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408 lines
E N V E L O P E M A K E R Rel 2.3
Written by: William R. Bauder
February 1989
Envelope Maker is a complete envelope printing application which
provides ease and convenience with the job of printing envelopes.
Features of Envelope Maker are:
- All pull-down menu driven functions.
- Automatic detection of adapter type (color or monochrome).
- Three screen colors, easily set to your chose.
- Print up to four print attributes on the return and
delivery address title lines.
- Mix print attributes in any combination.
- Ability to print an offset attention name line.
- Built in full function editor.
- Automatic spacing of delivery address and attention name
lines with any envelope size.
- Automatic Title Line record management. (Added Rel 2.1)
- All LQ mode printing.
- Label maker with printer attributes. (Added Rel 2.2)
Files on the disk are:
ENV.DOC - This document
ENV.EXE - The main envelope program
ENV.DAT - The file that stores the address data
ENV.PRO - Profile file - Stores program defaults
TITLE.DAT - Title line data
README.1ST - Shareware notice, order form, ETC.
Note: All the above files except ENV.DOC & README.1ST must be
installed on the same drive and directory.
You may install Envelope Maker on any drive/director on your hard
disk or ran from a floppy disk drive. Since Envelope Maker does
many disk reads in it's operation, much faster performance is ob-
tained when installed on a hard disk. The only requirement is
that all the files be on the same drive and directory.
First time users of Envelope Maker should select the Setup option
from the Main Menu. Envelope Maker automatically detects the
adapter type. This allows three colors with a color adapter.
Monochrome adapter computers don't have this option. You can't
change video attributes with monochrome computers. If your com-
puter is color, select the Change Colors menu option. Follow the
directions to set up the three colors of your choose. Changes
made take full effect when you exit the Setup menu.
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Envelope Maker - Detailed Description ───────────────────────────
Most functions are self explanatory and easy to use with Envelope
Maker's menu system and prompts. However, to use Envelope Maker
to the fullest, the following description will guide you to that
Delivery ────────────────────────────────────────────────────────
- The Delivery menu selection allows you to select the address
data you wish to print as the delivery address. Follow screen
prompts to browse each screen until you find the data you want.
Then enter the number you see for that address and press ENTER.
You'll then see the address, striped of any attribute number,
placed on the main screen in the delivery address location.
- The only limitation to the number of address records is the
space on the disk drive that you're using. Both ENV.DAT and
TITLE.DAT files are random access files.
- You can print an attention name line when used in the de-
livery address. The rules for using this feature are as follows.
1. The attention name line must be the last or fifth line of
2. The line must begin with the "~" character.
3. Only use with a delivery address.
Adherence to the above conditions will print the attention name
line offset below and left of the delivery address. It is import-
ant to have the correct envelope size selected. There will be
different offsets printed for different envelope sizes.
Return ──────────────────────────────────────────────────────────
- The return address defaults to the address selected when
Envelope Maker was last ran. You may select any address from the
database you wish as in the delivery address function. If you
don't want a return address, enter this function, then press the
ESCape key. This will de-select the address.
Add ─────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────
- This function is for adding address data to file, and if
using the attribute symbol (^), to the title data file. The first
thing you'll see is the edit window pop open on the screen. The
small box below the edit window shows the number of title records
on file. On the bottom of the editor window, there is a status
line. This line shows the status of the Insert/Delete, the Caps
Lock, Number Lock and the Shift keys. Follow the instructions and
prompts to add address data.
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Use of the Attribute Symbol (^) ─────────────────────────────────
- The term "Title Line" simply means the first line of either
the return or delivery address. To have good looking title lines
with print attributes, it is important to understand the function
of the attribute symbol (^) and the Title Line Editor. Title Line
Editor coverage is on page 6.
- When the print routine starts to print an envelope, it first
checks the first address line for an attribute (^) character. If
finding an attribute character, it will then read the following
number. The number found is the record number of the TITLE.DAT
file. The print routine then processes this string adding printer
control codes. When not finding an attribute symbol, the string
sent to the printer comes from the ENV.DAT file. This string will
print in normal LQ mode with no attributes, like the remaining
address lines.
- The rules for using the attribute (^) symbol are as follows.
1. It is only effective on the first line of either the
return or delivery address.
2. A number must follow the attribute symbol.
3. Numbers entered must be in sequence and start with 1.
4. When adding address data, use the attribute symbol, plus
number, that is one more then shown in the information
box. This box shows the number of title records.
5. You may use an attribute number already in use by using
the same ^ + number as that record.
- When adding data with a new attribute number, a record is
automatically added to the TITLE.DAT file. Then use the Title
Line Editor to add the attribute symbols for the desired printer
attributes. Coverage of the Title Line Editor is on Page 6.
- The printer and record management routines can handle up to
99 Title Line records.
Edit ────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────
- Use this function when you wish to edit an address that is
already in the data file. First you'll see the same screens of
address data seen when you select address data for printing. Only
now you'll be choosing the data you wish to edit. After making
your selection, the main screen appears with the same window as
the Add function. The address you chose to edit is in the editor
window. Make the changes you want, then follow the on screen
- If you remove an attribute number from the address data, the
corresponding title line record will be automatically deleted.
The deletion is only completed when the attribute number is the
only number of that value on file. When adding a new attribute
number to address data, a title line record will be automatically
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- The Delete option completely removes the address and, or
title data from the disk. When a deleting address record has the
only attribute number on file, it is only then possible to delete
the title line record from the disk.
- The Automatic Title Line management routines will renumber
all attribute numbers in address data records that are higher
than the title line record number deleted.
Labels ──────────────────────────────────────────────────────────
- This function allows you to print address data on standard
3 1/2 X 15/16 inch labels. Upon selecting this function the first
thing you'll see is the same screens of address data seen when
selecting data for an envelope. Only now, you'll be choosing the
data you wish to print as a label. Select the address data number
then press ENTER. The main screen will then appear with a window
with the Selected Label in it.
- Suppression of double high attributes during label printing
is conditional upon the number of lines of address data. If the
address has less than five lines of data, the double high attri-
bute is functional. The attribute is suppressed when the address
has five lines of data. This is done because only five 1/16 inch
spaced lines will fit on a 3 1/2 X 15/16 inch label.
Print ───────────────────────────────────────────────────────────
- Select this function when you're ready to print an envelope
or label. If you've selected a label, the print function assumes
that you want to print a label. With no label selected, the print
function assumes that you want to print an envelope. If you enter
this function with a label selected wanting to print an envelope,
abort the print function by pressing the ESCape key. Then select
Label from the main menu and press the ESCape key. This will de-
select the label enabling to print your envelope.
- With a label selected, a prompt is first seen asking you how
many labels to print. You may enter a number no higher than 99 at
this prompt. Without a label selected, a prompt is seen asking
you to position the envelope in your printer.
- Envelope Maker will allow you to print an envelope with
either the return address or delivery address only, or both add-
resses. When there's no address selected, the print function will
- Envelope Maker doesn't do any font selection. Likewise the
program won't disturb any font selections you may be able to make
with your printer. Make your font selection before printing the
label or envelope.
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- If your printer is off, or off line an appropriate error
message will appear. Envelope Maker will also detect that some
types of printers are out of paper.
- During printer initialization, it is first reset, the buffer
cleared, and then put into NLQ mode. After all that, printing
will start.
- The printer won't move the envelope or label before printing
starts. Therefore, it is important to position the envelope or
labels in your printer to exactly where you want printing to
start. Always position an envelope in the printer as if it were
to print a return address. Positioning to the delivery address
area is automatic. It may be a good idea to test the print out on
regular sheets of paper before committing to an envelope. After
printing, a form feed command ejects the envelope from the
Setup Menu ──────────────────────────────────────────────────────
The Setup menu is a pull-down smart-menu providing many useful
functions. The following describes each menu selection in detail.
Printer Select ─────────────────────────────────────────────────
- It is important to select your printer from this menu before
doing any printing. After selecting your printer from the Printer
Selection Menu, the correct control sequence strings are set for
the print routines.
- It is only necessary to make this selection once, or if you
change printer type. The next time you run Envelope Maker, your
printer selection will be the same as from the previous session.
- Select the printer from this menu that most closely matches
or emulates your printer. The ALPS printer selection will have no
effect when using the Double High print attribute. This printer
will print the characters below the normal line when printing a
double high character. This has an unpleasing effect. All but the
Epson LQ printer selection will select the control sequence for
compressed mode print, as compressed mode. The Epson LQ printer
selection though, will put the printer into 15 CPI pitch when
selecting compressed attribute print.
Envelope Size ──────────────────────────────────────────────────
- It is important to select the envelope you'll be using. This
selection sets the variables that space the delivery address and
attention name offsets. Once you make an envelope size selection,
it remains in effect until you make another selection.
- It is only necessary to make this selection once, or if you
change envelope size. The next time Envelope Maker is ran, your
envelope size selection will be the same as from the previous
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Title Line Editor ───────────────────────────────────────────────
- The Address Title Line Editor has two screens. The top line
will show the number of records in the TITLE.DAT file. Follow the
prompts to select the record to edit. After selecting the record
to edit, you'll see the main editor screen. The data chosen to
edit will be in the edit window on the bottom.
- Be careful not to confuse the ^ symbol with the Control key.
The ^ symbol is on the shifted 6 key. The available attributes
are dependent on the selected printer. To start an attribute hold
down the shift key, type ^, then the letter C, I, H, or W to
start the desired attribute. To end the attribute type the ^ plus
letter key again. You may use the attributes in any combination
and for any length of text. Bracket a single letter or a complete
line of text with one or more attributes. To print "Acme Widgets,
Inc." in double high, double wide letters, you would enter,
^H^WAcme Widgets, Inc.^H^W. If you want to print the A, W, and I
of Acme Widgets, Inc., in double high,double wide letters, enter
^H^WA^H^Wcme ^H^WW^H^Widgets, ^H^WI^H^Wnc.. The only limitation
on entering attributes and text in the editor window is the
length of the window. This window is 51 characters long. Turning
attributes on and off often can make you run out of space quickly
on a not-so-long title line.
Change Colors ───────────────────────────────────────────────────
- This menu selection is only active with computers that have
a color adapter. With monochrome computers, this selection is not
seen and the Setup pull-down menu is automatically sized to the
type of adapter in your computer.
- Use by following the screen prompts. There are eight colors
available for foreground normal and reverse video. The foreground
highlighted video has sixteen colors available.
Quit ────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────
- The last remaining selection of the Setup Menu is to return
to the main Envelope Maker screen. You may also return to the
main menu by pressing the ESCape key.
- When returning to the main screen, all selections made under
the Setup menu are fully functional. These settings will also be
unchanged when you quit Envelope Maker and run the program again.
The only way to make a change under the Setup menu, is to enter
this function and make the change.
Quit - (Main Menu) ──────────────────────────────────────────────
- Quit is the last selection on the Main Menu. Always exit
Envelope Maker with this selection! When exiting Envelope Maker
with this selection, all changes made during a secession are
Page 6
saved in the ENV.PRO file. If for some reason you have added or
deleted address records or made changes under the Setup Menu, and
do not exit with this selection, the ENV.PRO file may be contam-
inated. The fix for this problem is covered in the next section.
- What to do in case of difficulty - or if all else fails.
Every effort has been made to make Envelope Maker easy to
use and trouble free as possible. Every program prompt for key-
board input will only except a correct input or what the program
is looking for. Input routines will just keep looping until a
correct response is received.
But as with most things in life there's always going to be
something happen we haven't planed on or something that doesn't
make any sense at all. If there is ever a problem with Envelope
Maker that you can't fix, work around, or figure out, I want to
know about it. Please write me a letter describing the problem in
detail. Bear in mind that, weather I can fix your problem may
depend on a large degree on how well you describe the problem.
But before you do that, there's a few things you may try.
It's imperative that Envelope Maker's support files be on the
same drive and directory. These files are ENV.DAT, TITLE.DAT and
ENV.PRO. ENV.DAT and TITLE.DAT are random access files. If you
boot the program without these files, Envelope Maker will make
new ones, but they'll be empty. The record length in ENV.DAT is
160 and in TITLE.DAT is 51.
The ENV.PRO file is a sequential access file and can be a
source of some strange problems if the file becomes contaminated.
If this happens, it is possible that the program won't run. Other
problems with this file can cause an incorrect number of records
to be accessed. You'll see too many, or not enough records when
selecting address or title line records.
If any of these problems occur, the easiest way to fix this
is to first delete the ENV.PRO file. Then reboot Envelope Maker.
Envelope Maker has an error trap that makes a new ENV.PRO file if
this file is not found on the disk. While the program is booting,
you'll first hear the error sound, then the main screen will
appear. You should then go to Setup and make your initial setup
Other problems can be compatibility in nature. Your printer
doesn't work or won't print the way you think it should. Envelope
Maker is configured to output to a printer connected to LPT1. You
will have to use the DOS MODE command if your printer is connect-
ed to a port other than LPT1. If your printer won't work with any
of the printer selections and you can send me enough information,
I will gladly add your printer to the selection menu.
Good luck and Happy Envelopes.
William R. Bauder
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