The Education Master 1994 (4th Edition)
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ProPak 2.50 Registration and Order Form A 50,000
Your Name: _____________________________________________________
Company: _______________________________________________________
Address: _______________________________________________________
City: _____________________________ State/Province: ____________
Country: ____________________________ Zip/Postcode: ____________
Daytime Phone Number: (_______) _______-__________
Computer Make: _________________________ Model: ________________
Video: __MDA __CGA __EGA __MCGA __VGA __Hercules Other:_________
Monitor: __Monochrome __Color __Black-and-White Other___________
DOS Version: ________ Do you have a hard disk? __Yes __No
Do you use a multi-tasking system? __Yes __No
If yes, which one? __DESQview __OmniView __OS/2 Other______
Floppy diskette sizes you use:
5 1/4" __360Kb __1.2Mb 3 1/2" __720Kb __1.44Mb
Other (please specify): ____________________________________
Printer Make: _____________________ Model: _____________________
How much RAM memory do you have? _______________Kbytes
Do you use expanded or extended memory? __Yes __No
Thank you for taking the time to fill out and send in this
information. It will help us to provide you with even better
software and service in the future. And thanks for supporting
the shareware concept.
ProPak 2.50 Registration and Order Form Page 1 of 2
ProPak 2.50 Registration and Order Form A 50,000
IMPORTANT NOTE: You may be able to purchase the Programmer's
Productivity Pack at a slight discount by ordering it from The
Programmer's Shop! Here are the phone numbers for The
Programmer's Shop:
The Programmer's Shop:
US ....... (800) 421-8006 Canada ... (800) 446-3846
FAX ...... (617) 749-2018 TELEX .... 671-5348
Local .... (617) 740-2510
ProPak Registration ............. ___ at $79.00 each: $_________
Easy Format Registration ........ ___ at $40.00 each: $_________
* For orders outside of the U.S., Canada, and Mexico, please
add $10.00 shipping and handling.
Total: $_________
Please indicate the disk size you prefer: .... __5 1/4" __3 1/2"
Are you currently a CompuServe subscriber? .......... __Yes __No
if yes, what is your User ID number? ________,______
Payment by: ___Check ___Visa ___MasterCard
Card Number: _________________________________ Expires: ________
Signature: ________________________ Name on Card: ______________
If you need to register more than five copies of the Programmer's
Productivity Pack, please refer to SITELICE.DOC for site
licensing information. Thank you.
Payment must be in U.S. funds, drawn on a U.S. bank. Please send
the completed form, along with a check, money order, or signed
credit card information, to:
Falk Data Systems Technical Support: (915) 584-7670
5322 Rockwood Court Orders Only: (800) 326-5615
El Paso, Texas 79932 U.S.A. CompuServe: 71420,2431
ProPak 2.50 Registration and Order Form Page 2 of 2