Game Killer
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Tired of the same old fighters in Wing Commander? The cats have a Mk 2
Dralthi, about time the Confederation upgraded its fighters in the light of
combat experience.
This program will create a Mk 2 Hornet, Scimitar, Raptor and Rapier, with
improved maneuverability, acceleration, top speed and shields. The shields
have not been improved to the point the fighters are invincible. The
weapons have also been improved, beware that some will not show on the VDU.
All missiles are now Dumb-Fire, and the both fighters carry five. I hate
having the IR and HS missiles blinking at me, so I took 'em all out.
WCMK2 {path} [original program] {path} [new program]
A new program is created from either the original Wing Commander (WC.EXE)
or Secret Missions 2 (SM2.EXE). The extensions (.EXE) are not required. I
suggest you call the new program something like NEWWC.EXE, and run it
(enter NEWWC), not rename it. What my program actually does is copy the
original, with the necessary patches.
Hubba-Hubba! I figured this all out from the shield patch that was
uploaded. This version updates the Rapier and Raptor, and top speed is
increased for all of them.
WC Fighter file format, as I've been able to decode it:
111 bytes per type, I'm unsure of the exact starting place, so all
this is relative. For non C programers, char is 1 byte, int 2 bytes,
ints are LSB first, number = first byte + 256 * second byte.
unsigned int top_speed; /* X 10 for actual top speed */
unsigned int cruse_speed; /* X 10 for actual speed */
/* then 5 unknown bytes */
unsigned char acceleration; /* (?) fairly sure of this */
/* then 2 unknown bytes */
unsigned int pitch;
unsigned int yaw;
unsigned int roll;
/* then 2 unknown bytes */
unsigned char weapon count; */ 0A (10) = max positions for */
unsigned char weapons [10][5]; */ 10 weapon positions, 5 bytes each */
/* in each weapon, [0] is type,
18 = laser
19 = neutron gun
1A = mass driver
1B = turreted laser (?)
1C = DF missle
1D = HS "
1E = FF "
1F = IR "
20 = ?
21 = mine
[2] and [4] are horizontal and vertical position, every fighter is
a different format.
[1] and [5] are unknown
unsigned int front_sheild;
unsigned int rear_sheild;
*/ the rest is unknown, except I think armor follows the sheilds */
Some notes: Guns not originally in that type can be used, but will not
show on the VDU. If weapons are increased above original, best bet seems
to be stack them in the same position as an existing weapon, and don't
forget to increase the weapon count. If values are increased above the
highest used on any type it _may_ crash the game, this is unknown. Keep
maximum sheilds under 63 hex (99 decimal) if you want them to show properly
on the display. If you figure any more of this out, please let us know!
This program is Copyright (c) James A. Burton, 1991, and is freeware.
Jim Burton [75300,621] May 20, 1991