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From pembvax1.pembroke.edu!DUCK@cactus.org Mon May 10 11:29:52 1993
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Date: Mon, 10 May 1993 12:29:42 EDT
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|From: MX%"wixer!wixer.bga.com!thoot@cactus.org" 8-MAY-1993 15:16:46.07
|send mightymon128.doc
| +-------------------------------------------------------------------+
| |thoot@wixer.bga.com 7203 Smokey Hill Rd Austin Texas 78736 |
| |Enterprise BBS 512-453-5079 FIDO 1:382/81 GEnie THOOT PH-288-5290 |
| +-------------------------------------------------------------------+
It's called "mightymon-128.doc"... Here it is:
Basic commands (most parameters are optional):
<addr> / number-list / code - set NS / place bytes, words / assemble code
A addr - enter auto-assembler mode
AM N!A!F - set (dis)assembly mode (Full, Auto, No-Options)
B addr,'string',A!S - place string (ASCII, SCR-CODE) into memory
BK [(U!K.)bank] - display/set Current Bank (User, Kernal)
BS addr,'byte-string' - place byte string into memory
C number - convert number to DEC, HEX, ASC, BIN
CP block-start,block-end,other-source - compare sections of memory
D start,end,N!A!F - disassemble, opt Full, Auto, No-Opts
DIR 'name-pattern',device,drive - return directory (press F3)
E number / low,high - high/low byte evaluator
F from,to,with,step - fill memory
G [addr] - execute code from addr or PC
GT addr,I!S - timed execution, must terminate with RTS. Interrupt, VIC ctrl
H from,to,'for-byte-string' - hunt memory for byte string
HELP - not supported (appropriate message displayed), future expansion
I[L] from,to,displacement,R,prog-from,prog-to - insert, opt Relocate
J [addr] - Jump, same as G
JT addr,IS - Jump Timed, same as GT
K char,screen,border-or-VDC-foreground - set char and screen colors
L 'filename',start,device,drive - load memory from device
M from,to - memory display
N[W] from,to,P,start-page - same as M, but for printer, optional Word
output; opt Page, start page
O =,'byte-string' - output string to printer, opt Centering(=) / No CR(,)
OK - test checksum of monitor code
P from,to,N!P!L!F,start-page - printing disassembly, opt No-opts, Paging,
Linear, Full
Q - Quit - Same as X
QUIT - exit and disable Mighty Mon, re-allocate memory
R - display 8502 registers, etc
S 'filename',from,to,device,drive,SA - save memory to a device
SR - display status register and bit meanings
ST - display I/O status register and bit meanings
T[L] from,to,new-start,R,prog-from,prog-to - transfer memory, opt Reloc
U D / H - use Decimal or Hexadecimal modes
V 'filename',from,device,drive - verify memory with device
W from,to - display 16-bit words from memory
X [B!M!64!S] - eXit to BASIC, ROM Monitor, C-64 mode, or System reset
Y[L] from,to,new-start,prog-from,prog-to - transfer word table (Lo,Hi)
Z from,to,C!Q!A!S - display ASCII/Scr-code in memory, allowing
Quote mode or Cursor movements
, ---reg list--- - update registers
:addr value... - same as <addr>
$ "file-spec",device,drive - alone = display disk directory
/ or ? - refresh screen
= <BASIC expression> - evaluate BASIC expression
Disk commands (@):
@@ 'command-byte-string' - send disk command to default disk device
@[,device] - return disk drive status
@ 'command',device - send command to disk
@$ 'name-pattern',device,drive - same as @D
@BR track,sector,addr,device - read disk track and sector into memory
@BW addr,track,sector,device - write memory to disk track and sector
@D 'name-pattern',device,drive - display disk directory
@F 'file-name',type,device,drive - list a disk file to screen, type S=Seq
@MR disk-from,disk-to,addr,device - read disk drive RAM into memory
@MW from,to,disk-addr,device - write memory to disk drive RAM
@ME addr,device - start disk drive executing code at addr in disk drive RAM
@SC 'filename',device,drive - Scratch (no query)
Extended commands (*):
*B (U!K.)bank - set BANK configuration, User or Kernal descriptions
*C speed - set CPU clock speed- S!1=1 MHz, F!2=2 MHz, X!0=both
*CP from,to,other,other-bank - Interbank Compare
*D device,drive - set default device for load,save,disk commands
*E 0 / 1 - set printer-echo off/on (not implemented)
*EJ - eject one page from default printer device
*F dma-from,dma-to,dma-bank,addr - dma RAM to memory fetch
*I device,SA,'filename' - set input file
*IO - restore default I/O devices (keyboard, screen)
*K / *K key-num,'byte-string' - same as BASIC KEY, but for all 10 keys
*L - return the address range of Mighty Mon
*O device,SA,'filename' - set output file
*P device,SA,'filename',page-width,page-length,P!C!N
- define default printer device, opt Printer/Comp/No eject
*R - restore all default variable values (force a cold-start)
*S from,to,dma-addr,dma-bank - memory to DMA RAM stash
*SW from,to,dma-addr,dma-bank - memory to DMA RAM swap
*T[L] from,to,new-start,new-bnk,R,prog-from,prog-to - interbank transfer
*TI [time-setting] - set / display CIA#1 TOD clock.
*V register,value - set / display VDC (80-col) registers
*VL from,to,vdc-start-addr - load main memory into VDC RAM
*VS vdc-from,vdc-to,main-memory-addr - save VDC RAM to main memory
*W width - select either 40 or 80 column screen
*X - switch to opposite screen, adjust CPU speed
*Y[L] from,to,new-start,new-bank,L!H!HL!LH,prog-from,prog-to - Interbank Y
*Z from,to,A!S!C!Q - printing Z command
- If the [L] option is given in the memory commands noted above, the "to"
address will be the offset from the start ["Length" option]. Commands with
"!" separating letters allow these options to be specified like flags.
Mighty Mon conventions:
Number prefixes:
$nnnn = hexadecimal 'n = PETSCII code
+nnnn = decimal !n = screen code
%nnnn = binary nnnn (no prefix) = hex or dec, interpret
"n" = PETSCII (must have closing quote or be end-of-line)
>num = high byte <num = low byte
Strings are delimited by (') or ("):
'this is a string' or "This is a string"
an embeded Com-R means CHR$(13), Com-Z means CHR$(0), and Com-E means
A BYTE-STRING is constructed by connecting strings and byte values.
eg. "hello",+13,"there",%101011,$00
-embeded Com characters have no special meaning in a byte-string.
-everything after a semicolon (;) in a line is ignored by Mighty Mon.
-valid parameter separators are: "," " " ":" "/" "." and "-"
except where certain delimiters have special meaning.
-hold down the SHIFT key to make disassemble quickly.
-you must be in Slow mode to use the REU commands.
Although the title screen says "Copyright", this program can be considered as
Public Domain Software.
The PCRC (for those of you who know what that means) of "mightmon.401" is:
pcrc = 20 155 22 196 205 188 118 239, sum = 1143
Keep the faith!
-Craig Bruce
"Never question the relevance of truth,
but always question the truth of relevance."
- Craig Taylor - 919-521-3814 All Relevant Disclaimers Apply!!!
duck@pembvax1.pembroke.edu (Pembroke State University)
If you're not part of the solution, you're part of the precipitate.