The Education Master 1994 (4th Edition)
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In this Chapter we will look at ~HQuizzes~N and ~HTests~N. A ~HQuiz~N consists of up to
ten ~HQuestions~N which are matched with their ~HAnswers~N. A ~HTest~N consists of up to
ten ~HMultiple-choice Questions~H, each with up to six ~HAnswers~N to choose from.
Each ~HTest Question~N can also contain a ~HHint~N. Answers are presented in random
order so are different ever time the ~HQuiz~N or ~HTest~N is taken.
Both ~HQuizzes~N and ~HTests~N can have a ~HDifficulty Level~N of ~H1~N, ~H2~N or ~H3~N.
At ~HLevel 1~N the student keeps trying until all questions are answered correctly.
At ~HLevel 2~N two attempts are allowed, and at ~HLevel 3~N only one. ~HLevels 2~N and
~H3~N display the results in Graph form together with ~HComments~N you provide.
And you can use ~G~IVoice~N or ~G~IMusic~N for these '~HComments~N'.
~HQuizzes~N and ~HTests~N are created using the ~HIntegrated Development Environment
~C~IUtilities~N. So choose ~G~IUtility Programs~N at the ~C~IMain Menu~N then ~G~ITests~N or
~G~IQuizzes~N at the ~C~IAuthor Utilities Menu~N.
#GT,quiz input
This is how a Quiz is created. Remember
to use the F1 key to get HELP for the
field your cursor is in. Here's the
HELP for 'Difficulty Level'.
#GT,quiz help
#GT,first test
When creating a Test, you define the
Title, filename and Difficulty Level
for the complete test. You can also
have an introduction.
#GT,test intro
This is where you write your Introduction.
#GT,test input
This is the entry screen for a Question.
#GT,test hint
If you choose to give a Hint, enter it here.
These are the Comments your students
will see, written above and below the
Graph of their results.
In the next Chapter we will learn
about Voice and Music files. You
can use them in place of Comments
by substituting the Commands
#Vvoicefile or #Pmusicfile
in place of any Comment.
Notice how the Command is used in
the 100% Comment, then answer the
Test correctly to hear it.
Well, you've seen how ~HQuizzes~N and ~HTests~N are created. Now all you need to
know is the ~HCommand~N to put them on screen.
~C~I#QT,Q,filename~N sets up the ~HQuiz~N format and ~C~I#QT,T,filename~N is used to set
up a ~HTest~N. No extension is needed on the filename, since ~H.QIZ~N or ~H.TST~N is
automatically added when the ~HQuiz~N or ~HTest~N is created. If you accidently use
the ~HQuiz Command~N for a ~HTest~N or vice versa, you will get an error message that
the file cannot be found.
Let's have a look at them.
Now for the Branching Question, which is the most powerful. It is a ~HMultiple
Choice~N format with up to six answers to choose from. The following ~HCommands~N
are used :
~H@Qt~N Marks the start of the ~HMultiple Choice~N question and
identifies it by number ~Ht~N between 0 and 9.
~H#QM,A,t,n~N Set up a MOUSED format for ~Hn~N answers. Maximum value for
~Hn~N is ~H6~N. The ~Hn~N answers must appear immediately below this
~H@n~N Marks the start of the section dealing with ~HAnswer n~N.
~H#QM,L,t~N Loops back to ~H@Qt~N and restates the question and choices.
~H#QM,C,t~N Jumps forward to ~H@Ct~N to rejoin the ~M~ITutorial~N.
~H@Ct~N Marks where to rejoin the ~M~ITutorial~N.
Let's look at an example. We'll set up a ~HMultiple Choice~N question to choose
the name of the sixth President of the United States, and give three names to
choose from. If the wrong answer is chosen, we'll make a brief comment and
return to the question to choose again. If the answer is correct, we'll
give a little reward with 'encouraging music' and rejoin the ~G~ITutorial~N.
Here are the three names : ~H James Monroe;
John Quincy Adams;
Andrew Jackson.~N
The question is '~H Who was the sixth President of the United States ?~N'
~W@Q1~N Mark the question as Question 1.
~W#EF~N Set up the question presentation.
~W#TPresident Quiz
~WWho was the sixth President of the United States ?
~W#QM,A,1,3~N Set up for three MOUSED answers.
~WJames Monroe~N Provide three answers. These will be automatically set
~WJohn Quincy Adams~N up in a MOUSED format. If there are less than four answers
~WAndrew Jackson~N they will have spaces between them.
~W@1~N Mark first answer.
~W#EF~N Set up answer presentation.
~WNo. James Monroe was the 5th President.
~W#QM,L,1~N Loop back to question 1.
~W@2~N Mark second answer.~k
~W#EF~N Set up answer 2 presentation.
~WYes, you're right. John Quincy Adams was the sixth President.
~W#NE~N Encouraging music.
~W#QM,C,1~N Jump to marker @C1 to rejoin Tutorial.
~W@3~N Mark third answer.
~W#EF~N Set up answer presentation.
~WNo. Andrew Jackson was the 7th President.
~W#QM,L,1~N Loop back to question 1.
~W@C1~N Mark where to rejoin the Tutorial.~k
#TPresident Quiz
Who was the sixth President of the United States ?
James Monroe
John Quincy Adams
Andrew Jackson
No. James Monroe was the 5th President.
Yes, you're right. John Quincy Adams was the sixth President.
No. Andrew Jackson was the 7th President.
Since each ~HMultiple Choice Question~N is identified with the ~C~I@Qn~H Command~N
your ~M~ITutorial~N can have ten of them in each ~HCHAPTER~N i.e. ~C~I@Q0~N .. ~C~I@Q9~N.
A point to note when using the ~HMultiple Choice~N question is that, if you
are using the ~HStandard Edition~N of ~H~bTutorialWriter~N, when the program returns to
repeat the question, ~Hthe file is closed and read in from the top~N. If the file
is long, there can be delays. With the compiled version, ~H~bTutorialWriter Pro~N,
there is no delay.