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FIC Floppy Image Copier v1.0 (c) 1990 Russell Hoore
FIC will make an exact copy of a diskette without the pain of
disk-swapping. It requires a floppy drive (of course!) and
sufficient XMS to hold the disk image. For example, if you
want to copy 1.2Mb disks, you'll need 1.2Mb of XMS.
I regularly need to make copies of important information as
off-site backups. I wrote FIC to save me the pain of
continually swapping disks for DISKCOPY. FIC uses XMS rather
than the hard disk to buffer the disk image as most machines
I use have plenty of XMS and no free disk space.
FIC offers a number of advantages over other "no-swap"
disk copiers:
1. FIC buffers to XMS. Most other programs buffer
to the hard disk. Do you want to keep 1Mb free
in case you want to do a diskcopy?
2. FIC is an image copier. Many other programs are
merely file copiers. When I make a copy, I want
an EXACT copy: directories, volume labels, etc.
3. FIC is easy to use. No character-based pull-down
menus, no awkward keystrokes. "S" for source,
"T" for target. Couldn't be simpler.
4. FIC is auto-sensing. There is no need to tell
FIC what size disk you are putting in the drive:
it will sense it automatically.
5. FIC is small and fast. It's completely written
in 8088 assembler. It works as fast as
"sophisticated" DMA copiers yet uses standard
BIOS calls which enable it to be used across a
wide variety of computing platforms.
6. FIC works with most disk-increasing programs,
including MAXI and 800K.
7. FIC is it. There's no configuration files,
overlays or other files to clutter up your hard
disk. Just FIC.EXE. And of course FIC.DOC.
At the DOS prompt, type:
or fic [drive]
Following the prompt, insert the source disk and press "S".
The disk will be read and you will be asked to insert the
target and press "T". After this, you can repeatedly hit "T"
for more targets or "S" for more sources.
You may abort the program at any time by hitting <ESC> or
Reading times are approximately 40 seconds for 1.2Mb
disks and 25 seconds for 360Kb disks. Writing times are
the same.
I wrote FIC for myself, not to get money out of people.
Consequently, FIC is freeware. That is, I hereby grant you,
the first-time user of FIC, a licence to use the program on as
many computers as you wish. However,
1. The licence is revocable at my discretion
2. I retain copyright of FIC
3. FIC is not to be used to copy anything you could
not lawfully copy with DISKCOPY.
4. FIC is supplied "as is" and with no warranty other
than any required by Australian law. While I've
tested this program thoroughly, I cannot be held
reponsible for any loss of data. With this in
mind, it is your responsibility to check each copy
You are also licenced to distribute FIC, however,
1. Unless you are a bona fide non-profit users' group
you may not charge for the distribution FIC. I'm
not making any money on this, so I can't see why
some third-party profiteer should!
Breach of any of these conditions will automatically revoke
the licence.
Future versions
Future versions are planned to include disk comparison,
auto-formatting, conventional memory support, EMS support
and colourful "wonder-wheel" disk display.
I'm interested to find out how FIC works on other equipment.
If you find FIC works/doesn't work on some bizarre machine
(or even on a normal machine), I'd appreciate a note from
you. Of course, general comments, bug reports, criticism
and questions are welcome. Mail may be sent to Russell Hoore
at the Sydney PC Users Group, FidoNet node 3:712/505.