Game Killer
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The Golfers Database
Copyright (c)1992
All Rights Reserved
╓─╖ ╥
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╙───╜╙─╜╙─╜║ ╙───╜╙─╜╙─╜(R)
Requires EGA or VGA Monitor
For any IBM compatible computer
using DOS v3.1 or higher
"Written for Golfers by a Golfer"
║ GolfLog v1.0 ║
╓╜ (c) 1992 ╙╖
║ ║
║ RiverBend SoftWare ║
║ Osceola, AR 72370 ║
Getting started .................. Page 1
Installation ..................... Page 1
Using GolfLog .................... Page 1
Using the Main Menu .............. Page 1
Creating a Course Record ......... Page 2
Creating a Game Record ........... Page 3
Reviewing a Game Record .......... Page 4
Deleting Records ................. Page 5
Creating New Datafiles ........... Page 5
Naming New Datafiles ............. Page 6
What GolfLog does ................ Appendix A
Copyright Information ............ Appendix B
License To End User .............. Appendix B
Machine Requirements ............. Appendix C
Warranty ......................... Appendix C
Order Form ....................... Appendix D
GolfLog v1.0 -1-
GolfLog can be run from a floppy diskette or from a hard disk. If
it is run from a floppy diskette use a new diskette with no other files
on it except GOLFLOG.COM (Note that GolfLog will run much slower on a
floppy diskette than it will when run from a hard disk).
If you run GolfLog from a hard disk, make a separate directory and
call it something like GOLF or GOLFLOG. Your prompt, when in this new
directory should look similar to C:\GOLF> (Note that GolfLog will run
much faster on a hard disk than it will when run from a floppy). Copy
GOLFLOG.COM to the new directory. No other file(s) need be copied to this
After you have GOLFLOG.COM either on a new floppy diskette or in
a directory on your hard drive, simply type GOLFLOG and press your <Enter>
Key. This will bring up the Main Menu screen where you will see all the
options available to you.
Using the Main Menu
You will notice that the Options on the Main Menu are numbered from
1 through 9 and the last Option is listed as "[Q] Quit GolfLog". You can
use the Up Arrow and Down Arrow Keys to move up and down the list and the
selected Option will be highlighted in bright yellow on a black background.
To activate a highlighted Options, simply press your <Enter> Key when the
Option you wish to use is highlighted. Another method available is to
press the number of the Option you wish to use. Note that if you choose
to press a number key, it doesn't matter which Option is highlighted. If
Option #1 is highlighted and you wish to activate Option #4 then press the
<4> Key and the procedure called for at Option #4 will start. You can also
use the PageUp and PageDown Keys to move up and down the list jumping 3
options each time. Pressing the Home Key will take you to the top of the
list and pressing the End Key will move the highlight to the last Option
on the list. To quit GolfLog, either move the highlight to the last
Option and press <Enter> or press your <Q> Key and the program will
GolfLog v1.0 -2-
Creating a Course Record
The first thing you must do is create a Course Record for each golf
course you regularly play on. A Course Record need only be created one (1)
time. It will help if you have available a scorecard for each course that
you intend to create a Course Record for. Using your DownArrow Key, go to
Option #2, "Add Course Record. Press your <Enter> Key, and you will see a
screen asking for the name of the Course or Club. Type in the name of the
Club/Course and press <Enter>. The cursor will then advance to the City
question. Type in the name of the city where the course is located, press
<Enter> and then type in the two (2) letter abbreviation for the State and
again press <Enter>. The next question will ask you for the Course Par.
This number can be found on the scorecard (it's usually somewhere around
72). After pressing <Enter> type in the Par for the first, or front 9
9 holes (usually somewhere around 36), press <Enter> and do the same for
the last, or back 9 holes. The next question to appear will ask for the
Course's U.S.G.A. Rating. This rating can usually be found somewhere on
he scorecard. If you don't know what it is or can't find it, leave this
space blank, press <Enter> to go on to the next question.
A simulated scorecard will appear asking you the Par for each hole.
Type in the Par for Hole #1, press <Enter> and continue to type the Par
for each hole, pressing <Enter> after you type in the number. If the
course is only a 9 hole course, it will usually be designed with two
different Tee Boxes for each hole, effectively making it play as a full 18
hole course.
After entering the Par for each of the 18 holes, you will see a
box appear at the bottom of the screen indicating that you can press your
<Escape> Key to quit without saving this record, or you can press your
<SpaceBar> and the record will be saved as a permanent record. Before
you press the <Spacebar> to save the record, review the answers you gave
to all the questions. If they appear to be correct, then press <Spacebar>
and the record will be saved. You will then be returned to the Main Menu
Repeat the above steps for each course you want to create a record
for. After you have created the necessary Course Records, you are ready
to add your Game Records. You do not have to create a Course Record each
time you add a game. Once a Course Record is saved it will remain in the
datafile and can be used anytime you want to add another game played on
that course.
After creating a Course Record for any given course, you will not
have to create a record for that course again.
GolfLog v1.0 -3-
Creating a Game Record
To create a new Game Record, choose Option #1, Add Game Record,
and you will be presented a screen showing a list of the Course Records
you have previously created. Choose the Course you want to make a Game
Record for by pressing the number to the left of the Course name. The
number will be yellow in color. Type the number you choose and press
your <Enter> Key. The next screen to appear will show the Course Name,
City, State, etc. The first question you need to answer is the date
the game was played. Acceptable date formats are 6/15/92, 6/15/1992,
6-15-92, or 6-15-1992. Use no separators other than "/" or "-" and
always follow the Month-Day-Year (MM-DD-YY or MM-DD-YYYY) format.
After entering the date, the next question will ask the name(s)
of your playing partner(s). Type in the name(s) or leave it blank by
pressing <Enter> to advance to the next question. The name(s) cannot
occupy more than 30 characters total, so it's best to type only the first
names if you were playing in a foursome. If you're entering more than 1
name, be sure to separate each name with a space. The names can be typed
in all uppercase or all lowercase and GolfLog will automatically make the
first letter in each name a capital letter and the balance in lower case.
The next question will ask you for the amount of the Green Fee paid.
Enter the amount or leave it blank by pressing <Enter> without typing any
amount. Do the same for the next question which asks the amount you paid
for a Cart Rental.
The next question asks how many holes you played. The only answers
acceptable here are 9 or 18. The default is 18 holes and you can simply
press <Enter> without typing anything here and the scorecard will indicate
18 holes. The next question will ask you what your U.S.G.A. Handicap is.
If you know your handicap, type it in here, otherwise leave it blank by
pressing <Enter> for the next question.
If you indicated that you played 9 holes, you will be asked to
indicate whether you played the front (first) 9 holes or the back (last)
9 holes. Type either the letter "F" for Front 9 or "B" for the Back 9.
Appearing now on the bottom half of your screen will be a listing
of the holes with the Par for each hole already showing. All you need do
here is enter the score you made on each hole. Be sure to press <Enter>
after you type the score before going to the next hole. After completing
the scores, you will be asked if you want to rate the Course. Press your
"Y" Key for Yes or your "N" Key for No. If you press "Y", a new screen
will appear and you will be asked to give a rating from 1 to 10 for each
of the following: Greens, Fairways, Course Layout, Facilities, Personnel,
and Club Overall. Skipping any of these 6 questions by pressing <Enter>
without typing anything will cause that item to be given a default value
of 4. After completing these questions a figure to 2 decimal places will
be shown that indicates the Average Rating for all 6 items combined.
GolfLog v1.0 -4-
Appearing below the above questions, will be the question asking
you to press <Esc> to quit without saving the record or <SpaceBar> to
save the record as a permanent record. Press your choice of these two
keys and you will again be returned to the Main Menu. If you pressed the
<SpaceBar>, the record will be saved and you can pull it up for review
at anytime. You can enter a total of 90 Game records before you have
to create a new Game Record datafile. The procedure to create a new Game
Record datafile is explained later in this document.
Reviewing Records
After you have entered at least 1 Course Record and 1 Game Record
you can use the other options shown on the Main Menu screen. There's
four (4) different ways to find a given Game record. The first method
is to choose Option #1, "Review by Course" which will provide you with
a list showing Game Records sorted by Club/Course Name. Choose the 4th
option, "Review by City" to get a list of Game Records sorted by the City
where the course is located. Option #5, "Review by Date" will display a
list of Game Records sorted by Record Number, showing Date of Play.
Option #6 will display a list of Game records sorted by Score.
Each of the above lists will have a Record Number showing in yellow
to the left of the name, date, city, or score. Choose the Game Record
you want to review by typing the Record Number and pressing <Enter>.
The next screen to appear will show all the information you have
entered about this particular game. It will also show you the numbers
regarding everything from the elusive Ace (Hole in One) to those dreaded
"Others" which is any score that is more than 3 over Par for any hole
in that round of Golf. The rating you gave the course, club, etc. will
also be shown.
After reviewing the above information, press <Enter> to see your
scorecard for that round. If you entered a handicap, both the actual
score and the score with the handicap figured in will be shown. The Par
for each hole will be shown with the score you shot for it shown to the
right. If the score for any hole is below Par, the number will be in
red. If the score is Par, the score will be shown in green. Any score
above Par will be shown in yellow. The date the game was played will be
shown in the upper left corner of the scorecard and your U.S.G.A. handi-
cap will be shown in the upper right corner.
GolfLog v1.0 -5-
After reviewing this screen, press <Enter> and you will be returned
to the Main Menu again.
Option #7, "Year To Date Summary" is a summary of all games you've
recorded. You will find this information most interesting as it provides
you with a list showing the total number of games played, total strokes
for all games combined, the total number of holes you've played, and the
average strokes per hole to 3 decimal places.
Other information provided on the YearToDate Summary include
the total for everything from a Hole In One to those dreaded "Others"
again. Below these figures will be the totals for all Green fees and
Cart Rental fees paid.
After reviewing this information, press any key and you will be
returned to the Main Menu screen.
Deleting Records
In the event you wish to delete a Record choose Option #8, "Delete
Game Record" or Option #9, "Delete Course Record". Choosing either of
these options will show you a screen listing either all the Course Records
or all the Game Records. Select the Record Number you wish to delete by
typing the number shown in the left column in each listing and pressing
the <Enter> Key. Note that when a Record is deleted it will be removed
from the database permanently.
When GolfLog is first started, the default datafile that holds
the Game Records is named GOLF_LOG.DAT This file will hold a total of
90 Records (individual games). If this file becomes full (90 Records)
you must begin using a new datafile to hold any new Game Records. The
method to do this is simple. Just type GOLFLOG, skip 1 blank space and
type the name of the new datafile. This file can be named anything you
like as long as you follow the standard DOS naming guidelines. Basically
this name cannot contain more than 8 characters for the filename plus a
period "." followed by three characters for the extension. Shown on
the next page are some examples that can be used.
GolfLog v1.0 -6-
│ │││ │
│ │││ │
│ ││└──────────┴─────── 12 characters maximum
│ │└─────────────────── 1 blank space
└─────┴──────────────────── Command to start GolfLog
If you wish to keep records for more than 1 person, then just use
a different datafile name for each person.
Here's some examples to use when naming the Game Record Datafiles
Just type GOLFLOG, skip one blank space and type the name of
the datafile you wish to use and press <Enter>
GolfLog v1.0 Appendix A
GolfLog is a database program that allows a Golfer to keep up
with the progress of his/her game in several different ways. It keeps
detailed accounts of each game and allows the user to pull up any Game
Record for an extensive review of that particular game. He/She can
locate records by reviewing different listings sorted in four (4)
different ways. In just seconds, a record can be located by Date of
Play, Club/Course Name, City (Location), or Score.
The Year To Date Summary provides the Golfer with the totals of
many different facets of the game. If you want to know how many strokes
you have made since you started keeping records, it's in the Year To
Date Summary. Other interesting items are also provided such as the
average strokes per hole (to 3 decimal places) for all the holes you've
recorded, the totals of all the Pars, Birdies, Bogeys, etc. for an
entire season. This summary will probably be the most interesting and
informative source of game progress you will ever be able to find.
Ever wonder just how much you've spent on Green Fees and/or Cart Rental
Fees? It's right there in the Year To Date Summary. In an instant
you will be able to see just how many Pars you've made since you began
keeping records with GolfLog. Many other pieces of information are pro-
vided in the Year To Date Summary to enable you to keep up with your
You can pull up for review, the scorecard for any game you`ve
recorded and check to see just what the score was on any hole you wish.
Ever need to know WHO you played what COURSE with on a given DATE and
what your SCORE was? No problem. If you entered the names of your
playing partner(s) when you recorded the game, all that information is
right at your fingertips.
The user can create records for as many as 90 different courses.
You probably won't ever play on 90 different courses but is you're a
travelin' Golfer, the capability is there. An unlimited number of
individual games can be recorded so GolfLog can provide you with all you
want to know about your golf game statistics for many years to come.
GolfLog v1.0 Appendix B
GolfLog v1.0 is Copyright (c) 1992
All Rights Are Reserved
GolfLog remains the property of
RiverBend SoftWare
307 South Marjorie
Osceola, Ar 72370
These restrictions do not apply to the "Test Drive" version which
may be freely copied and given to anyone, including uploading it to a
Computer Bulletin Board (BBS).
This copy of GolfLog is licensed to the original purchaser and is
intended to be used by him/her on no more than one (1) computer. The
commercial version of GolfLog v1.0 may not be sold, traded, loaned, rented,
leased, or given in exchange for anything of value to any other individual,
company, agency, department, or corporation either publicly or privately
owned. If you purchase a copy of GolfLog from RiverBend SoftWare or any
of its Agents, it will always be the commercial version.
You, as the end user, are granted the right to use one (1) copy of
GolfLog v1.0 on a single terminal connected to one (1) computer. If you
install this software on a Network Server, you are required by law to
purchase a separate copy for each computer terminal that will operate the
GolfLog v1.0 is solely owned by Jim Tanner, DBA, RiverBend SoftWare
of Osceola, Arkansas and is protected by United States Copyright Laws and
International Treaty Provisions. You are permitted to make one (1) copy
for archival (backup) purposes only and you may do so only if all copy-
right and proprietary notices on the original diskette are copied to the
second diskette. You may copy one (1) copy of GolfLog v1.0 to a hard
disk if the intended use is to be on a hard disk only.
You may not reverse engineer, decompile, disassemble, alter, or
make any changes whatsoever. You are strictly prohibited from creating
derivative works from GolfLog v1.0.
These stipulations will be governed by the laws of the State of
Arkansas, except for that body of law dealing with conflicts of law.
Any questions regarding problems with GolfLog should be forwarded,
in writing, to RiverBend SoftWare, 307 South Marjorie, Osceola, AR 72370
If you have a modem with a rated speed of 2400 Baud or higher, you can
call (501) 563-6829 and log onto RiverBend BBS. Leave a message for the
SysOp there indicating what your problem is. Please leave a voice phone
number so someone can get in touch with you to discuss your problem and
answer any questions you may have.
GolfLog v1.0 Appendix C
GolfLog requires a computer rated as being 100% IBM compatible.
Most clones on today's market will meet this requirement.
GolfLog requires a computer to have at least 640k of conventional
memory. Most computers available on the current market will
have 640k as a minimum with many offering 1 Megabyte or more.
GolfLog requires a color monitor rated EGA or better (VGA/SVGA).
NOTE *** GolfLog v1.0 can be used with a CGA monitor but the
number of records will be limited to 44 due to the inability of
a CGA monitor to shift to the 43/50 line mode required when the
number of records exceeds 44. When the user has recorded 45 or
more games, only the list of records will be shown in the 43 line
mode. All other screens will remain at the regular 25 line mode.
GolfLog requires that the user be running a version of DOS listed
as version 3.1 or higher.
Your CONFIG.SYS file should contain the following statements:
FILES=20 (or more)
DEVICE=C:\DOS\ANSI.SYS (or the directory where ANSI.SYS
is located)
If running GolfLog v1.0 in a multitasking environment (Windows or
DESQview), set "Writes to screen" to Yes.
GolfLog v1.0 has been tested on many different type and brands of
computers. It has never failed to work correctly on any of the
more than 30 different test machines. These machines varied from
8086 XT machines up to 80486 AT machines running at 50 Mhz. All
of the test machines were rated as being 100% IBM compatible.
No warranty of any type is either expressed or implied. If your
computer breaks in half while running GolfLog, you then own both
GolfLog v1.0 Appendix D
Please send ____ copies of GolfLog v1.0 to the following:
Name _______________________________________________________________
Address ____________________________________________________________
Address ____________________________________________________________
City ____________________________________ State _____ Zip __________
_____ Copy(s) at $32.95 each ......................... $ ______.____
_____ Shipping/Handling at $3.00 each ................ $ ______.____
TOTAL ............... $ ______.____
Method Of Payment: [ ] Check [ ] Money Order [ ] Credit Card
Diskette size: [ ] 360k [ ] 720k
If Paying by Credit Card, complete the following
Check one: MasterCard [ ] or Visa [ ]
Name of Card Holder: __________________________________________________
Card Number: _______________________________ Exp Date: ______________
Telephone Number: (_____) - _____ - __________
│ RiverBend Software │
│ 307 South Marjorie │
│ Osceola, AR 72370 │