The Education Master 1994 (4th Edition)
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P R O G R A M M E R ' S P R O D U C T I V I T Y P A C K
Version 2.50
" R E A D . M E " F I L E
Copyright (c) 1989,1990 by Falk Data Systems.
All rights reserved.
Thank you for trying The Programmer's Productivity Pack!
The evaluation version of the Programmer's Productivity Pack is
usually distributed on two diskettes and/or in two compressed
files. The programs are contained in a file called PPP25P with
an .EXE or .ZIP extension. The User's Guide is contained in a
file called PPP25D with an .EXE or .ZIP extension. Be sure you
have both files before attempting to use the Programmer's
Productivity Pack. The User's Guide is very important!
Complete instructions for using the Programmer's Productivity
Pack, version 2.50, are contained in the PROPAK.DOC text file
(the User's Guide). For your convenience page breaks and margins
are already set. We recommend printing a copy of that document
for reference while you are using the programs. Please be aware
that the User's Guide is very long (about 170 pages).
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The Programmer's Productivity Pack (2.50)
Here are a few examples of how you can print any of the
documentation files. For the purpose of the example we will
print this text file (READ.ME).
Using the DOS "PRINT" program to print in the background:
Using the DOS "COPY" command:
Using the DOS "TYPE" command:
Please take a few minutes to read the Quick Start Tutorials in
the User's Guide (PROPAK.DOC). They will provide you with the
information you need to get up and running with the Programmer's
Productivity Pack, in a minimal amount of time.
Please read the TIPS listed in the User's Guide (PROPAK.DOC).
They will provide you with useful information on getting the most
out of your time with the Programmer's Productivity Pack.
If any questions arise please consult the text file called
ANSWERS.TXT. It answers the most common questions people ask
when getting started with The Programmer's Productivity Pack.
Installation Instructions:
Installation is easy. Simply copy the files with an .EXE
extension into a subdirectory of your choice. For floppy disk
systems copy PCustom.EXE and ProPak.EXE to one diskette, and
PCustom.EXE and ProSwap.EXE to another diskette. This will
enable you to use and customize whichever program you prefer.
If you do not have a hard disk, or if you are using a version of
DOS earlier than 3.0, please refer to the description of ProSwap
in the User's Guide (PROPAK.DOC).
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The Programmer's Productivity Pack (2.50)
Configuration Files:
The first time you run the programs in the Programmer's
Productivity Pack they will generate two configuration files -
PROPAK.CFG and PROSWAP.CFG. These configuration files contain
customizing information such as screen color attributes, sound
effects, etc. These are the files that will be modified by
PCustom when you customize the package for your own preferences.
The configuration files (PROPAK.CFG and PROSWAP.CFG) are marked
read-only, therefore you will not be able to delete them using
the DOS "DEL" or "ERASE" commands. To make it easy for you to
delete the configuration files if you ever need to, we have
supplied the KILLCFGS.EXE program. KillCfgs will delete
KillCfgs only looks in the current directory for the
configuration files. Simply make the directory containing the
configuration files the current directory and type "KILLCFGS"
<Enter>. KillCfgs requires no command line parameters.
Thanks for your support. Happy ProPak'n!
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