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MarketPLUS v1.1 F2S Enterprises REGISTRATION $85.00
New Release
(SDA description abstracted from program documentation...)
Welcome to MarketPLUS(tm), the complete investment tracking
system, written for use with the IBM PC/XT/AT/PS2 and
compatible computers. This software provides versatile and
extremely powerful tools, enabling the individual investor to
make timely investment decisions. While MarketPLUS appears
to be a sophisticated database for investments and prices, it
is really quite easy to master rapidly. A mouse is also
supported, should you plug one in!
MarketPLUS is a full featured stock/mutual fund tracking
package with strong graphics capabilities. It is written
especially for the individual investor to display the price
action of individual stocks or mutual funds of a portfolio
with ease. With MarketPLUS, you can easily create a database
for up to 5 individual stocks or funds (50 in either of the
registered versions), and up to 130 closing prices (130 days,
weeks, or months if you wish) of data can be readily
displayed. If you purchase the 50/540 extended database
version, the maximum closing prices is 540. The user can
develop several different data files for which each can be
used to store, print, and plot an additional 5 stocks or
funds. In the same manner, historic information for your
assets can be saved for reference at a later date.
MarketPLUS is easy to learn and use, and is completely
menu-driven so that you do not have to learn complicated
instructions, or syntax, in order to run and enjoy the
program. At each step in the program, you will be given the
options on how the data is to be presented. After you choose
how YOU want the data to be plotted, MarketPLUS will remember
the setup mode YOU want, so to save you time at each review
The program allows for easy updating of prices, adjusting for
stock splits or dividend payments, correction of prices,
sorting by performance for tabular reports and charting.
Utilities are built in to the program to add new investments,
delete others, and back up data files.
While it is not required that the user have a wealth of
knowledge in using a computer, it is recommended that the
user learn the applications of the indicators and data
summaries before making investment decisions based on the
interpretations of the data provided as output in this
program. Some of this information can be found in the
manual,"Easy Investing with MarketPLUS".
Contrary to the bold advertising claims of some other
programs, we guarantee this program has no "magic formula" to
make you rich. Yet, extremely profitable trades can and have
been made by careful study of historic investment data.
(SDA format copyright SDN Project 1989 for SDNet/Works! (sm))