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TBFMT (1.9b) - by Unique Software Registration($25.00)
I suspect that this program has something to do with formatting Turbo
Basic source files, though I am unable to find any statement of its
purpose in the documentation. The following is most of the manual
without the licensing info and edit history.
TBFMT (1.9b) - Copyright (c) 1987-89 by Unique Software
F1 - TBFMT [Install] Menu
F2 - Problems / Why doesn't...?
F3 - TBFMT version history
F4 - TBFMT version history (con't) / NOTE
F10 - Return to THIS menu
New to this version marked with a "!"
Changed are noted with a "^"
Bug correction noted with a "@" (you may not notice any change)
Licensed version features marked with "&"
usage: TBFMT
& usage: TBFMT [*][drive:][\path\]filename.ext
& If you don't specify an .EXTension the extension of .BAS will be assummed
& Install Option
NOTE: Licensed users programs have the install menu as an option. Non-
licensed users are presented with this menu everytime TBFMT is run.
& usage: TBFMT /I
TBFMT 1.9b Install - (c) Copyright 1987-89 by Unique Software
[1] Extension for backup file : .BAK
[2] Backup (original) File is to be [K]ept/[D]eleted after formatting : D
[3] Indent width : [V]ariable / [F]ixed : V
[4] 'REMarks : [F]lush left / [I]ndented : F
[5] Starting indention column number : 2
[6] Labels : [F]lush left / [I]ndented : F
[7] SHARED, STATIC, LOCAL : [F]lush left / [I]ndented : F
[8] *Labels : [U]PPER / [l]ower / [C]apital / [N]oChange : C
[9] *Reserved Words : [U]PPER / [l]ower / [C]apital / [N]oChange : U
[A] *Variables : [U]PPER / [l]ower / [C]apital / [N]oChange : L
[B] *SUB/FN Names : [U]PPER / [l]ower / [C]apital / [N]oChange : C
[Q]uit Install
[R]un with current defaults (defaults not saved)
& [S]ave Defaults
[?] Option * - the Fast Option [*] overrides these
NOTE: Non-Licensed Users MUST use the [R] option to run TBFMT.
Licensed users can [S]ave the defaults and run TBFMT from the command
Why doesn't TBFMT ...
We have attempted to account for numerous ways of programming in Turbo
Basic. When you find something that TBFMT doesn't do quite the way you
would like it, let us know. Many of TBFMT's features were suggested by
users. However, TBFMT cannot be all things to all people. If we
incorporated every request into TBFMT, the size of TBFMT would of course
grow rapidly but unfortunately the speed at which TBFMT operates would
also be degraded rapidly. We don't think that you, the users, would
mind a larger program, but a slower program is never welcome.
Yes these are valid Turbo Basic combinations. Therefore instead of
introducing numerous lines of code into TBFMT which would also degrade
performance, we have altered the variable indent width of both DO and
WHILE to four spaces. Therefore, if you use the variable indent width,
your WHILE loops may not look aligned properly but they will be what
TBFMT contains.