The Education Master 1994 (4th Edition)
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CRYSTAL is a 3 dimensional molecular modeling program that generates
computer models of ionic crystal structures. This program is a
companion program with CHEMICAL and CHEMVIEW.
To display the example data files first use the Read command to
read a text description from the disk. Then use the View command
to display this crystal. While viewing the crystal us the cursor
keys to change the direction of rotation. The X,Y, and Z keys
change the view be along the corresponding axis. The space bar
returns to the menu screen.
New crystal structures are easiest to make by modifying an existing
file. The F1 key gives help for using the editor, and the shift F1
key shows this help file. The commands and atoms/ions allowed are
listed below (all commands must end in a period).
Color __ atoms Red|Pink|Light_Pink|Orange|Gold|Yelow|Mint_Green
Duplicate cells.
Make atoms __ scale.
Make cube dimensions __ A|pm.
Make lattice dimensions __ __ __ A|pm.
Make lattice angles __ __ __ degrees.
Place __ atom|atoms at center|corner|edge|face of cube|lattice.
Place __ atoms at (__,__,__), (__,__,__), ... .
Place __ atoms on body centered cube.
Place __ atoms on cubic closest packing.
Place __ atoms on face centered cube."),
Place __ atoms on a hexagonal lattice.").
Ac 2.0 Ac3+ 1.11 Ag 1.44 Ag+ 0.97 Al 1.43
Al3+ 0.57 Am3+ 1.00 Am4+ 0.85 As 1.21 As3+ 0.69
As3- 1.99 As5+ 0.47 At 1.40 Au 1.44 Au+ 1.37
B 0.88 B3+ 0.2 Ba 2.17 Ba2+ 1.38 Be 1.11
Be2+ 0.31 Bi 1.46 Bi3+ 1.20 Bi3- 2.217 Bi5+ 0.74
Br 1.14 Br- 1.97 Br7+ 0.39
C 0.77 C4+ 0.15 C4- 2.60 Ca 1.97 Ca2+ 1.06
Cd 1.49 Cd2+ 0.99 Cl 0.99 Cl- 1.81 Cl7+ 0.26
Co 1.26 Co2+ 0.78 Co3+ 0.65 Cr 1.25 Cr2+ 0.80
Cr3+ 0.70 Cr6+ 0.52 Cs 2.62 Cs+ 1.70 Cu 1.28
Cu+ 0.96 Cu2+ 0.72
F 0.64 F- 1.36 F7 0.07 Fe 1.26 Fe2+ 0.80
Fe3+ 0.67
Ga 1.22 Ga3+ 0.65 Ge 1.22 Ge2+ 0.65 Ge4+ 0.55
H- 2.08 Hg 1.55 Hg2+ 1.12
I 1.33 I- 2.16 I7+ 0.50 In 1.62 In3+ 0.95
Ir 1.35 Ir4+ 0.66
K 2.31 K+ 1.33 Kr 1.69
La 1.88 La3+ 1.07 Li 1.52
Mg 1.60 Mg2+ 0.75 Mn 1.29 Mn2+ 0.83 Mn3+ 0.52
Mn7+ 0.46 Mo 1.36 Mo4+ 0.68 Mo6+ 0.65
N 0.70 N3- 1.56 N5+ 0.11 Na 1.86 Na 1.86
Na+ 1.00 Ne 1.12 Ni 1.24 Ni2+ 0.74 Np3+ 1.02
Np4+ 0.88
O 0.66 O2- 1.4 O6+ 0.09 Os 1.34 Os4+ 0.65
P 1.1 P3- 1.92 P5+ 0.34 Pb 1.75 Pd 1.38
Pd2+ 0.50 Po 1.4 Po4+ 0.9 Pt 1.38 Pt2+ 0.52
Pt4+ 0.55 Pu3+ 1.01 Pu4+ 0.86 Ra 2.2 Ra2+ 1.42
Rb 2.44 Re 1.37 Re6+ 0.52 Rh 1.34 Rh3+ 0.75
Rh4+ 0.65 Ru 1.33 Ru4+ 0.60
S 1.04 S2- 1.855 S6+ 0.29 Sb 1.41 Sb3+ 0.90
Sb3- 2.17 Sb5+ 0.62 Sc 1.6 Sc3+ 0.83 Se 1.17
Se- 1.96 Se4+ 0.40 Se6+ 0.42 Si 1.17 Si4+ 0.40
Sn 1.4 Sn2+ 1.02 Sn4+ 0.65 Sr 2.15 Sr2+ 1.18
Tc 1.3 Tc4+ 0.50 Te 1.37 Te2- 2.21 Te4+ 0.84
Te6+ 0.56 Th4+ 0.95 Ti 1.46 Ti2+ 0.76 Ti4+ 0.60
Tl 1.71
U3+ 1.04 U4+ 0.89
V 1.31 V2+ 0.82 V3+ 0.75 V5+ 0.59
W 1.37 W4+ 0.68 W6+ 0.65
Xe 1.9
Y 1.80 Y3+ 0.91
Zn 1.33 Zn2+ 0.75 Zr 1.57 Zr4+ 0.80
CRYSTAL is written in Turbo PROLOG version 2.0 and Turbo C. The
Turbo PROLOG toolbox is also used. CRYSTAL is in placed in the
Public Domain and may be freely copied and distributed.
However, the source code is not in the public domain and
should not be distributed.
The following programs are also available:
CHEMICAL is a molecular modeling Program to aid in the formation
of three dimensional pictures of chemicals. Atoms are selected
from a Periodic Table (using the A command) and electron
orbital information retrieved. The Atoms are then bonded
(using the B command). The chemical is displayed as it is
being constructed. The chemical can be viewed from different
directions by using the up and down cursor keys and the V
command. If desired the Hybrid and Ionize commands can be used
to alter the orbitals before bonding. Atoms can be bonded
into groups, then the groups bonded to other groups to make
large chemicals. The current version for CHEMICAL (4.1)
includes support for MicroSoft Mouse Drivers.
CHEMVIEW is a companion program that shows 3-dimensional
animation of the models generated with CHEMICAL. CHEMVIEW
requires an EGA board and monitor. CHEMVIEW is written in
Turbo PROLOG with the graphics routines written in Turbo C.
To use CHEMVIEW simply start the program and select the
file desired.
BIOCHEM is a companion program that combines files made with
CHEMICAL into larger molecules. Chemical groups can be
bonded together using Covalent, Ionic, Hydrogen, or Peptide
bonds. This program provides much more capability than Group
command that was included in older versions of CHEMICAL.
BIOCHEM works with a CGA, EGA, or VGA monitor.
CHEMICAL for Windows is an enhanced version of CHEMICAL that
has been rewritten in borlandc C++ and ported to run under
Windows 3.1. This program includes the ability to make crystal
(ionic) atomic structures and to combine amino acids. This
program replaces and updates Chemical, Biochem, and Crystal for
dos. If you can run Windows I would recommend updating to this
PLANETS computes information relating to the position,
distance, magnitude, orbit view, skyview, etc. for the major
planets, four minor planets, and halley's comet on a specified
date and time. Also, orbital data for any desired planet or
comet can be entered and saved in a disk file. Skyview and
orbital views can shown in forward or backward motion. The moons
for each planet can be displayed. This program requires a
graphics display and 256K bytes of memory. The latest
version is 4.1.
Larry Puhl
6 Plum Court
Sleepy Hollow, Ill. 60118
CHEMCIAL for WINDOWS with source $30 ____
PLANETS with source $10 ____
Shipping outside of USA $5 ____
(Updates for registered users are half price)
TOTAL ____
__ 3 1/2 disks _ 5 1/4 disks
send to: ______________________________________________
Larry Puhl
6 Plum Court
Sleepy Hollow, Ill. 60118