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Listing 'F83 .DOC'
'F83 .DOC' Open 72 Sectors 6.0 Minutes
This is a public domain system, and may be freely distributed
and copied, as long as the authors are given credit and no copyright
notice is placed upon it. If we catch someone selling this system as
their own proprietary product, with their copyright notice , we will do
our best to make them regret it for the rest of their lives. You have been
These disks contain the following files:
To regenerate the system,
first copy everything to a large disk on (for example) drive B,
then do the following:
B>F83 META80.BLK ( run F83 on META80.BLK )
OK ( loads meta compiler and generates KERNEL.COM )
BYE ( return to CP/M )
START ( loads all extensions )
BYE ( return to CP/M )
B>SAVE xx F83.COM ( create new version of F83.COM )
You can have a printout of these instructions by using Control P and
In what follows the <CR> symbol represents the carriage return key
on your terminal. To enter Forth from the CP/M environment, insert
the disk containing the F83.COM file into drive A of your computer,
(after booting it of course) and type
Forth will reply with:
8080 Forth 83 Model 1.0.0
Modified 16Oct83
Forth is about ten years old now (1983) but some of the features of F83
are relatively new to the Public Domain Forth Model.
The VIEW command is one of the best. VIEW <word> <CR> will find the
screen that contains the code for the <word>, provided that the file
that contains <word> is on the currently logged disk drive. If you can
fit all of the source code on a single drive, VIEW works great, and
takes care of opening the file and displaying the screen for you. èWe have also tried to make extensive use of the shadow screen
concept. In this regard, the word A moves you from the current screen
to it associated shadow screen. The SHADOW vocabulary contains a
bunch of words that are helpful in maintaining shadow screens. COPY
allows you to copy not only a screen, but also its associated shadow.
SHOW allows you to list each source screen across from its shadow when you
want to print them. Finally CONVEY allows you to move groups of screens
and their associated shadows. To see what words are in the SHADOW
vocabulary simply type SHADOW WORDS<CR>
There is also a decompiler present which reverses the compiling
process, producing source code from object code. The user interface to
it is the word SEE <name> where <name> is the name of a Forth word
you wish to decompile. While the information SEE gives you is not
as complete as that given by VIEW, a least it is always available, and
not dependent upon whether or not the correct file is present on the
currently logged in disk drive. For a real experience try decompiling the
words STATUS, which is a DEFERred word, ie an execution vector. SEE
calls itself recursively in this case and tracks down the definition.
This can be quite handy.
To see a list of the words that are in the dictionary type WORDS. You
will see lots of words. Each is a command and each can be VIEWed. Let's
look at the word SHOW by typing VIEW SHOW. Assuming all is well you
will see a Forth screen containing the definition of SHOW along with some
other words. Type A L (cr) and you will be rewarded with the Shadow
screen that goes with it. A L (cr) will Alternate List you back to
the original screen of code. Look at it and when you see a word that
doesn't seem fully self evident, VIEW it and read the shadow screen. The
word SHOW and its source code that we have been viewing, is a command
that prints out three source screens along with three shadows for a
total of six screens per page. There are two versions of SHOW. The
vocabulary you are in determines how SHOW will print out. If you are in
the SHADOW vocabulary, six screens of code and shadows will print. If you
are in FORTH six screens of code will be printed.
Now for some more commands. N is next screen and L is list. N L
lists the next screen and B L lists the next screen back. N ED will edit
the next screen etc. Now lets printout a few screens that will detail
some of the editor commands. Most are from Starting Forth but some are
new ones.
You are looking at a screen of editing commands. Lets go to the shadow
with the A L command and do some exploring. While we are in the
shadows lets look at the next five or six shadow screens that should be
editor words. Use N L. If you have a printer you may print these
screens now as follows. Type VIEW WIPE for example. If wipe is the
first of 6 screens of editor words remember the screen number. If for
instance it was 80 then
type 80 85 SHADOW SHOW<CR>
If you are new to Forth your best bet is to purchase the book STARTING
FORTH by LEO BRODIE. It costs about seventeen dollars and is available
at most large book stores. On page 84 you will find the commands for the
line editor. The F83 model follows both the book and the Forth 83
èThe Forth Interest Group ( FIG ) has chapters in many areas. In the San
Francisco Bay Area, meetings are held on the 4th Saturday of each
month, currently at Chabot College in Hayward, CA. Call the FIG hot
line if you wish to double check the location ph 962-8653 or the FIG
Tree BBS (300 baud) at 538-3580.
Henry Laxen Mike Perry
1259 Cornell Avenue 1125 Bancroft Way
Berkeley, CA 94706 Berkeley, CA 94702
System Memory Map
The memory map will vary somewhat with CPU, and operating system, and
options. For CP/M on the 8080 with 64K of memory, with four block buffers
and all utilities, it is as follows:
( all addresses in hexadecimal)
0100 Jump to cold start
0104 Jump to warm start
0108 ----
Dictionary with all utilities loaded.
5E75 ---- HERE
Free space.
D10E ---- SP0, TIB
| Text Input Buffer
Return Stack |
D1D6 ---- RP0, >BUFFERS
Block Buffer Pointer Table
D200 ---- FIRST
Block Buffers
E200 ---- LIMIT
Standard System Documentation Requirement
1. The system dictionary space is CPU dependant and can be
determined by typeing HERE U. <CR>
2. The application dictionary space is also CPU dependant and is the
difference between the top of the dictionary and the beginning of
the parameter stack. The location of the parameter stack varies
depending on the amount of memory available to the machine. The
application dictionary space can be determined by
ètyping SP@ HERE - U. <CR>
3. The data stack space is the same as the dictionary space.
4. The return stack space was arbitrarily set at 256 bytes. It can be
altered by remeta-compiling the system.
5. No mass storage block ranges are reserved by the system, other
than the contents of the files that are distributed.
6. The user has available to him blocks 0 thru 65534. Note that block 0
may not be used for loading. Block number 65535 is reserved to
indicate the buffer is missing.
7. Any ascii terminal should work with this system. If the user has a
cursor addressable terminal, the editor can be easily modified to take
advantage of the terminal's characteristics.
8. System action taken upon error conditions:
' <name> ['] <name> not found results in ? error message
*/ */MOD / /MOD MOD UM/MOD all division by 0 errors result
in a 0 quotient
: in the case of an error, a ? error message will be printed
DO if a nesting error occurs, the system will crash. (if you
are lucky)
EXECUTE if addr is not a compilation address, the system
will crash. see DO
EXIT if the top of the return stack does not contain a valid
return point, the system will crash. see DO
FORGET <name> if <name> is not found, a ? error message is
printed. If the compilation vocabulary is forgotten, the
system will crash. see DO
FORTH-83 if the error condition occurs, that this is not a
standard system, I don't want to hear about it and I hope
the system not only crashes, but burns.
LOAD if u is zero, the system will crash. see DO