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Sig/M Report - October 1981
by Hank Kee
The following is a letter from the Secretary of Sig/M:
Duσá t∩ thσ rapidl∙ risinτ cos⌠ oµ postagσ anΣ thσ numbe≥ oµá ne≈ ì
program≤ releaseΣ eacΦ montΦ (approx« ß megabytσ ß month)¼ i⌠ ha≤ ì
becomσá ver∙á costl∙ t∩ havσ curren⌠ catalog≤ printeΣá anΣá sent¼ ì
especiall∙á sincσ man∙ request≤ iε thσ pas⌠ havσ comσ witΦ eithe≥ ì
n∩ prepaiΣ returε envelopσ o≥ insufficien⌠ postage« Thσ solutioε ì
wσá havσá deviseΣ t∩ rectif∙ thi≤ situatioε i≤ t∩á creatσá ßá ne≈ ì
disk¼á VOLUM┼á 0¼á whicΦ wil∞ contaiε newsletter≤ anΣ listing≤ oµ ì
al∞á curren⌠á volume≤á iεá thσ SIG/═ librar∙á a≤á wel∞á a≤á othe≥ ì
pertinen⌠ information« Thσ chargσ fo≥ thi≤ disδ wil∞ bσ thσ samσ ì
a≤ fo≥ an∙ regula≥ volumσ whicΦ wσ fee∞ i≤ quitσá reasonable«á Iµ ì
wσá looδá a⌠á uni⌠ cost≤ wσ seσ tha⌠ thσ firs⌠á informatioεá disδ ì
contain≤ morσ thaε 4╡ page≤ oµ printeΣ materia∞ whicΦ woulΣá cos⌠ ì
approximatel∙á $.0╡á pe≥ pagσ o≥ $2.2╡ pe≥á copy«á Thi≤á packagσ ì
weigh≤ abou⌠ ╣ ounce≤ anΣ cost≤ $1.5┤ t∩ mail« Addinτ thσ cos⌠ oµ ì
aεá envelopσá wil∞á brinτá thσá cos⌠ u≡á t∩á ßá rounΣá figurσá oµ ì
approximatel∙ $4.00!!!
Fo≥ ß merσ $2.0░ more¼á les≤ thaε thσ cos⌠ oµ ß disk¼á wσ wil∞ bσ ì
ablσá t∩á providσ yo⌡ witΦ thσ samσ information¼á bu⌠á additiona∞ ì
informatioε placeΣ oε thσ samσ disδ wil∞ no⌠ increasσ thσá weigh⌠ ì
o≥á mailinτá chargσá no≥ wil∞ therσ bσá an∙á additiona∞á printinτ ì
charge«á Sincσá thσá grou≡ i≤ se⌠ u≡ t∩ providσá informatioεá iε ì
machinσ readablσ forφ i⌠ i≤ mucΦ morσ practica∞ fo≥ u≤ t∩ providσ ì
thσá informatioε iε thi≤ way«á Oncσ receiveΣ thσ informatioε ma∙ ì
bσá printeΣ fo≥ others¼á whicΦ i≤ sometime≤ easie≥ anΣá certainl∙ ì
cheape≥ thaε makinτ photocopies« Thσ disδ ma∙ theε bσ eraseΣ anΣ ì
useΣ o≥ kep⌠ iε you≥ librar∙ fo≥ futurσ referencσ unti∞ thσá nex⌠ ì
VOLUM┼á ░ i≤ received«á Update≤ wil∞ contaiε al∞ thσ informatioε ì
oε thσ previou≤ releasσ plu≤ newl∙ releaseΣ disk≤ anΣ news« Oncσ ì
thσá VOLUM┼ ░ releasσ disδ i≤ ful∞ i⌠ wil∞ bσ replaceΣ b∙á ßá ne≈ ì
VOLUM┼á 0(A,B,C...)«á Request≤á fo≥ informatioε iε printeΣá forφ ì
wil∞á bσ treateΣ a≤ iµ the∙ werσ request≤ fo≥ disδ VOLUM┼á ░á anΣ ì
wil∞á cos⌠á thσá samσ a≤ thσ machinσ readablσá form«á Fo≥á thosσ ì
interesteΣá onl∙á iε thσ librar∙ anΣ software¼á NYAC├á (Ne≈á Yorδ ì
Amateu≥ Compute≥ Club)¼ Bo° 106¼ ChurcΦ Stree⌠ Station¼ Ne≈ York¼ ì
N┘á 1000╕ provide≤ ß cataloτ oµ SIG/═ AN─ CP/M-U╟ softwarσ iεá ß ì
printeΣá cataloτá witΦá abstrac⌠ file≤á fo≥á eacΦá program«á Thσ ì
curren⌠ pricσ fo≥ thi≤ cataloτ i≤ $1░ domestiπ anΣ $1│ foreign.
SIG/═ USE╥ GROUP¼ BO╪ 97¼ ISELIN¼ N╩ 08830-0097
TH┼á CURREN╘á CHARG┼ I╙ $4.0░ PE╥ DIS╦ PLU╙ $2.0░ FO╥á TH┼á FIRS╘ ì
HowarΣ Fingerhut
Secretar∙ SIG/M
File≤ Scramble.Doc¼á Scramble.Asm¼á Sortv.Doc¼á anΣá Sortv-12.Asφ ì
makinτá u≡ Sig/═ cataloτ 1╖ attributeΣ t∩ WarΣ Christenseε shoulΣ ì
havσá properl∙ stateΣ tha⌠ the∙ werσ extracteΣ froφ RCP═ anΣá no⌠ ì
directl∙ submitteΣ b∙ hiφ t∩ thσ Sig/═ Library«á Wσ apologizσá t∩ ì
WarΣ fo≥ thσ unintentiona∞ error.
Sig/═ volumσ 0¼á thσ informatioε cataloτ i≤ currentl∙ a⌠ revisioε ì
B«á ListeΣá belo≈á arσá thσ summar∙ oµá newl∙á releaseΣá softwarσ ì
contained on volumes 39 through 42.
Sig/M volume 39 Updated IBM 3740 Disk Utility
Language Analyzer
-CATALOG.039 contents of Sig/M volume 39
ACKLIST.039 acknowledgement file
CRCKLIST.039 checksum file of Sig/M volume 39
index name size description
39.01 3740UTIL.SUB 1K Updated 3740 Disk Utility
39.02 3740UTIL.DOC 8K /
39.03 3740UTIL.ASM 67K /
39.04 3740UTIL.COM 13K /
39.05 MACS3740.LIB 17K /
39.06 EGRAMMAR.GMR 1K Language Analyzer
39.07 EXAMPLE.GMR 1K /
39.08 EXAMPLE2 1K /
39.09 GRAMMA 1K /
39.10 LL1ANL.DOC 6K /
39.11 LL1ANL.PLI 3K /
39.12 LL1ANL.SUB 1K /
39.13 LL1LNK.SUB 1K /
39.14 LL1P00.PLI 3K /
39.15 LL1P10.PLI 18K /
39.16 LL1P1O.PLI 19K /
39.17 LL1P20.PLI 7K /
39.18 LL1P30.PLI 10K /
39.19 LL1P40.PLI 6K /
39.20 LL1P50.PLI 5K /
39.21 LL1P60.PLI 4K /
39.22 LL1P70.PLI 4K /
39.23 LL1P80.PLI 6K /
39.24 LL1PRC.PLI 13K /
Sig/M volume 40 Miscellaneous System Support Utilities
-CATALOG.040 Contents of Sig/M volume 40
ACKLIST.040 Acknowledgement File
CRCKLIST.040 Checksum File
40.01 ISIS/CPM.ASM 25K Prom Resident ISIS System Emulatorè40.02 ISIS/CPM.DOC 6K /
40.03 VMAP.BAS 6K MBasic Variable Mapper
40.04 VMAP.DOC 2K /
40.05 VMAP-SUB.DOC 2K /
40.06 QUMEDRV.ASM 4K Prom Resident Qume Driver
40.08 CHARFREQ.BAS 2K Character Frequency Analysis
40.09 XFERTIME.BAS 2K File Transfer Time Program for RCPM
40.10 PAUSWAIT.ASM 8K Pause Option for SUBMIT
40.11 COMP2.ASM 8K Text Compression Routine
40.12 COMP2.COM 1K /
40.13 EXP2.ASM 10K Text Expansion of COMP2
40.14 EXP2.COM 1K /
40.15 MENU-V2.ASM 18K Menu Driver
40.16 MENU-V2.COM 1K /
40.17 RUN80-V2.ASM 40K Text Formatter
40.18 RUN80-V2.COM 4K /
40.19 RUN80.MEM 10K /
40.20 RUN80.RNO 9K /
40.21 HOST.Z80 10K File Load Between CP/M and Z8000
40.22 HOST.DOC 2K /
40.23 HOST.COM 1K /
40.24 MDS.Z80 14K MDS FDC Emulator
40.25 MDS.PRN 16K /
Sig/M volume 41 Cromemco CDOS-CP/M System Support
-CATALOG.041 Contents of Sig/M Volume 41
ABSTRACT.041 Random Notes on Sig/M Volume 41
ACKLIST.041 Acknowledgement File
CRCKLIST.041 Checksum File
41.01 CDOSCOPY.Z80 12K CDOS Disk Copy Program
41.03 CDOSCOPY.PRN 26K /
41.04 CDOSFMAP.ASM 9K Modified Disk Cataloging System
41.06 CDOSFMAP.PRN 17K /
41.08 UCAT.ASM 9K /
41.09 UCAT.HEX 5K /
41.10 UCAT.PRN 28K /
41.11 CDOSSAP.Z80 9K CDOS Sort and Pack Directory
41.12 CDOSSAP.PRN 19K /
41.13 CDOSSAP.COM 1K /
41.14 FDCBIOS.DOC 6K Updated BIOS for 16FDC and 4FDC
41.15 FDCBIOS.HEX 2K /
41.16 FDCBIOS.Z80 15K /
41.17 FDCBIOS.PRN 36K /
41.18 FDCBOOT.HEX 1K /
41.19 FDCBOOT.Z80 2K /
41.20 FDCBOOT.PRN 5K /
41.21 XEROX.Z80 13K FAST Copy ss/sd = 40 seconds
41.22 XEROX.COM 2K ss/dd = 70 secondsè
Sig/M volume 42 SD Sales Hard Disk Support
File Utilities - Pertec and CP/M
WordMaster Customization Notes
-CATALOG.042 Contents of Sig/M Volume 42
ACKLIST.042 Acknowledgement File
CRCKLIST.042 Checksum File
ABSTRACT.042 Random Notes on Sig/M Volume 42
42.01 HD-BIOS.Z80 30K VersaFloppy 2/XComp/Seagate
42.02 HD-BIOS.HEX 5K /
42.03 FDOS.ASM 29K File Access - Pertec FDOS and CP/M
42.04 FDOS.COM 3K /
42.05 MTX.ASM 36K File Access - Pertec MTX Basic
42.06 MTX.COM 5K and CP/M
42.07 MTX2000.ASM 36K File Access - Double Density MTX
42.08 MTX2000.COM 5K Basic and CP/M
42.09 PCC2000B.ASM 8K Expanded Access for PCC 2000
42.10 PCC2000B.COM 1K /
42.11 WMNOTES 2K WordMaster Customization Notes
42.12 WM.CTL 1K /
42.13 WM.DOC 8K /
42.14 WM.SYM 11K /
42.15 BYE.Z80 37K Remote Control Program for CDOS