Game Killer
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C/C++ Source or Header
279 lines
| WSup module | (c) Oct 1992 Sysma Automatisering |
| Version 1.0 06/10/92 | First implementation. |
| | J.P. Dijkstra, M.Sc. |
| Version 1.05 11/10/92 | Removed all explicit references to far |
| | pointers and changed the memory model to |
| | large. |
| | J.P. Dijkstra, M.Sc. |
| This module contains support functions, used in the member functions of |
| the classes, containing the actual functionality of this program. |
#include "wolfmap.h"
#include "dos.h"
#include "io.h"
#include "fcntl.h"
| Public functions to implement the desired API. |
| ReadData | Reads a block of data from the given |
| | position into the specified memory block. |
| WriteData | Writes a block of data from the specified |
| | memory block to the target file and |
| | returns the start position of that block |
| | in the target file. |
| DetermineMaze | Takes a word of maze data and determines |
| | what class of maze data it belongs to. |
| DetermineObject | Takes a word of object data and tries to |
| | determine what class of object data it |
| | belongs to. |
| PrintLegend | Prints a legend of symbols used in the |
| | printout of a map. |
int ReadData (int Handle, long Pos, void *Location, unsigned Size)
// Try positioning the file pointer at the given location.
if ( lseek (Handle, Pos, SEEK_SET) != Pos )
return errSeek;
// The seek was successful. Now try reading in the requested number of
// bytes from that position into the given buffer.
unsigned ReadSize = 0;
if ( _dos_read (Handle, Location, Size, &ReadSize) == 0 && ReadSize == Size )
// The reading was successful, so return Ok.
return errOk;
// The read function failed, so return the error code.
return errRead;
int WriteData (int Handle, long *Pos, void *Location, unsigned Size)
// Try positioning the file pointer at the given location.
*Pos = lseek (Handle, 0, SEEK_END);
if (*Pos == -1)
*Pos = 0;
return errSeek;
// The seek was successful. Now try reading in the requested number of
// bytes from that position into the given buffer.
unsigned WriteSize = 0;
if ( _dos_write (Handle, Location, Size, &WriteSize) == 0 && WriteSize == Size )
// The reading was successful, so return Ok.
return errOk;
// The write function failed, so set the position of the block written
// to 0 and return the error code.
*Pos = 0;
return errWrite;
unsigned DetermineMaze (unsigned Value)
if (Value >= 0x01 && Value <= 0x14) return mWall;
if (Value >= 0x17 && Value <= 0x31) return mWall;
if (Value >= 0x6A && Value <= 0x8F) return mFloor;
switch (Value)
case 0x00: return mNothing;
case 0x0D: return mEntrance;
case 0x15: return mElevator;
case 0x16: return mElevator;
case 0x5A: return mvDoor;
case 0x5B: return mhDoor;
case 0x5C: return mlyvDoor;
case 0x5D: return mlyhDoor;
case 0x5E: return mlbvDoor;
case 0x5F: return mlbhDoor;
case 0x64: return mevDoor;
case 0x65: return mehDoor;
default: return mUndetermined;
unsigned DetermineObject (unsigned Value)
// Check for stationary actors.
if (Value >= 0x6C && Value <= 0x6F) return oGuard1;
if (Value >= 0x90 && Value <= 0x93) return oGuard3;
if (Value >= 0xB4 && Value <= 0xB7) return oGuard4;
if (Value >= 0x74 && Value <= 0x77) return oOfficer1;
if (Value >= 0x98 && Value <= 0x9B) return oOfficer3;
if (Value >= 0xBC && Value <= 0xBF) return oOfficer4;
if (Value >= 0x7E && Value <= 0x81) return oSS1;
if (Value >= 0xA2 && Value <= 0xA5) return oSS3;
if (Value >= 0xC6 && Value <= 0xC9) return oSS4;
if (Value >= 0xD8 && Value <= 0xDB) return oUndead1;
if (Value >= 0xEA && Value <= 0xED) return oUndead3;
if (Value >= 0xFC && Value <= 0xFF) return oUndead4;
// Check for moving actors.
if (Value >= 0x8A && Value <= 0x8D) return oDog1;
if (Value >= 0xAE && Value <= 0xB1) return oDog3;
if (Value >= 0xD2 && Value <= 0xD5) return oDog4;
if (Value >= 0x70 && Value <= 0x73) return omGuard1;
if (Value >= 0x94 && Value <= 0x97) return omGuard3;
if (Value >= 0xB8 && Value <= 0xBB) return omGuard4;
if (Value >= 0x78 && Value <= 0x7B) return omOfficer1;
if (Value >= 0x9C && Value <= 0x9F) return omOfficer3;
if (Value >= 0xC0 && Value <= 0xC3) return omOfficer4;
if (Value >= 0x82 && Value <= 0x85) return omSS1;
if (Value >= 0xA6 && Value <= 0xA9) return omSS3;
if (Value >= 0xCA && Value <= 0xCD) return omSS4;
if (Value >= 0xDC && Value <= 0xDF) return omUndead1;
if (Value >= 0xEE && Value <= 0xF1) return omUndead3;
if (Value >= 0x100 && Value <= 0x103) return omUndead4;
if (Value >= 0xE0 && Value <= 0xE3) return oPacman;
// Check for other objects.
if (Value >= 0x18 && Value <= 0x1A) return oObstacle;
if (Value >= 0x1E && Value <= 0x1F) return oObstacle;
if (Value >= 0x21 && Value <= 0x24) return oObstacle;
if (Value >= 0x26 && Value <= 0x29) return oObstacle;
if (Value >= 0x2D && Value <= 0x2E) return oObstacle;
if (Value >= 0x3A && Value <= 0x3C) return oObstacle;
if (Value >= 0x5A && Value <= 0x61) return oTurningPoint;
if (Value >= 0x34 && Value <= 0x38) return oTreasure;
switch (Value)
case 0x00: return oNothing;
case 0x1C: return oObstacle;
case 0x3E: return oObstacle;
case 0x62: return oSecretDoor;
case 0x63: return oEndgame;
case 0x13: return ouStart;
case 0x14: return orStart;
case 0x15: return odStart;
case 0x16: return olStart;
case 0x7C: return oDeadGuard;
case 0x2B: return oYellowKey;
case 0x2C: return oBlueKey;
case 0x32: return oMachineGun;
case 0x33: return oGattlingGun;
case 0x30: return oFirstAid;
case 0x2F: return oFood;
case 0x1D: return oFood;
case 0x31: return oAmmunition;
case 0xD6: return oHans;
case 0xC4: return oSchabbs;
case 0xA0: return oGhostHitler;
case 0xB2: return oHitler;
case 0xD7: return oGiftmacher;
case 0xC5: return oGretel;
case 0xB3: return oFettgesicht;
default: return oUndetermined;
int PrintLegend (FILE *Stream)
// Write a banner to the output stream.
fprintf (Stream, "WOLFENSTEIN 3D - Legend of the maps\n\n\n\n");
// Write the legend for maze related objects.
fprintf (Stream, "Various maze related objects.\n\n");
fprintf (Stream, "'%c%c' , '%c%c' Start position, facing left or right.\n", '<', '-', '-', '>');
fprintf (Stream, "'%c%c' , '%c%c' Start position, facing up or down.\n", 0x18, 0x18, 0x19, 0x19);
fprintf (Stream, "'%c%c' , '%c%c' Normal door.\n", 0xB3, ' ', 0xC4, 0xC4);
fprintf (Stream, "'%c%c' , '%c%c' Locked door, blue or yellow key.\n", 0xBA, ' ', 0xCD, 0xCD);
fprintf (Stream, "'%c%c' Secret door.\n", '[', ']');
fprintf (Stream, "'%c%c' Any type of wall.\n", 0xB2, 0xB2);
fprintf (Stream, "'%c%c' Any type of floor.\n", ' ', ' ');
fprintf (Stream, "'%c%c' Entrance to level.\n", 0xAE, 0xAF);
fprintf (Stream, "'%c%c' Elevator.\n", 0xDB, 0xDB);
fprintf (Stream, "'%c%c' Trigger of the endgame.\n", '%', '%');
fprintf (Stream, "'%c%c' Obstacle.\n", 'o', ' ');
// Write the legend of the takeables.
fprintf (Stream, "\nVarious objects which can be taken.\n\n");
fprintf (Stream, "'%c%c' Treasure, including bonus life sphere.\n", 't', ' ');
fprintf (Stream, "'%c%c' First aid kid.\n", '+', ' ');
fprintf (Stream, "'%c%c' Food tray or dog food basket.\n", 'f', ' ');
fprintf (Stream, "'%c%c' Free ammunition.\n", 'a', ' ');
fprintf (Stream, "'%c%c' Free machine gun.\n", 'm', 'g');
fprintf (Stream, "'%c%c' Free gattling (or big) gun.\n", 'g', 'g');
fprintf (Stream, "'%c%c' Blue key to unlock doors.\n", 'b', 'k');
fprintf (Stream, "'%c%c' Yellow key to unlock doors.\n", 'y', 'k');
// Write the legend of the actors.
fprintf (Stream, "\nVarious actors inside a maze.\n\n");
fprintf (Stream, "'%c%c' Dead guard.\n", 'D', 'G');
fprintf (Stream, "'%c%c' Hans, the huge guard from episode 1.\n", 'H', 'A');
fprintf (Stream, "'%c%c' Doctor Schabbs, from episode 2.\n", 'D', 'S');
fprintf (Stream, "'%c%c' Ghost of Hitler, from episode 3.\n", 'G', 'H');
fprintf (Stream, "'%c%c' Hitler, from episode 3.\n", 'A', 'H');
fprintf (Stream, "'%c%c' Otto Giftmacher, from episode 4.\n", 'O', 'G');
fprintf (Stream, "'%c%c' Gretel, the huge guard from episode 5, and sister of Hans.\n", 'G', 'R');
fprintf (Stream, "'%c%c' General Fettgesicht, from episode 6.\n", 'G', 'F');
fprintf (Stream, "'%c%c' Pacman ghost.\n", 'P', 'G');
fprintf (Stream, "'%c%c' Moving or stationary brown guard, from difficulty level x.\n", 'G', 'x');
fprintf (Stream, "'%c%c' Moving or stationary white officer, from difficulty level x.\n", 'O', 'x');
fprintf (Stream, "'%c%c' Moving or stationary blue SS officer, from difficulty level x.\n", 'S', 'x');
fprintf (Stream, "'%c%c' Moving or stationary undead man, from difficulty level x.\n", 'U', 'x');
fprintf (Stream, "'%c%c' Moving dog, from difficulty level x.\n\n\n\n", 'D', 'x');
// Write a copyright message as a trailer.
fprintf (Stream, "Printed with %s.\n%s\n", cVersion, cCopyright);
// Return Ok to indicate success.
return errOk;