The Education Master 1994 (4th Edition)
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In this ~HChapter~N we'll look at some of the more complex ~H~bTutorialWriter~N
Commands. These are the ones that let you do some really fancy stuff
in your ~M~Itutorial~N.
Here's what we'll cover :
~H#BO,x1,y1,x2,y1,Boxtype,Grow,Center,Lines,Fore,Back~N An Overlay Box
~H#BN,x1,y1,x2,y1,Boxtype,Grow,Center,Lines,Fore,Back~N A Normal Box
~H#SK~N Screen Saving
~H#SS,Direction,x1,y1,x2,y2,n~N Screen Scrolling
~H%~N Paging Back
And we'll start with the most complex of all, the ~HBox Commands~N.
The box ~HCommands~N are the most complex of all ~H~bTutorialWriter~H Commands~N. There
are two types of boxes - an ~HOverlay~N box which disappears after 60 seconds
or when a key is pressed, leaving the underlying text intact and a ~HNormal~N
box which stays on screen until the screen is cleared. Here is the full ~HCommand~N
for an ~HOverlay~N box :. ~H#BO,25,16,70,22,7,1,1,5,14,4~N
We start with the Command for
an Overlay Box.
Now we need to position the box
on the screen. The first number
gives the first Column and the
second number, the top Row.
It starts at Column 25 in Row 16.
The next two numbers give the
last Column and bottom Row.
The next number is the box type.
The Quick Reference print-out
or the Help system shows the codes
available. 7 is a double border
box with a dropped shadow.
The box will appear fully drawn
if the next number is 0, or will
''explode'' if it is 1.
The next number says Center
the Text if it is 1, or don't
if it is 0.
Now a number to tell how many lines
of text to read into the box.
And finally two numbers to define the
Text and the Background colors - Text
color first.
Now put the five lines of text
immediately after the command.
Overlay box, col 25 row 16 to
col 70 row 22, doubleborder/dropshadow,
exploding, - center 5 lines of
text written in yellow on red.
Does not erase underlying text.
Overlay box, col 25 row 16 to
col 70 row 22, doubleborder/dropshadow,
exploding, - center 5 lines of
text written in yellow on red.
Does not erase underlying text.
The good news is that the ~HCommand~N for a ~HNormal~N box is almost identical
to that for an ~HOverlay~N box. Change ~C~I#BO~N to ~C~I#BN~N and it is a ~HNormal~N box.
The only other change to be made is the number for the ~C~IBoxtype~N. ~HNormal~N
boxes do not have dropped shadows, so there is a different set of ~C~IBoxtype~N
codes. They are explained in the ~HQuick Reference~N print-out and the ~c~ZHelp~N
system within the ~H~bTutorialWriter~H Editor~N.
Normal box, col 25 row 16 to
col 70 67 row 22, doubleborder
and not exploding, - no centering.
5 lines of text black on cyan.
Does not disappear after a delay.
Normal box, col 25 row 16 to
col 70 67 row 22, doubleborder
and not exploding, - no centering.
5 lines of text black on cyan.
Does not disappear after a delay.
Now we'll take a look at the ~HScreen Saving Commands~N.
The ~HCommand~N which saves a complete screen is ~C~I#SK,S,n~N ( ~C~In~N is the number used
to identify that screen ). Theoretically, up to 10 separate screens can
be saved, but since each one requires ~H5000 bytes of memory~N , the number
that you will be able to save will depend on the amount of memory available
in the computer on which your ~M~ITutorials~N will be run.
When a screen has been saved, it remains in computer memory until it is
disposed of by using the ~HCommand~C~I #SK,D,n~N.
The ~HCommand~N to restore a saved screen is ~C~I#SK,R,Direction,n~N. The values
for ~C~IDirection~N are ~C~IU~N for Up, ~C~ID~N for Down, ~C~IL~N for Left and ~C~IR~N for Right.
When these values are used, the ~HScreen ~C~In~H will be restored by sliding towards
the ~C~IDirection~H specified~N. To restore a screen without sliding, the value ~C~IN~N
( for i~C~IN~Nstantly ) is used for ~C~IDirection~N.
I'll create a screen with ~C~I#HF~N and save it ~C~I#SK,S,1~N. Then I'll restore it with
each of the ~C~IDirection~N values :
~H#SS,Direction,x1,y1,x2,y2,n~N Screen Scrolling
The ~HCommand~N to scroll the screen is ~C~I#SS,Direction,x1,y1,x2,y2,n~N. ~C~IDirection~N
has four possible values - ~C~IU~N, ~C~ID~N, ~C~IL~N, ~C~IR~N. The section of the screen to be
scrolled is defined by ~C~Ix1,y1,x2,y2~N. And ~C~In~N tells how many rows ( if ~C~IU~N or ~C~ID~N )
or columns ( if ~C~IL~N or ~C~IR~N ) the section is to be scrolled.
Using this screen as an example, we'll scroll the second line (line ~H7~N) to the
~C~IR~Night, from the word 'scroll' (Col ~H17~N) to the end of the word 'screen' (Col ~H34~N)
by ~H7~N columns :
~KNow do it to the left for lines 7 to 9!!
~KScroll lines 7 to 11 down two rows.
~KScroll lines 7 to 11 up two rows.
Now let's look at ~HPaging Back~N in a ~M~Itutorial~N.
To use ~w~Z PAGEBACK ~N you must mark the 'pages' in your ~HCHAPTER~N by placing a ~C~I%~N
in the first position in a Row. It should be used between ~C~I#W~N which halts
the display, and ~C~I#EF~N which clears the screen. Then it will be invisible to
the reader.
The arithmetic of ~HPaging Back~N is simple. ~G~ITWTEACH~N counts the number of ~C~I%~N signs
it has read. When you ~Z~w PAGEBACK ~N, it deducts one from this number, and goes to
that ~HMarker~N. This means there must always be at least two ~C~I%~N signs used. So to
activate the ~HPage Marker~N on an ~G~Iearlier screen~N, the screen you are viewing must
also have a ~HMarker~N. This is important on the ~HLAST~N screen of your ~M~Itutorial~N.
Even though it will not be paged back to, the ~C~I%~N is needed to activate any
previous ~HMarker~N.
It is best to mark 'pages' which are completely self-contained. If you have a
sequence of pages where a point is being built screen by screen, mark the
'page' at the start of the sequence with ~C~I%~N, but not the following screens.
Then when ~w~Z PAGEBACK ~N is used, it will jump back to the start of the build-up.
You do not have to mark every 'page'. You decide which 'page' the student will
jump to when the ~w~Z PAGEBACK ~N is selected.
And to activate the ~w~Z PAGEBACK ~N button, add ~C~IP~N to the ~C~I#W~H Command~N. But watch those
~HCommas~N!! ~G~I#WN,H,P~N or ~G~I#WP~N or ~G~I#WH,P~N etc.