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{* -------------------------------------------------------------------------
* C P / M F I L E M A N A G E R U T I L I T I E S
* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *}
procedure DeleteCpmFile ;
* Delete the CP/M file associated with the current filelist entry.
CpmFib: CpmFibs absolute ACpmFile ; { Type casting file -> FIB }
SplitFileName ( ACpmFileName, GetFileEntryName ) ;
ACpmFileName.Drive:= CpmDriveName.Drive ;
ACpmFileName.User := CpmDriveName.User ;
* Build the FCB for the CP/M file by the invokation of procedure Assign.
* The file attribute ReadOnly is reset, together with any other attribute,
* in order to avoid BDOS errors when deleting the file. Note that BDOS
* errors cause a premature termination of the program: the error handler
* of TP does not gain control in such a case.
RegisterFile ( ACpmFileName, ACpmFile ) ;
Assign ( ACpmFile, ExpandFileName(ACpmFileName,DNE_Format) ) ;
Bdos( SetFileAttributes, Addr(CpmFib.Fcb) ) ;
Erase ( ACpmFile ) ;
UnRegisterFile( ACpmFile ) ;
end ; { of DeleteCpmFile }
function GetCpmFreeSpace : Integer ;
* Return the amount of free space, in KByte, on the current CP/M disk.
CpmDpb : ^DPBs ; { Address of drive's DPB (XLT) }
BitMap : Integer ; { Address in memory of allocation bitmap }
FreeBlocks: Integer ; { Number of free blocks on disk }
BitNumber : Integer ; { Ordinal of next bit to test }
I : Integer ; { Loop control variable }
CpmCurrentDrive:= BdosHL( GetCurrentDrive ) ;
Bdos( SetCurrentDrive, CpmDrive ) ; { Login CP/M disk, build bitmap }
CpmDpb := DriveAttribute[ExtractDisk(CpmDriveName)].DpbAddress ;
BitMap := BdosHL( GetAllocationMap ) ;
FreeBlocks:= 0 ;
for I:= 0 to CpmDpb^.DSM do
BitNumber:= I and $0007 ;
if ((Mem[BitMap] shr BitNumber) and $01)=$00 then
FreeBlocks:= Succ( FreeBlocks ) ;
if BitNumber=7 then
BitMap := Succ( BitMap ) ;
end ; { of for }
GetCpmFreeSpace:= FreeBlocks shl (CpmDpb^.BSH-3) ;
Bdos( SetCurrentDrive, CpmCurrentDrive ) ;
end ; { of GetCpmFreeSpace }
function LocateCpmFile : Boolean ;
* Determine if an CP/M file, with the name given in the current filelist
* entry, exists or not. If it exists, the function result is True and
* the FIB ACpmFile is prepared for CP/M file operations.
SplitFileName( ACpmFileName, GetFileEntryName ) ;
ACpmFileName.Drive:= CpmDriveName.Drive ;
ACpmFileName.User := CpmDriveName.User ;
* Open this file for read access. If this is possible without any
* error being detected, the file exists.
RegisterFile( ACpmFileName, ACpmFile ) ;
Assign( ACpmFile, ExpandFileName(ACpmFileName,DNE_Format) ) ;
{$I-} Reset( ACpmFile ) ; {$I+}
if IoResult=0 then
Close( ACpmFile ) ;
LocateCpmFile:= True ;
LocateCpmFile:= False ;
end ; { of LocateCpmFile }
procedure ReadCpmDirectory ;
* Build a filelist containing the files on the selected CP/M drive in the
* selected user area.
* Define the layout of the directory entries as read from the disk. Note
* that this definition inhibits the use of the CpmFCB for actual I/O, as
* the last field(s) of the FCB are not stored on disk!
Directory: array[0..3] of CpmFCBs absolute ClusterBuffer ;
CpmUserNumber: Integer ; { Selected user number }
CpmDpb : ^DPBs ; { DPB of selected CP/M drive }
I, J, K : Integer ; { Loop control variables }
PresetFileList ; { Cleanup the filelist }
CpmUserNumber:= ExtractUser( CpmDriveName ) ;
CpmDpb := DriveAttribute[ExtractDisk(CpmDriveName)].DpbAddress ;
* Read the directory entries from disk. It is assumed that all the records
* of the directory are located in the first data track of the disk.
* BDOS is NOT used to retrieve the file names for two reasons:
* -1- reading the directory through BIOS is faster and
* -2- it delivers at the same time the size of the individual files.
Bios( SelectDrive , CpmDrive ) ; { Select CP/M disk drive }
Bios( SelectTrack , CpmDpb^.OFF ) ; { Select track with directory }
Bios( SelectBuffer, Addr(Directory) ) ; { Select buffer area }
for I:= 0 to (CpmDpb^.DRM div 4) do
Bios( SelectRecord, I ) ; { Select next record to read }
Bios( ReadRecord ) ; { Read next directory record }
for J:= 0 to 3 do
with Directory[J] do
if Drive=CpmUserNumber then
New( FileEntry ) ;
FileEntry^.Next:= Nil ;
FileEntry^.Prev:= Nil ;
FileEntry^.Attr:= [] ;
FileEntry^.Mark:= False ;
for K:= 1 to 11 do
FileEntry^.Name[K]:= Chr( Ord(FileName[K]) and $7F ) ;
if Ord(FileName[09])>$7F then
FileEntry^.Attr:= [ReadOnly] ;
if Ord(FileName[10])>$7F then
FileEntry^.Attr:= FileEntry^.Attr + [System] ;
FileEntry^.Size:= Extent*16 + (RecCnt+7) div 8 ;
EnterFileInList ;
end ; { of if/with/for }
end ; { of for }
FileEntry:= HeadFileList ; { Preset 'current' file }
FileIndex:= 1 ;
Bios( SelectDrive, CpmCurrentDrive ) ; { Reselect default drive }
end ; { of ReadCpmDirectory }
procedure SetCpmDrive ;
* Select the drive and the user area as the default CP/M file area. It
* must meet the following criteria:
* 1- the user area is in the range [0,15],
* 2- the drive is an existing CP/M drive,
* 3- the drive is not the MS-DOS drive and
* 4- the device address of the CP/M drive differs from the device
* address of the MS-DOS drive.
DriveUserName : FullFileNames ; { New CP/M default drive & user }
NewCpmDefault : FileDescriptors ; { New CP/M default drive & user }
NewCpmDriveName: Char ; { New CP/M default drive name }
Success : Boolean ; { SetCpmDrive succeeded }
Write('Enter drive/user : ' ) ;
ReadLn( DriveUserName ) ;
DriveUserName:= DriveUserName + ':' ;
SplitFileName( NewCpmDefault, DriveUserName ) ; { Crack string }
Success:= False ; { Assume some error }
if ExtractUser(NewCpmDefault) in [0..15] then
NewCpmDriveName:= ExtractDisk( NewCpmDefault ) ;
if NewCpmDriveName in (ConfiguredDrives-[MsdosDriveName]) then
with DriveAttribute[NewCpmDriveName] do
if DevAddress<>MsdosDriveAddress then
CpmDrive := Ord(NewCpmDriveName) - Ord('A') ;
CpmDriveName := NewCpmDefault ;
CpmDriveAddress:= DevAddress ;
Success := True ;
end ; { of if/with/if }
end ; { of if }
if not Success then
FlagError( 'SetCD: Illegal specification : ' +
ExpandFileName(NewCpmDefault,DU_Format) ) ;
end ; { of SetCpmDrive }