpmFibs absolute ACpmFile ; { Type casting: file -> FIB }
* Create a new CP/M file with the same name as the MS-DOS file.
SplitFileName( ACpmFileName, GetFileEntryName ) ;
ACpmFileName.Drive:= CpmDriveName.Drive ;
ACpmFileName.User := CpmDriveName.User ;
RegisterFile( ACpmFileName, ACpmFile ) ;
Assign ( ACpmFile, ExpandFileName(ACpmFileName,DNE_Format) ) ;
ReWrite( ACpmFile ) ;
* Open the MS-DOS file and setup the copy control variables. If the file
* is not found, the value of the variables will be unpredictable, but they
* will not be used in that case.
if not LocateMsdosFile then
FlagError( ^H': File not found : ' +
ExpandFileName(ACpmFileName,NE_Format) ) ;
CurrentCluster:= MsdosFcb^.Cluster ; { First cluster of MS-DOS file }
RecordsToDo := GetMsdosFileSize ; { File size in CP/M records }
FirstFreeByte := MsdosFcb^.Size[0] and $7F ; { EOF pos. in last record }
while (CurrentCluster<ClustersPerDisk) and (not ErrorDetected) do
ReadCluster( CurrentCluster ) ;
if not ErrorDetected then
* Copy the cluster to the CP/M file. However, some extra care is needed in
* case of the last cluster:
* - The number of records to write may be smaller than RecordsPerCluster,
* - The unused part of the last record should be filled up.
TransferCount:= RecordsPerCluster ; { Default number of records }
if RecordsToDo<=RecordsPerCluster then
TransferCount:= RecordsToDo ;
if FirstFreeByte>0 then
if FileClass=TextFile then PaddingChar:= CpmTxtFillChar
else PaddingChar:= CpmBinFillChar ;
FillChar( ClusterBuffer[Pred(TransferCount)*128+FirstFreeByte],
128-FirstFreeByte, PaddingChar ) ;
end ; { of if }
end ; { of if }
BlockWrite( ACpmFile, ClusterBuffer, TransferCount, RecordsWritten ) ;
if TransferCount=RecordsWritten then
RecordsToDo := RecordsToDo - TransferCount ;
CurrentCluster:= GetFatEntry( CurrentCluster ) ;
else { there is an error detected }
FlagError( ^H': CP/M disk write error' ) ;
end ; { of if }
end ; { of while }
Close( ACpmFile ) ;
* The file is copied to the CP/M file system. If an error is encountered,
* the CP/M file is destroyed. If no errors are found, copy some of the
* MS-DOS file attributes to the CP/M file.
if ErrorDetected then
BuildErrorTrace( 'ReaMF_' ) ;
Erase( ACpmFile ) ;
if CopyMsdosFileAttr then
if ReadOnly in MsdosFcb^.Attribute then
CpmFib.Fcb[09]:= CpmFib.Fcb[09] + $80 ;
if [Hidden,System]*MsdosFcb^.Attribute <> [] then
CpmFib.Fcb[10]:= CpmFib.Fcb[10] + $80 ;
Bdos( SetFileAttributes, Addr(CpmFib.Fcb) ) ;
end ; { of if/else }
end ; { of ReadMsdosFile }
procedure SetTodaysDate( NewDate: DateStrings ) ;
* Save the current date, both in text format and in the compressed MS-DOS
* format. If an obvious error is found in the supplied date, which must
* be of the form 'yyyymmdd', the date is not changed and the global error
* flag is set.
Year : Integer ; { Year number from NewDate }
Month : Integer ; { Month number from NewDate }
Day : Integer ; { Day number from NewDate }
Status: Integer ; { Status of string to number conversion }
FlagError( 'SetTD: Illegal date : ' + NewDate ) ; { Assume an error }
Val( Copy(NewDate,1,4), Year , Status ) ; { Convert year number }
if Status<>0 then Exit ;
Val( Copy(NewDate,5,2), Month, Status ) ; { Convert month number }
if Status<>0 then Exit ;
Val( Copy(NewDate,7,2), Day , Status ) ; { Convert day number }
if Status<>0 then Exit ;
Year:= Year - 1980 ;
if (Year <0) or (Year >32) then Exit ;
if (Month=0) or (Month>12) then Exit ;
if (Day =0) or (Day >31) then Exit ;
ClearError ; { There is no error after all }
TodaysDate:= NewDate ;
MsdosDate := (Year shl 9) + (Month shl 5) + Day ;
end ; { of SetTodaysDate }
procedure WriteMsdosFile ;
* Copy (write) the contents of a CP/M file into a new MS-DOS file.
* The MS-DOS file will inherit both the name and the status flags
* from the CP/M file.
* Note that it is assumed in this procedure that the maximum file size
* is less than 4 Megabytes, thus the CP/M file size is always a
* non-negative number.
CpmFileSize : Integer ; { Size of file to copy [records] }
LengthLastRecord: Integer ; { Length of last, partial record }
RecordsToDo : Integer ; { Loop control variable }
TransferCount : Integer ; { Number of records read }
CurrentCluster : Integer ; { Cluster currently being written }
NextCluster : Integer ; { Next cluster in chain }
procedure CreateMsdosFile ;
* Find a free entry in the directory and enter the name of the file in it.
Found : Boolean ; { Result of search for a free directory entry }
EntryType: EntryTypes ; { Type of directory entry }
Found:= False ; { Preset result of search }
DirectorySearchPos:= BeforeFirstEntry ;
GetNextDirEntry( EntryType ) ;
Found:= EntryType in [FreeEntry,UnusedEntry] ;
until Found or (EntryType=EndOfDirectory) ;
if Found then
* Initialise the FCB for this file.
FillChar( MsdosFcb^, SizeOf(MsdosFcbs), 0 ) ;
MsdosFcb^.FileName:= FileEntry^.Name ;
if CopyCpmFileAttr then
MsdosFcb^.Attribute:= FileEntry^.Attr + [Archive] ;
MsdosFcb^.Date:= MsdosDate ;
* The end of the directory is hit, thus the directory is full. However,
* if GetNextDirEntry encounters an error it will fake EndOfDirectory and
* set the flobal error flag.
if ErrorDetected then
BuildErrorTrace( 'CreMF_' )
FlagError( 'CreMF: Directory is full' ) ;
end ; { of CreateMsdosFile }
procedure CloseMsdosFile ;
* Write the directory entry of a new MS-DOS file onto the disk as well as
* the updated FAT.
I: Integer ; { Loop control variable }
PushErrorMessage ; { Save current errormessage, clear error status }
if CpmFileSize<>0 then
* The file is not empty: register the length of the file in the directory
* entry and write it together with the modified FAT's to disk.
with MsdosFcb^ do
Size[0]:= Lo( CpmFileSize shl 7 ) + LengthLastRecord ;
Size[1]:= Lo( CpmFileSize shr 1 ) ;
Size[2]:= Lo( CpmFileSize shr 9 ) ;
end ; { of with }
for I:= 0 to Pred(FatsPerDisk) do
WriteFat( I ) ;
end ; { of if }
* Write the modified directory entry to disk. Even if during writing the
* FAT an error is found, the directory should be rewritten to keep the
* file system as consistent as possible.
WriteSector( DirectorySector, Addr(DirBuffer) ) ;
if ErrorDetected then
BuildErrorTrace( 'CloMF_' ) ;
FlushCache ;
PopErrorMessage ; { Restore original error status }
end ; { of CloseMsdosFile }
procedure LocateEofPosition ;
* Determine the precise length of the CP/M file: for text files, a Ctrl-Z
* in the last record of the file indicates the actual EndOfFile. For
* other types of files it is not possible to give a full-proof, better
* length.
* Given the precise length, CpmFileSize and LengthLastRecord are adjusted
* and the unused part of the cluster is preset.
LastRecordPtr: ^Char ; { Pointer somewhere in last record }
if FileClass=TextFile then
LastRecordPtr:= Ptr( Addr(ClusterBuffer) +
Pred(TransferCount)*BytesPerRecord ) ;
while (LastRecordPtr^<>^Z) and (LengthLastRecord<BytesPerRecord) do
LastRecordPtr := Ptr( Succ(Ord(LastRecordPtr)) ) ;
LengthLastRecord:= Succ( LengthLastRecord ) ;
end ; { of while }
* If an EndOfFile marker has been found, at least one byte and at most
* BytesPerRecord bytes still need to be preset. Moreover, the number of
* complete CP/M records needs to be adjusted.
if LastRecordPtr^=^Z then
CpmFileSize:= Pred( CpmFileSize ) ;
FillChar( LastRecordPtr^, BytesPerRecord-LengthLastRecord,
MsdosFillChar ) ;
end { of if }
* No EndOfFile Marker is found. Restore the length of the last record.
LengthLastRecord:= 0 ;
end ; { of if }
end ; { of LocateEofPosition }
begin { of WriteMsdosFile }
* Build the CP/M (and MS-DOS) file name. The drive and user area are set
* to their 'current' values.
SplitFileName( ACpmFileName, GetFileEntryName ) ;
ACpmFileName.Drive:= CpmDriveName.Drive ;
ACpmFileName.User := CpmDriveName.User ;
CpmFileSize := 0 ; { For CloseMsdosFile in order to handle empty }
LengthLastRecord:= 0 ; { files and error cases correctly }
CreateMsdosFile ; { Allocate an entry in the MS-DOS file system }
if not ErrorDetected then
* If the file to be copied is empty, the file needs to be closed only: the
* input file is not read at all in such a case.
if FileEntry^.Size>0 then
* Allocate the first cluster of the new MS-DOS file and open the CP/M file
* for read access.
CurrentCluster := GetFreeFatEntry( 1 ) ;
MsdosFcb^.Cluster:= CurrentCluster ;
RegisterFile( ACpmFileName, ACpmFile ) ;
Assign( ACpmFile, ExpandFileName(ACpmFileName,DNE_Format) ) ;
Reset ( ACpmFile ) ;
CpmFileSize:= FileSize( ACpmFile ) ;
RecordsToDo:= CpmFileSize ;
* Copy the CP/M file to the MS-DOS file, one cluster per pass through
* this loop. Note that CP/M supplies a file size, which is a multiple
* of the record size. Therefore, the precise location of the EndOfFile
* must be determined in another way.
while (RecordsToDo>0) and (not ErrorDetected) do
if RecordsToDo<RecordsPerCluster then
FillChar( ClusterBuffer, SizeOf(ClusterBuffer), MsdosFillChar ) ;
BlockRead( ACpmFile, ClusterBuffer, RecordsPerCluster, TransferCount ) ;
RecordsToDo:= RecordsToDo - TransferCount ;
if RecordsToDo<=0 then { the last record of the file is read }
LocateEofPosition ; { For text files only! }
WriteCluster( CurrentCluster ) ;
* Determine the ordinal of the next cluster in the chain and update the
* FileAssignmentTable.
if RecordsToDo<=0 then
NextCluster:= $0FFF
NextCluster:= GetFreeFatEntry( CurrentCluster ) ;
PutFatEntry( CurrentCluster, NextCluster ) ;
CurrentCluster:= NextCluster ;
if ErrorDetected then { by WriteCluster or GetFreeFatEntry }
BuildErrorTrace( 'WriMF_' ) ;
end ; { of while }
Close( ACpmFile ) ;
UnregisterFile( ACpmFile ) ;
end ; { of if }
end ; { of if }
* Perform unconditionally a close of the MS-DOS file: it causes the directory
* to reflect the actual status. In case of an error, DeleteMsdosFile then
* will be able to locate the file!
CloseMsdosFile ; { Rewrite the MS-DOS directory and FAT(s) }
if ErrorDetected then
PushErrorMessage ; { Save error status and clear it }
DeleteMsdosFile ; { Remove file with error }
PopErrorMessage ; { Restore error status }
end ; { of if }
end ; { of WriteMsdosFile }