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AICHAT.DOC Page 1 of 8
* *
* *
* Created 23/7/90 by Avatar (Andrew Pam) *
* Sysop of S.I.G. BBS +61 3 888-8846 *
* *
* Ver 2.3 written 7/4/91 *
* Copyright (c) 1991 Serious Cybernetics *
* *
Table of Contents
Table of Contents . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1
Legal Notice . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2
| Vertical Bars . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2
Introduction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2
Installation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3
Status Line . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4
Local Commands . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4
Control Characters . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4
Entering AIchat . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5
Sysop Hours . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5
Exiting AIchat . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5
Customising AIchat . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6
The AI algorithm . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7
Colours . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8
Technical Notes . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8
Future Enhancements . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8
AICHAT.DOC Page 2 of 8
Legal Notice
This program is Shareware. You may distribute it as widely as you wish.
You may not modify AICHAT.EXE or this file AICHAT.DOC in any way, nor
may you omit either file or the sample AICHAT.AI file. You may not
include any other files as part of the AIchat distribution package, and
you may not charge more than a fair and reasonable copying fee. If you
continue using this program on an ongoing basis after having tested it,
you must send $10 (A$20 if outside Australia) or more to the address at
| the end of this documentation with your name and (if a Sysop) the name
| of your bulletin board.
| You will receive a disk containing the latest version of the program
| registered in your name and a selection of other Freeware and Shareware
| software from Serious Cybernetics. Please specify the size and shape of
| disk you require when ordering. No warranty of any kind is expressed or
| implied, and the author will not be held liable for any damages,
| consequential or otherwise, caused by the use, misuse or abuse of this
| program. We told you the rules, now don't forget them! Failure to
| abide by these terms constitutes a breach of copyright law. Nyaah!
| Vertical Bars
| Lines in this document with a vertical bar "|" in the left margin have
| been added or modified since the previous version 2.2 release.
AIchat came about because I was unimpressed by the existing "robot
sysops", most of which appeared to be based on Eliza. Joseph Weizenbaum
wrote Eliza to simulate a Rogerian psychologist, not a sysop, and unless
you know any sysops who believe in practising Rogerian psychology on
their users, I don't find it a very convincing simulation. I decided to
set about writing a program that would be more interesting to chat to.
The underlying paradigm of AIchat is that it simulates a sysop, who has
a "train of thought" (or CURRENT TOPIC) at any given time and will
endeavour to involve the user in a discussion. However, if the user
changes topics or mentions something upon which AIchat can make a witty
remark, it will happily do so. After somewhere between 2 and 12 minutes
or when it can no longer find any topics of interest to discuss with the
user, it will "get bored" and make an excuse to leave.
AIchat is programmed to make a few typing mistakes from time to time in
order to simulate a human typist. There is a 50:1 chance on any given
phrase that it will forget to use the shift key and type everything in
lowercase. There is also a 50:1 chance on any given character that it
will accidentally make a typo, either by typing the wrong character
altogether or by getting two adjacent characters reversed, and a 10:1
chance that it won't notice and will fail to correct the mistake.
AICHAT.DOC Page 3 of 8
AIchat is designed to work with all bulletin board software. It does
| not require access to any files maintained by the BBS, but it is capable
| of reading RBBS style DORINFO1.DEF files (also used by Remote Access,
| SuperBBS and QuickBBS), WWIV style CHAIN.TXT files, and GAP style
| DOOR.SYS files. Multi-user operation is now fully supported.
For a summary of the command line parameters, run AICHAT. This will
produce the following usage guide:
Usage: AICHAT {options ...} <username> {options ...}
Options: /<baud> where <baud> = 0 for local
/<port> where <port> = 1 to 4
/A => auto AI chat (no yell)
/C => sysop initiated chat
| /D => read GAP style DOOR.SYS file
| /G<ANSI> where <ANSI> = 0 to 3
| /R => read RBBS style DORINFO1.DEF file
| /W => read WWIV style CHAIN.TXT file
| /W<name> where <name> = filename of WWIV style file
To test AIchat locally, the only parameter required is your name, since
AIchat defaults to local operation with ANSI colour enabled. A baud
rate other than zero will enable remote operation using the specified
communications port. It is a fatal error to specify a non-initialised,
disconnected or otherwise invalid port since AIchat assumes that a user
is already online and makes no attempt to check that the port is
| The /A parameter indicates that AIchat was invoked by the user as an AI
| program and not to chat to the sysop, and will start the program in AI
| mode. The /C parameter indicates that AIchat was invoked by the sysop
| as a normal chat program and not by the user, and will start the program
| in chat mode. On registered copies, /C will also skip displaying the
| credits when AIchat is executed. If either of these parameters is used
| AIchat will not attempt to attract the sysop's attention, so ensure you
| never allow the /C parameter to be invoked by users.
| The /D, /R and /W parameters will automatically determine the user's
| name, baud rate, port, ANSI capability and time remaining, so no other
| parameters are required when they are is used; this is therefore the
| recommended option where possible. However, the other options will
| override these settings if placed later on the command line. The /G,
| /G0 and /G2 options will disable ANSI facilities and use only standard
| ASCII text.
The use of a FOSSIL (Fido-Opus-Seadog Standard Interface Layer)
communications driver such as David Nugent's BNU or Ray Gwinn's X00 is
highly recommended when using AIchat remotely, especially at speeds of
2400 BPS and higher. Characters are unlikely to be lost at normal
typing speeds, but if macros are used at the higher speeds they are very
likely to lose characters if a FOSSIL is not used. AIchat will
automatically detect the presence of a FOSSIL.
AICHAT.DOC Page 4 of 8
Status Line
While AIchat is running a status line will be displayed on the bottom
line of the screen in reverse video. From left to right, the status
line gives the following information:
* The version number of this release of AIchat
* LOCAL or the current communication port and baud rate
* The current user's full name (if known)
* THINK if AIchat is currently "thinking aloud"
* LOG if AIchat is currently logging the chat to AICHAT.LOG
| * The time left until AIchat "gets bored", [CHATTING], or [YELLING]
Local Commands
The following local commands are currently provided by AIchat:
Alt-A AI mode
Alt-C Chat mode
Alt-J Jump to DOS
Alt-L Logging toggle
Alt-T "Thinking aloud" toggle
PageUp Add one minute to AI chat time
PageDn Subtract one minute from AI chat time
Escape Terminate chat and exit program.
Using Alt-A and Alt-C to change modes is totally invisible to the user,
so you can break into AIchat either to converse with a user yourself or
just long enough to insert your own witty remarks!
Control Characters
The following control characters are currently supported by AIchat:
Crtl-G Bell (does not ring at local console
if typed by remote user in AI mode)
Ctrl-H Backspace (will not backspace beyond first column)
Ctrl-I Tab (uses standard 8 character tab stops)
Ctrl-J Line Feed (scrolls at bottom of screen)
Ctrl-K Reverse LF (will not move beyond top of screen)
Ctrl-L Clear Screen
Ctrl-M Carriage Return
Ctrl-N Home Cursor (moves cursor to top left corner)
Ctrl-U Cursor Forward (will not move beyond last column)
Ctrl-X Cancel (deletes the entire line)
All escape sequences from the user except ANSI/VT100 cursor movements
are currently ignored. The "arrow" cursor keys are fully supported and
the Home and Ctrl-Home keys perform Ctrl-N and Ctrl-L respectively.
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Entering AIchat
When AIchat is invoked, unless the /A or /C parameters were used, you
will be greeted by the copyright notice and the following message:
Yelling at Sysop...
Press ALT-C to chat, ESC to abort
| If a SPK: device driver (such as Chris Dunford's SPKR.SYS) is installed
| and a valid PAGE.RA file is in the current directory or (with DOS 3.0
| and later) the same directory as AICHAT.EXE, a tune will be played
| during Sysop hours. If not, the normal PC "bell" will be rung
| continuously instead. A PAGE.RA file may consist of lines beginning
| with: "TONE" followed by the desired pitch in hertz and duration in
| hundredths of a second, "WAIT" followed by the duration in hundredths of
| a second, or anything else (which will be ignored).
At this point you can press Alt-C to enter chat mode, Escape to cancel
the chat with the message "Sysop is not currently available", or any
other key to proceed immediately to AI mode (useful if you don't intend
to enter chat mode and want the sysop-summoning sounds stopped swiftly!)
Alternatively, you can do nothing, in which case after a few seconds the
program will automatically enter AI mode.
If the current user was using AIchat less than 5 minutes earlier, it
will cancel the chat as if Escape had been pressed instead of proceeding
to AI mode. This prevents users from getting carried away and hogging
the board (since chatting doesn't use up logon time) and lends some
badly needed credibility to the program's excuses.
Sysop Hours
The sysop is currently assumed to be available between the hours of 10am
and 10pm. This means that outside these hours, AIchat will not make
sounds to attract the sysop's attention when the user requests a chat.
The sysop may of course choose to answer the chat anyway if they are
present, and AIchat will currently never tell the user "Sysop is not
currently available" except in the circumstances outlined above.
These hours are not currently customisable.
Exiting AIchat
When AIchat is in AI mode, any phrase containing the letters "BYE",
"CIAO" or "ADIOS" will cause the program to say goodbye and exit. These
keywords are not currently customisable. Some users have expressed
difficulty with this, trying words like "quit" and "exit", but at this
stage I find it more logical to support human ways of ending a
conversation rather than computer ones. In chat mode, the only way to
exit is for the sysop to press Escape on the local keyboard.
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Customising AIchat
AIchat uses a file called AICHAT.AI to control AI mode. If this file is
not present or readable when AIchat is run, it will exit with the "Sysop
is not currently available" message unless run with the /C parameter, in
which case it will function in chat mode only. This file is an ASCII
text file and can be edited with any text editor of your choice in order
to customise the way in which AI mode responds to user input. If the
file is too long for AIchat to process, it will use as much of it as
possible and will log an error message showing the last topic or keyword
it was able to read.
AICHAT.AI is structured as a list of TOPICS, each optionally containing
a list of PHRASES and/or a list of groups of KEYWORDS, each optionally
| containing its own list of PHRASES. A phrase may currently be up to 255
characters long, while a topic or keyword is not case sensitive and may
be any length, although currently only the first 10 characters are
significant. Underscores "_" in the topic or keyword will be treated as
spaces, since actual spaces may be removed by some text editors,
especially at the end of a line.
A topic is signified by one or more blank lines followed by the name of
the topic. Every group of blank lines in the file therefore signifies
the start of a new topic. A group of keywords consists of one or more
keywords on the same line separated by vertical bars "|". A phrase
consists of a line of text starting with a digit and a space. The digit
indicates the chance of using this phrase relative to any of the other
phrases in this group. A zero will result in the phrase being ignored
by AIchat and may be used to temporarily disable an unwanted phrase.
| A line may also start with a plus sign "+" to indicate that it is a
| continuation of the phrase on the previous line. A phrase may be
| continued on any number of successive lines, but any portion after the
| first 255 characters will be ignored. Topics and keywords may not be
| continued in this fashion, so invalid continuation lines not part of a
| phrase will also be ignored.
The first topic in the file is the default topic, and has no name. This
topic remains in effect until the first blank line in the file, which of
course signifies the start of the next topic. All phrases in the
default topic will be used as random non-sequiturs when AIchat isn't
discussing any particular topic and has no idea what the user is talking
about. All keywords in the default topic will not change the current
topic under discussion when used.
Topics and keywords will normally only match complete words or phrases.
However, if the first or last character of a topic or keyword is an
asterisk "*" it will also match any word or phrase beginning and/or
ending in the specified topic or keyword. For example, the keyword
"eat" will not match the word "great", but the keyword "*eat" will.
Neither keyword will match the word "greater", but the keywords "great*"
and "*eat*" will. The keyword "***" will match any asterisk!
AICHAT.DOC Page 7 of 8
The AI algorithm
When AIchat processes user input, if there is a topic currently under
discussion, it will first search for a keyword in that topic. If not,
or if no keyword is found, it will search all the topics to see if any
of them were mentioned explicitly. If so, that topic will be treated as
the current keyword found.
If no keyword has been found yet or a topic explicitly mentioned has no
unused phrases left, all keywords in AICHAT.AI with unused phrases left
will be searched in order of occurence. If a keyword with no unused
phrases left belonging to a topic which does have unused phrases left is
found, that topic will be noted as an alternative. If no other keyword
is found, this alternative topic will become the current topic,
otherwise the topic of the keyword found will become the current topic.
If no keyword was found, a phrase in the current topic will be selected.
If there are no unused phrases left in the current topic, or on a 3:1
chance, the current topic will be dropped. If no keyword was found and
there is no current topic, there is a 10:1 chance of each topic with
unused phrases left being chosen as the new current topic.
Finally, if no keyword was found and there was no current topic, one of
the unused phrases in the default topic will be selected; if there are
none left unused, the program will make an excuse and exit. If a
keyword with unused phrases WAS found, one of those will be selected.
If the selected phrase ends in a question mark "?", there is a 20:1
chance that the user's first name will be appended to the question. For
example, "What's up?" will become "What's up, Doc?" if Doc is the
current user. If the user's first name is "The", their second name will
be used instead.
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The following colours are used by AIchat when ANSI is enabled:
Light Grey Default colour
White System messages
Green "Yelling at Sysop" message
Cyan Characters typed by user
Yellow Characters typed by sysop or AIchat
Light Green AIchat's internal "thoughts"
Light Red Fatal error messages
These colours are not currently customisable.
Technical Notes
AIchat provides a wordwrap facility superior to the one in the Remote
Access internal chat routines. Although AIchat will read the BIOS row
and column information and work correctly on any text resolution with at
least 80 columns (I often use 132 columns by 60 rows) the wordwrap will
always ensure that text is wrapped after column 79 to match user
displays. Words longer than 20 characters will not be wrapped.
The Alt-J Jump to DOS facility will swap most of AIchat to EMS (if
| available) or disk, leaving only about 8K of RAM in use.
All I/O is done strictly through DOS and BIOS calls without any direct
hardware access whatsoever, so it should work with any PC system
compatible at the BIOS level, which is just about everything these days.
| AIchat will also relinquish time slices to multitaskers when possible.
Future Enhancements
If you have any further suggestions or comments, feel free to leave a
| message to "Avatar" on my bulletin board, E-mail me as Avatar on
| 199:4242/1@RainbowNet, 3:632/348@FidoNet or 28:4100/32@SIGnet,
| "avatar@csource.oz.au" on the Internet or write to:
Serious Cybernetics
P.O. Box 409
Canterbury VIC 3126
This program was brought to you courtesy of S.I.G. BBS on +61-3-888-8846
Share and enjoy!