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- --------------------------------------------------------------------------
- What is Bricklayer for Windows ?
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------
- Bricklayer for Windows is a port of Steve Chamberlin's popular fast-paced
- falling blocks game for the Macintosh. The Macintosh version was honorably
- mentioned in the 1993 MacUser Shareware Awards, and favorably reviewed in
- numerous books and magazines. Guaranteed to get you addicted, Bricklayer
- for Windows features beautiful 256-color artwork, an original music
- soundtrack, terrific sound effects, and more. Systems which are not
- 256-color or sound-capable are also supported.
- Version 1.7 adds the ability to select alternate music files, allows
- registered users to remove the registration information box, adds
- an option to have a "pit graphic" in the game window, and fixes a
- problem with saving preferences.
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------
- Contents
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------
- - System Requirements
- - Background Music
- - Comments, Suggestions, Bug Reports: Contacting the author
- - Registration [Register by mail or directly through CompuServe]
- - Controls
- - New Features in v1.5
- - New Features in v1.6
- - New Features in v1.7
- - Bonus Disk Set
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------
- System Requirements
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------
- Bricklayer has been beta tested on i386, i486, and Pentium systems with
- 4-8MB of memory. It has reportedly worked under OS/2 and Windows NT
- although it has not been thoroughly tested under those operating systems.
- The memory requirements may be quite steep because Bricklayer needs to load
- close to 1MB of music files. To enjoy the background music and sound
- effects, you will need to have a sound card with wave playing ability
- supported by Windows (such as Microsoft Sound System, or Creative Labs
- Sound Blaster).
- * If you cannot make Bricklayer even start up, try creating a file called
- BRICKLYR.INI in your WINDOWS directory and putting the following lines
- there:
- [Settings]
- LoadMusic=0
- This will force Bricklayer to ignore the music and sound settings and
- not load any music files. You will be able to play, but will have no
- music or sound effects.
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------
- Background Music
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------
- This version of Bricklayer, 1.70, uses the Microsoft WAVEMIX.DLL sound
- mixing library. You may notice that the background music has stopped
- playing after six or seven minutes (in rare instances, even less) of
- continuous music. If this occurs, press the <TAB> key to restart the
- music.
- For those systems which are not sound capable, unselecting the "Load Music"
- check box in the preferences dialog will prevent Bricklayer from loading
- the music and sound files, decreasing load time and memory requirements.
- The music BLM modules are Copyright Opinicus Microtechnologies, and may be
- freely distributed only as part of the Bricklayer for Windows game for use
- by the Bricklayer executable. See the distribution information for more
- details.
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------
- Comments, Suggestions, Bug Reports
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------
- I look forward to hearing from you. If you encounter problems while
- playing Bricklayer, I would appreciate any information that you can
- provide, such as your system configuration and a detailed description
- of the problem.
- Suggestions for improvements are also very welcome.
- Contact me at the address listed below, or send email to:
- America Online: Yevg
- Internet: yevg@aol.com
- CompuServe: 76101,2317
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------
- Registration
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- Bricklayer is $10 shareware (free for those people who've paid for previous
- versions). If you enjoy and play Bricklayer, PLEASE send in the $10
- shareware fee. It is not very much compared to the cost of a commercial
- game, and it motivates me to keep improving Bricklayer as well as to work on
- new games. If you play, please pay. Upgrades to new versions of Bricklayer
- are always free for registered users. Those who register will also be kept
- informed of new version releases, as well as the releases of any new
- products.
- Registered users receive a registration code which allows use of a larger
- variety of background and piece graphics, and removes "unregistered" notices
- in the game window and About box. Registered users may also oreder the
- Bonus Disk Set (described in a separate section below).
- To register Bricklayer, please either
- * send a US$10 check payable to Yevgeny Gurevich to the address listed
- below. If you live outside of the U.S., please send an international
- money order (preferred) or cash, since checks drawn on foreign banks
- are sometimes difficult to clear.
- OR
- * use the CompuServe SWREG feature to electronically register.
- GO SWREG in CompuServe. The id of Bricklayer is #4732.
- You will be emailed the registration code directly.
- Site licenses are available.
- ** See REGFORM.TXT for a detailed pricing schedule **
- Yevgeny Gurevich
- Vanilla-Extract Software
- 129 Franklin Street #112
- Cambridge, MA 02139
- America Online: Yevg
- Internet: yevg@aol.com
- CompuServe: 76101,2317
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------
- Controls
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------
- Keyboard control is customizable with the [Change Keys...] Options menu
- item. The numeric keypad keys are active as control keys in addition to
- any user-selectable settings. The default user-selectable keyboard
- settings are the 'j', 'k', and 'l' keys for left, rotate, and right
- motion, and the spacebar for the drop. The 'a' key controls the push.
- On the numeric keypad, the 4, 5, 6, and 0 act the same as the
- j, k, l, and space.
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------
- New Features in v1.50
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------
- Version 1.50 of Bricklayer for Windows introduces event recording, a
- computer player feature, and support for external background modules.
- * Event recording allows you to record your own games for future playback.
- To record your game, check the [Record] Event Recording menu item.
- The games that you play will then be recorded. Only the last game played
- is stored in the event buffer. You can replay that game, using the
- [Replay] Event Recording menu item, or save it to disk for future loading
- and replay - using the [Save Event] and [Read Event] File menu items,
- respectively.
- * The computer player options in the file menu let the computer play a
- game on its own. The fast player thinks quickly but is not as good
- at playing the game as the slower and smarter player, which uses the
- Next Piece for lookahead. On fast systems like i486DX2-66's, the smart
- player is faster than the dumb player on an i486SX-33.
- >> For programmers:
- I may release a programming interface and guidelines to allow
- you to write your own Bricklayer players in the form of DLLs.
- Please write me if you are interested.
- >> Background module support has been revamped for v1.6 (see below).
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------
- New Features in v1.60
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------
- * Version 1.60 of Bricklayer has support for external piece and background
- graphics modules. These features have been moved to the Preferences
- dialog box, where users can select to use an external file (other than
- DEFAULT.BLB and DEFAULT.BLP) for background and piece graphics,
- respectively. Two alternate piece graphic files are provided
- (PLAIN.BLP and SPHERE.BLP). An alternate backgrounds file is provided
- >> Please contact me if you want to request custom piece or background
- graphics, wish to have your own included in future distributions, or
- would like to distribute compatible modules on your own.
- * Starting with this version, the game identifies unregistered copies with
- an "UNREGISTERED" printed in the window caption. Once a registration code
- is entered, the game is identified as a registered version.
- * You can now opt to play the game with double-size blocks (selected in the
- Preferences dialog box). Double-size blocks are especially convenient when
- you have a high-resolution display. It's also easier for the kids to play.
- You can switch between modes at any point in the game.
- * Continuous background music is more stable. On most systems the music
- can now play virtually without limit.
- * An incompatibility with PC Tools Desktop for Windows has been fixed.
- * The BRICKLYR.HLP Windows Help file has replaced the more rudimentary
- on-line documentation. Pressing F1 will bring it up.
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------
- New Features in v1.70
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------
- * Version 1.70 of Bricklayer has support for external music modules.
- The default music file is DEFAULT.BLM. Another short music file is
- provided to give unregistered users a feel for how easy it is to
- interchange music modules (WAGNER3T.BLM). Other music files are
- available for registered users from a separate Bonus Disk Set
- (described in a separate section below).
- >> Please contact me if you want to request custom music files, wish
- to have your own included in future distributions, or would like to
- distribute compatible modules on your own.
- * The ability to display "pit" graphics has been added. Pit graphics are
- 256-color bitmaps which adorn the ordinarily black bit in the main game
- board. By default, the feature to display pit graphics is turned off to
- improve overall game performance. Go to the preferences dialog box and
- check off "Show Pit Graphic" to enable this feature. You may interchange
- pit graphic files just like background graphics files. Two graphic files
- are provided in the shareware distribution: DEFAULT.BLG and VALLEY.BLG.
- * A bug in saving the alternate piece and background graphics preferences on
- program exit has been fixed.
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- Bonus Disk Set
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------
- A Bonus Disk Set is available for purchase by registered users of Bricklayer
- (it may also be purchased at the time of registeration) for the price of
- $10.00. You will receive 4 disks full of original music compositions,
- background graphics, piece graphics, and pit graphics.
- The latest version of Bricklayer is included in the distribution.
- See REGFORM.TXT for a complete pricing schedule.