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- Sig/M Report - November 1981
- by Hank Kee
- Thσá Sig/═ Use≥ Grou≡ i≤ no≈ onσ yea≥ old«á Wσ wisΦ t∩ thanδá al∞ ì
- thosσá wh∩á havσ madσ materia∞ contribution≤ a≤ wel∞ a≤ t∩á thosσ ì
- wh∩ gavσ u≤ thei≥ enthusiastiπ support«á Wσ havσ releaseΣ t∩ datσ ì
- 4▓á volume≤á plu≤á aεá additiona∞á organiπá informatioεáá cataloτ ì
- (Sig/M.0).
- Thσ mos⌠ popula≥ Sig/═ volumσ t∩ datσ ha≤ beeε ExpandeΣ Adventurσ ì
- (Sig/M.011⌐ whicΦ caε ruε oε eithe≥ thσ 808░ o≥ iε Z8░ mode« Thi≤ ì
- implementatioεá b∙á Mikσ Goet· ha≤ beeε wel∞á received«á Numerou≤ ì
- inquirie≤á havσ beeε madσ regardinτ availabilit∙ oµ sourcσá code« ì
- I⌠á wil∞á bσá madσ availablσ a⌠ ß late≥ datσá wheεá mos⌠á oµá thσ ì
- mysterie≤ becomσ familia≥ t∩ all« Thσ origina∞ 35░ poin⌠ versioε ì
- oµ Adventurσ i≤ availablσ witΦ sourcσ (Sig/M.00▒ anΣ Sig/M.002).
- Inquirie≤ havσ beeε madσ regardinτ 'Zork'«á I⌠ ha≤ beeε converteΣ ì
- bu⌠á it≤á presen⌠ forφ require≤ MP/═ usagσ sincσ thσ bindeΣá codσ ì
- exceed≤á 64╦á oµ memory«á I⌠ wil∞ bσá ßá futurσá release«á 'Zorkº ì
- requires three standard disks of storage.
- Wσá arσá officiall∙á supportinτá thσ followinτá ╡á anΣá 1/┤á incΦ ì
- formats:
- Micropolis Mod 2 (1 diskette per volume)
- North Star double density (2 diskettes per volume)
- TRS80 Mod 1 and 3 (3 to 4 diskettes per volume)
- Apple 2 (3 to 4 diskettes per volume)
- Pricinτá fo≥á thσá ╡ anΣ 1/┤ incΦ volume≤ arσ $1╢ eacΦá witΦá thσ ì
- exceptioεá oµá thσá Micropoli≤á MoΣ ▓ whicΦá i≤á $┤á pe≥á volume« ì
- StandarΣ 8ó singlσ densit∙ sof⌠ secto≥ volume≤ remaiε a⌠ $┤ each« ì
- ┴ mai∞ anΣ handlinτ chargσ oµ $▓ shoulΣ accompan∙ eacΦ orde≥á fo≥ ì
- ßá singlσá volume«á Therσá i≤á ßá chargσ oµá $▒á extrßá pe≥á eacΦ ì
- additiona∞á volumσá iεá thσá samσá order«áá Internationa∞áá (non-ì
- continenta∞á USA⌐á order≤á shoulΣ includσ aε additiona∞á $╕á (al∞ ì
- currencie≤á arσ t∩ bσ iε U╙ dollar≤ drawε oε ß U╙á bank)«á Pleasσ ì
- allo≈ u≡ t∩ ┤ week≤ t∩ proces≤ you≥ orders«
- Thσá Ne≈ Yorδ Amateu≥ Compute≥ CluΓ wil∞ sooε bσ issueinτ Booδá ▓ ì
- oµá Thσ Cataloτ oµ Publiπ Domaiε Softwarσ iε thσ Sig/═ anΣá CP/═ ì
- User Groups.
- Sig/M
- P.O. Box 97
- Iselin, New Jersey 08830
- ACGNJ RIBBS 201-272-1874 (24 hours)