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Some people using Sound Blaster cards have requested versions that can run
on interrupts other than the default value of IRQ 7. Since this was a
retrofit, there was no way for the game to determine and pass the board base
I/O address and IRQ number to the sound driver, so we had to settle for the
defaults (220h and IRQ 7). Contrary to popular belief, a sound card CAN
peacefully co-exist with a parallel port on IRQ 7. Included in the new
upgrade are three files ASNDIRQ?.GS2 which are equivalent to the current
ASOUND.GS2, but for other IRQs. Rename your old ASOUND.GS2 (to ASNDGS2.OLD,
for example) then copy the file ASNDIRQ?.GS2 to ASOUND.GS2. For example:
"COPY ASNDIRQ3.GS2 ASOUND.GS2" (if you want to use IRQ3)
As for comments that the speech on the Sound Blaster is much louder than the
music, no argument. This is caused by the Sound Blaster itself. The balance
is about right on all other compatible cards. The new Sound Blaster Pro has
a mixer control so you can adjust the volumes yourself, but on the original
Sound Blaster, you'll just have to live with the louder volume.
All future MicroProse releases will support selectable IRQ and DMA
addresses. This rev of Gunship supports DMA speech on Sound Blasters only.
In the future we will also support the MediaVision Thunderboard and Pro
Audio Spectrum, ATI Stereo F/X and Covox Sound Master II (and AdLib Gold,
when it becomes available). The current version also supports true stereo
music on the Sound Blaster Pro and MediaVision Pro Audio Spectrum.
Jim McConkey, Sr. Sound Engineer, MPS Labs