DeathMatch 2 for Doom 2
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DOOM cheat keys/command line params #2 Typed by Patch - hamell@cs.pdx.edu
12-15-93 12:30pm PST
If you have anything to add or would like to make a correction, please email me
so I can make the appropriate fix and release the next DOOMCHTx.ZIP.
The save games are stored in C:\DOOMDATA. Don't know why they did this.
Several save game editors exist. The best one is DMEDIT3.ZIP.
Command line params. -devparm must be used for most of these to be active
-devparm : developer's mode (F1 for screen shot)
-watch : demo mode
-playdemo filename[.lmp] : play .lmp file
-timedemo filename[.lmp] : play .lmp file, show gametics and realtics at end
-nodraw, -noblit : use with -playdemo or -timedemo
-nodraw : don't draw anything, goes through LMP file fast
-noblit : don't draw anything, run entire LMP file
-port X : use alternate port X for network
-net X : play X node game
-drone : ?
-left : ?
-right : ?
-deathmatch : ?
-wart [1-3] [1-9] : warp to Episode X level Y
-skill [1-4] : skill level (1 = easy, 4 = ultra-violent)
-episode : ?
-warp : ?
-config filename.ext : use alternate config from filename.ext
-record filename[.lmp] : record to filename
-recordfrom filename[.dsg] : load filename[.dsg], record to filename[.lmp]
-loadgame X : load DOOMSAVx.DSG
-debugfile : ?
-file : ?
-nojoy : no joystick
-nomouse : no mouse
-nosound : no sound
-nosfx : no sound effects
-nomusic : no music
Ex: "doom -devparm -wart 1 1 -skill 4" will start you on the first map of
episode 1 with the hardest skill level.
Ex: "doom -devparm -wart 1 2 -skill 1 -record test" will put you on episode 1,
map 2, skill level 1, and start recording what you do to a file named
"test.lmp". To finish, you MUST either die or finish the level, then it
will dump you to DOS. If you exit any other way, it won't save the file.
Ex: "doom -playdemo test" will playback the file test.lmp you recorded.
Internal cheat keys (type these while playing - thanks to ep104@cus.cam.ac.uk)
iddqd : God mode (DQD?)
idkfa : Full ammo + 200% armor, no backpack (kick fuckin' ass?)
idspispopd : No clipping (SPISPOPD?)
idbehold : Followed by S, V, I, R, A, L for various things
S = screen turns red (?)
V = invincible
I = invisible
R = screen turns green (?)
A = reveal entire map
L = light amplification
idclev : Followed by episode number and level number (a warp!)
idmypos : Prints your coordinates in hex
idchoppers : Prints "Doesn't suck - GM" (What ??????????)