Text File
159 lines
CP/M Utilities, Volume 2, Phil Wheeler, 16th December 1983.
Thesσáá utilitie≤á arσá generall∙á upgrade≤á t∩á previousl∙áá publisheΣ ì
utilities¼á bu⌠á converteΣ fo≥ CP/M-8░ V3.░ (als∩ knowε t∩ salesmeεá a≤ ì
CP/═á Plus)«á Wheε Digita∞ ResearcΦ specifieΣ thσ BIO╙ forma⌠ fo≥á CP/═ ì
V3.0¼ the∙ neglecteΣ t∩ specif∙ tha⌠ thσ DP╚ table≤ *MUST¬ bσ iε commoε ì
fo≥á applicatioεá program≤ t∩ 'findº thσ disδ DPB's¼á anΣ thu≤á providσ ì
disδ sizσ independence«á Al∞ thσ program≤ belo≈ tha⌠ requirσ acces≤á t∩ ì
thσ DPH'≤ checδ tha⌠ thσ DP╚ i≤ iε commoε memory«á Iµ yo⌡ ge⌠ ß messagσ ì
'DP╚ no⌠ iε common'¼á o≥ similar¼ froφ onσ oµ thesσ programs¼ ge⌠ oε t∩ ì
you≥ supplie≥ anΣ tel∞ hiφ t∩ implemen⌠ hi≤ BIO╙ sensible¼á rathe≥ thaε ì
following the ridiculous DR solution!
Thi≤ list≤ thσ director∙ oε thσ screen¼ witΦ thσ sizσ oµ eacΦ file¼ anΣ ì
disδá spacσ used¼á etc«á Variou≤ format≤ arσ possible¼á thesσ arσá somσ ì
DIS╦3 - List≤ al∞ director∙ file≤ oε thσ curren⌠ disk
DIS╦3 B║ - List≤ al∞ director∙ file≤ oε disδ B:
DIS╦3 *.HE╪ - List≤ al∞ director∙ file≤ matchinτ *.HEX
DIS╦3 B║ A║ - List≤ director∙ ª systeφ file≤ oε disδ B:
DIS╦3 A║ I─ - Type≤ filσ ID¼ theε list≤ di≥ file≤ oε A:
Requires CP/M V2.0, V3.0 or later. Works correctly under CP/M V3.0
Singlσ secto≥ disδ editor«á Allow≤ direc⌠ read/write≤ t∩ disk« Usσ witΦ ì
grea⌠ carσ a≤ i⌠ possiblσ t∩ totall∙ destro∙ thσ informatioε oε ß disk« ì
Require≤á CP/═á V3.░á witΦá DPH'≤ iε commoεá anΣá aεá ADM-│á compatiblσ ì
terminal« Command:
EDI╘ CP/═ Use≥ Grou≡ Program
Thi≤á tex⌠á edito≥ i≤ aε enhancemen⌠ oµ thσ standarΣ CP/═á tex⌠á edito≥ ì
'ED'« Requires CP/M V3.0 or later. Command:
EDI╘ N:filename.ex⌠ (X)
#┴ - AppenΣ tex⌠ froφ inpu⌠ file
+┬ - Movσ curso≥ t∩ star⌠ (o≥ end⌐ oµ text
Cstring1$string2ñ - Changσ 'string1º t∩ 'string2'
+#─ - Deletσ ú Character≤ froφ cursor
┼ - EnΣ edit¼ writσ filσ t∩ disk
╚ - Hal⌠ unti∞ ß ke∙ i≤ pressed
Itextñ - Inser⌠ tex⌠ a⌠ cursor
#╩ - Jum≡ t∩ linσ number
+#╦ - Kil∞ ú line≤ froφ cursor
L - Move cursor to start of current line
+#╠ - Movσ ú line≤ froφ curso≥
+#═ - Movσ ú character≤ froφ cursorè ╬ - a≤ S,bu⌠ searche≤ any of file on disδ a≤ well
#Oñ - outpu⌠ ú line≤ t∩ defaul⌠ savσ file
#Ofilename.extñ - outpu⌠ ú line≤ t∩ filσ 'filename.ext'
#╨ - Equivalent to 10L10T
╤ - Qui⌠ witΦ n∩ filσ change≤ (require≤ confirmation)
Rñ - ReaΣ defaul⌠ savσ filσ a⌠ cursor
Rfilename.extñ - ReaΣ filσ 'filename.extº a⌠ cursor
Sstringñ - SearcΦ fo≥ 'string'
+#╘ - Typσ ú line≤ froφ pointe≥ (╘ fo≥ curren⌠ line)
╓ - Verif∙ filσ parameters
#╫ - Writσ ú line≤ t∩ disk
-╪ - Definσ macr∩ (8░ character≤ max)
-2╪ - Prin⌠ macro
#╪ - Usσ macro # times
┘ - Type ╡ line≤ eacΦ sidσ oµ thσ cursor
┌ - Movσ curso≥ t∩ enΣ oµ buffer
#<commandstring╛ - Executσ 'commandstringº ú times
# precedinτ ß commanΣ lette≥ i≤ equivalen⌠ t∩ '65000'« ESC i≤ useΣ a≤ ß ì
commanΣ separato≥ (echoeΣ a≤ '$')« ▓ ESC'≤ executσ thσ commanΣ buffer.
Thi≤á prograφ replace≤ COP┘ a≤ ß tracδ b∙ tracδ disδ copier«á An∙á disδ ì
sizσá i≤ automaticall∙ catereΣ for¼á anΣ copyinτ ma∙ bσ donσá froφá an∙ ì
disδá t∩á an∙á othe≥ disδ (provideΣ the∙ arσ thσá samσá size!)«á Eithe≥ ì
systeφ tracks¼á datß track≤ o≥ al∞ track≤ ma∙ bσ copied«á Require≤ CP/═ ì
V3.0 with DPH's in common. Command:
IMAG┼ (s:)functioε d:
Wherσ s║ i≤ aε optiona∞ sourcσ disδ (iµ none¼ thσ curren⌠ disδ i≤ used)
Iµ functioε i≤ SYSTEM theε thσ systeφ track≤ arσ copied
Iµ functioε i≤ DATA theε thσ datß track≤ arσ copied
Iµ functioε i≤ ALL theε al∞ track≤ arσ copied
d║á specifie≤ thσ destinatioε disk¼á anΣ mus⌠ bσ given«á Iµ therσ i≤ aε ì
erro≥á iεá thσ commanΣ syntax¼á ß commanΣ summar∙ i≤ printed¼á anΣá thσ ì
prograφ i≤ aborted.
Thi≤á prograφá allow≤á ßá CP/═ systeφá t∩á bσá passworΣá protected«á B∙ ì
includinτ thi≤ prograφ a≤ eithe≥ thσ autostar⌠ commanΣ (fo≥ CP/═ V2.2)¼ ì
o≥ a≤ thσ firs⌠ linσ iε PROFILE.SU┬ (fo≥ CP/═ V3.0)¼á acces≤ t∩ CP/═ i≤ ì
denieΣ withou⌠ knowinτ thσ curren⌠ password« Command:
PASSWOR─ - Wai⌠ fo≥ password
PASSWOR─ NON┼ - Se⌠ passworΣ checδ off
PASSWOR─ passworΣ - Se⌠ ne≈ passworΣ t∩ 'password'
T∩á changσá thσ password¼á thσ curren⌠ passworΣ mus⌠á bσá entered«á Thσ ì
prograφá store≤á thσ ne≈ passworΣ withiε itselµ oεá drivσá A:«á Iµá thσ ì
passworΣá checδá i≤á off¼á thσá prograφ exit≤á withou⌠á waitinτá fo≥á ß ì
password«á N∩á guarantee'≤á arσá giveε fo≥ thσá infallibilit∙á oµá thi≤ ì
prograφ - it≤ jus⌠ ß usefu∞ checδ oε systeφ access.
Thi≤ prograφ take≤ aε inte∞ he° filσ a≤ input¼ anΣ write≤ ß checksuφ t∩ ì
thσá las⌠á bytσ sucΦ tha⌠ thσ ╕ bi⌠ suφ oµ thσ entirσ filσ i≤á 00«á Thσ ì
datß i≤ theε outpu⌠ iε eithe≥ he° o≥ binary«á Thi≤ i≤ normall∙ useΣá t∩ ì
checksuφ datß t∩ bσ programmeΣ int∩ aε EPROM« Commands:
PXSU═ filσ lengtΦ - Checksuφ 'file.HEX'
PXSU═ filσ B:lengtΦ - Checksuφ 'file.HEXº t∩ 'file.BIN'
Thσ lengtΦ bytσ specifie≤ thσ locatioε oµ thσ checksuφ byte¼ anΣ iµ no⌠ ì
given¼á default≤á t∩ 800╚ (fo≥ ß 2716)«á Thσ firs⌠ addres≤ iε thσ inpu⌠ ì
filσá i≤á takeεá a≤ thσ star⌠ address¼á thσá outpu⌠á filσá consist≤á oµ ì
'lengthºá byte≤á froφá thi≤ address«á An∙ unspecifieΣá byte≤á arσá zer∩ ì
filled«á Checkinτá i≤á donσ fo≥ datß outsidσ thσ Prom¼á o≥ datß iεá thσ ì
checksuφ byte.
Thi≤ prograφ convert≤ ß CP/═ binar∙ filσ t∩ ß standarΣ Inte∞ he°á file¼ ì
typσ HEX« Command║
UNLOA─ filename.ex⌠ (offset)
Thσá optiona∞á offse⌠á paramete≥ i≤ ß HE╪ valuσ (0-FFFF⌐ whicΦá i≤á thσ ì
startinτ Inte∞ loaΣ address«á Iµ no⌠ given¼á thσ star⌠ addres≤ default≤ ì
t∩ 100╚ fo≥ ß .CO═ file¼ anΣ ░ fo≥ an∙ othe≥ typσ oµ file«
Thi≤ prograφ check≤ tha⌠ al∞ sector≤ oµ ß disδ caε bσ read«á Thi≤á wil∞ ì
worδ witΦ an∙ sizσ disk«á Wil∞ als∩ reaΣ ß filσ (o≥ files⌐ t∩ checδ it« ì
Require≤á CP/═ 3.░ witΦ DPH'≤ iε common«á Usσ VERIF┘ fo≥ V2.▓á systems« ì
VERIFY│ - Check≤ curren⌠ disk
VERIFY│ B║ - Check≤ disδ B:
VERIFY│ A:FRE─ - Check≤ filσ FRE─ oε drivσ A:
VERIFY│ *.Z8░ *.HE╪ - Check≤ al∞ *.Z8░ anΣ *.HE╪ files
Write≤ ß boo⌠ systeφ t∩ thσ systeφ track≤ oµ ß disk« Command:
WRTSY╙ d:filename
Thσá prograφ read≤ thσ filσ filename.SY╙ int∩ memory¼á theε wil∞ promp⌠ ì
fo≥ destinatioε disk≤ t∩ writσ thσ systeφ to«á An∙ disδ size/forma⌠á i≤ ì
allowed¼ providinτ tha⌠ therσ arσ somσ reserveΣ track≤ defineΣ fo≥ tha⌠ ì
disk« Require≤ CP/═ V3.░ witΦ DPH'≤ iε common.