The Education Master 1994 (4th Edition)
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In this Chapter we will look at ways you can get your ~G~IReaders~N actively
involved in your ~M~Itutorial~N.
There are a number of ~HCommands~N in ~H~bTutorialWriter~N which require input from
the ~G~IReader~N. They are :
~H #Y ~N - asks for information~H
#QQ,R ~N - asks a Question and checks the answer.~H
#QQ,B ~N - same as #QQ,R in a different format.~H
#QQ,F ~N - asks for a specific answer.~H
#QQ,C ~N - asks for an answer and Branches.
The format of the ~C~I#Y ~HCommand~N is ~C~I#Yn~N where ~C~In~N is a value between ~H0~N and ~H9~N.
You phrase the question you want answered using the normal ~HCommands~N, then
when you use the ~C~I#Yn~H Command~N, the program will accept a line of input up to
30 characters long, at the ~HCURRENT CURSOR LOCATION~N.
To 'play back' the input, you use an ~HInline Command~N,~C~I ~~Un~N, where ~C~In~N matches
~C~I#Y ~Nnumber. Here's an example :
~H~~HWhat is your first name ?~~N
{ #Y1
~H ~~HHello, ~~U1, nice to meet you.~~N
~NLet's try it out.
~H What is your first name ?~N
~H Hello, ~U1, nice to meet you.
You can have up to ten inputs from your ~G~IReader~N, ~C~I0~N through ~C~I9~N, but it
is up to you to keep track of which is which.
Some points to note are that ~C~I~~Un~N can be used inside ~HBoxes~N, but ~H#Y~N cannot.
And when using ~C~I~~Un~N inside a ~HBox~N, or even on the screen, be sure to leave
enough space for the input. The maximum size of the input is 30 characters.
And inputs are global to the ~M~Itutorial~N, i.e. an input obtained in one Chapter
can be displayed in another. To be sure that the input has been given, it is
better to ask for it in a ~HMenu Chapter~N.
And finally, all inputs are lost when the ~M~Itutorial~N is over.
Now for the ~HQuick Questions~C~I #QQ~N, which pose a question, wait for an answer,
evaluate the answer and comment whether it is right or wrong. Then the right
answer is presented. The format of this ~HCommand~N is :
~Hn lines of question ~N
~HCorrect Answer
~HTest strings~N
~C~IType~N can have the value ~C~IR~N for a ~HQuestion Robot~N or ~C~IB~N for a ~HBox~N.
The ~HQuestion Robot~N needs a screen to itself but the ~HBox~N can overlay other
text on the screen, without destroying it. Another difference is that the
~HQuestion Robot~N is limited to questions with a maximum of three lines and a
maximum line length of 40 characters. ~HBox~N can handle up to 16 lines with a
maximum width of 70 characters. The ~HBox~N borders are drawn automatically to
accommodate the longest line in the question.
Both types test answers in the same way. The student's response is examined
to see if it contains a ~Htest string~N. Upper or lower case has no effect but
spaces are significant. Up to five test strings can be given, separated by
commas. For example to test for ~HPresident~N you might use the following:
~Hpresident,pres,side,ident,ide~N. If any are in the answer, it is correct.
~H#EF ~NClear the screen
~H#TQuick Question ~NPut a title on
~H#QQ,R,2 ~NQuestion Robot with two lines to read
~HWho shot an apple off his ~NThe two line Question
~Hson's head with a crossbow ?
~HWilliam Tell ~NThe Correct Answer
~Htel,will,ill ~NThe test strings to be compared with
the User's answer to determine if it is
~H#QQ,B,1 ~NQuestion Box with 1 line to read
~HWho shot an apple off his son's head with a crossbow ? ~NThe Question
~HWilliam Tell ~NThe Correct Answer
~Htel,will,ill ~NThe test strings to be compared with
the User's answer to determine if it is
Answer one wrongly and the other correctly to see both results.
Who shot an apple off his
son's head with a crossbow ?
William Tell
Who shot an apple off his son's head with a crossbow ?
William Tell
Next comes the ~C~I#QQ,F,x1,y1,Tries,word~N question. In this case, you position
the cursor to where you want the input to be accepted. That is the ~C~Ix1,y1~N in
the ~HCommand~N. Then you specify how many ~C~ITries~N the ~G~IReader~N can have to enter the
right letter. And then you add the '~C~Iword~N' or phrase that you want entered.
When ~G~ITWTEACH~N reads this ~HCommand~N, it puts a '~C~I_~N' for every letter or space in
'~C~Iword~N' at the ~C~Ix1,y1~N location, then waits for keyboard input. If the input
matches (~HUpper and Lower case are considered the same~N), the character is
filled in. If it is wrong, then after ~C~ITries~N attempts, it is filled in.
Let's try it out. I want you to enter the name of the ~HCompany~N which produces
~H~bTutorialWriter~N, which is ~C~II.E.S.~N Here's the ~HCommand~N :
This says it is a ~C~IFill-in Question~N, with the ~HCursor~N at ~C~IColumn 27~N on ~C~IRow 16~N,
and you have ~C~I3~N Tries per letter in the word ~C~II.E.S.~N
Hit ~HCONTINUE~N to see how it works.
The last ~HInput Command~N for this Chapter is the most powerful. It is a
~HBranching~N question and consists of a ~HControl Command~N plus ~HMarkers~N.
The Command is written like this:
~HTest strings come next
~N This is displayed if the Test strings are found in the input.
Then it jumps to &3 and continues the tutorial
This is displayed if the Test strings are NOT found in the input.
Then it jumps to &3 and continues the tutorial
~Hthe ~M~Itutorial~H continues here.~N
Any of the ~H~bTutorialWriter~H Commands~N (except the ~C~I#M~H Menu Command~N, of course)
can be used between the ~C~I&1~N and the ~C~I&2~N or the ~C~I&2~N and the ~C~I&3~N. So you can give
a quick comment or a ~M~Imini-tutorial~N, depending on your needs.
Here's an example. It uses a couple of ~HCommands~N we haven't covered yet,
the ~C~I#P~N for ~HPlay~N and ~C~I#GT~N for ~HTextscreen~N. But we will cover them in Chapter 8.
~HWhat State are you from?
Sorry to hear that. But we can't all be from Texas, I suppose.
Now, depending on which one of these options you want to test, answer ~HTexas~N
or something else when the question is asked. Then ~Z~w PAGEBACK ~N and try the other
~HWhat State are you from?~N
Sorry to hear that. But we can't all be from Texas, I suppose.
There are other ways of getting ~HInput~N from your ~G~IReaders~N, in the form of
~C~IQuizzes~N and ~C~ITests~N, and we will cover these in Chapter 7.